sherlock-audit / 2024-04-alchemix-judging

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Issue H-1: The calculated value for slippage protection in the protocol is inaccurate

Source: #5

Found by

Bauer, ge6a, jasonxiale, zigtur


The protocol calculates the slippage protection value based on the price of OP relative to USD and OP relative to ETH, while the intended exchange is for alUSD and alETH. This results in inaccuracies in the calculated slippage protection value.

Vulnerability Detail

In the RewardRouter.distributeRewards() function, the protocol first sends the OP rewards to the OptimismRewardCollector contract,

         TokenUtils.safeTransfer(IRewardCollector(rewards[vault].rewardCollectorAddress).rewardToken(), rewards[vault].rewardCollectorAddress, amountToSend);
            rewards[vault].lastRewardBlock = block.number;
            rewards[vault].rewardPaid += amountToSend;

then calls the RewardCollector.claimAndDonateRewards() function to convert OP into alUSD or alETH.

        return IRewardCollector(rewards[vault].rewardCollectorAddress).claimAndDonateRewards(vault, IRewardCollector(rewards[vault].rewardCollectorAddress).getExpectedExchange(vault) * slippageBPS / BPS);

During the conversion process, there is a parameter for slippage protection, which is calculated using OptimismRewardCollector.getExpectedExchange() * slippageBPS / BPS. Let's take a look at the getExpectedExchange() function. In this function, the protocol retrieves the prices of optoUSD and optoETH from Chainlink.

            uint80 roundID,
            int256 opToUsd,
            uint256 updateTime,
            uint80 answeredInRound
        ) = IChainlinkOracle(opToUsdOracle).latestRoundData();
    // Ensure that round is complete, otherwise price is stale.
            uint80 roundIDEth,
            int256 ethToUsd,
            uint256 updateTimeEth,
            uint80 answeredInRoundEth
        ) = IChainlinkOracle(ethToUsdOracle).latestRoundData();

If debtToken == alUsdOptimism, the expectedExchange for slippage protection is calculated as totalToSwap * uint(opToUsd) / 1e8.

     // Find expected amount out before calling harvest
        if (debtToken == alUsdOptimism) {
            expectedExchange = totalToSwap * uint(opToUsd) / 1e8;

If debtToken == alEthOptimism, the expectedExchange for slippage protection is calculated as totalToSwap * uint(uint(opToUsd)) / uint(ethToUsd).

  else if (debtToken == alEthOptimism) {
            expectedExchange = totalToSwap * uint(uint(opToUsd)) / uint(ethToUsd);

Here, we observe that the expectedExchange is calculated based on the value of OP relative to USD and OP relative to ETH, while the protocol intends to exchange for alUSD and alETH.

 if (debtToken == 0xCB8FA9a76b8e203D8C3797bF438d8FB81Ea3326A) {
            // Velodrome Swap Routes: OP -> USDC -> alUSD
            IVelodromeSwapRouter.route[] memory routes = new IVelodromeSwapRouter.route[](2);
            routes[0] = IVelodromeSwapRouter.route(0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000042, 0x7F5c764cBc14f9669B88837ca1490cCa17c31607, false);
            routes[1] = IVelodromeSwapRouter.route(0x7F5c764cBc14f9669B88837ca1490cCa17c31607, 0xCB8FA9a76b8e203D8C3797bF438d8FB81Ea3326A, true);
            TokenUtils.safeApprove(rewardToken, swapRouter, amountRewardToken);
            IVelodromeSwapRouter(swapRouter).swapExactTokensForTokens(amountRewardToken, minimumAmountOut, routes, address(this), block.timestamp);
        } else if (debtToken == 0x3E29D3A9316dAB217754d13b28646B76607c5f04) {
            // Velodrome Swap Routes: OP -> alETH
            IVelodromeSwapRouter.route[] memory routes = new IVelodromeSwapRouter.route[](1);
            routes[0] = IVelodromeSwapRouter.route(0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000042, 0x3E29D3A9316dAB217754d13b28646B76607c5f04, false);
            TokenUtils.safeApprove(rewardToken, swapRouter, amountRewardToken);
            IVelodromeSwapRouter(swapRouter).swapExactTokensForTokens(amountRewardToken, minimumAmountOut, routes, address(this), block.timestamp);

However, the price of alUSD is not equivalent to USD, and the price of alETH is not equivalent to ETH. This discrepancy leads to inaccuracies in the calculated value for slippage protection, making the protocol vulnerable to sandwich attacks.


The protocol is susceptible to sandwich attacks.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Calculate using the correct prices.



The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:


The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.



Language:Python 100.0%