shengjunlin / polarization

Python functions related to ploarization.

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Plot polarization segments

Description : First modify Jia-Wei Wang's script that reading I, Q, U images to generate a ds9 region file of polarization segments. Then extend it to a few functions reading not just ALMA CASA images and also JCMT SCUBA2-POL2 catalogues.

Date :

2017-04 Jia-Wei's original script.
2021-07 POL2 catalogue extension.

In the python shell, import polarization with the following code:

import sys
sys.path.append('the path of the dir containing the script')
from polarization import *


def write_regfilehd(reg_file, seg_color='black', seg_width=1):

"""Write the standard header of the ds9 region file object.

reg_file : file object
    Ds9 region file object.
seg_color : str
    Segment color. (Default value = 'black')
seg_width : int
    Segment width. (Default value = 1)

reg_file : file object
    Ds9 region file object.


def polseg_to_regfile(reg_file, RA, Dec, RADec_unit='deg', p=None, ten_percent_scale_asec=None, uniform_scale_asec=None, PA_deg=None, uniform_PA_deg=None, PA_offset=0.):

"""Write polarisation segments into the ds9 region file object.
This is modified from Jia-Wei Wang's script.

reg_file : file object
    Ds9 region file object.
RA, Dec : float
    The coordinates in either deg or rad.
RADec_unit : {'deg', 'rad'}
    The units of RA and Dec. (Default value = 'deg')
p : float
    Polarisation fraction, PI/I. (Default value = None)
ten_percent_scale_asec : float
    The segment length in arcsec at p = 10%. (Default value = None)
uniform_scale_asec : float
    Assign uniform-length segments, overwriting the p-scaled segments
    set by "p" and "ten_percent_scale_asec". (Default value = None)
PA_deg : float
    Polarisation angle in degree. (Default value = None)
uniform_PA_deg : float
    Assign an uniform PA for plotting, overwriting "PA_deg".
    (Default value = None)
PA_offset : float
    Additional offset in deg to "PA_deg" or "uniform_PA_deg".
    (Default value = 0.)

reg_file : file object
    Ds9 region file object.


def polseg_from_POL2_cat(reg_filename, POL2_cat_filename='', data=None, mask=None, ten_percent_scale_asec=None, uniform_scale_asec=None, uniform_PA_deg=None, PA_offset=90., seg_color='black', seg_width=1):

"""Convert a POL2 catlogue into a ds9 region file with the given mask.
The endpoints of segments are calculated with the small-angle approximation.
To obtain the B-field segments, the default of "PA_offset" sets to 90 degree.

reg_filename : str
    Output ds9 region filename.
POL2_cat_filename : str
    POL2 catalgue filename. (Default value = '')
data : BinTableHDU object, optional
    Assign a BinTableHDU object instead of "POL2_cat_filename" by
        data =, memmap=True)[1].data
    (Default value = None)
mask : bool 1d-array
    The mask to filter the POL2 catalogue. The lenths of "data" and
    "mask" are equal. There is only one bulit-in filter: I >= 0.
    (Default value = None)
ten_percent_scale_asec : float
    The segment length in arcsec at p = 10%. (Default value = None)
uniform_scale_asec : float
    Assign uniform-length segments, overwriting the p-scaled segments
    set by "ten_percent_scale_asec". (Default value = None)
uniform_PA_deg : float
    Assign an uniform PA for plotting, overwriting PA in the catlogue.
    (Default value = None)
PA_offset : float
    Additional offset in deg to PA in the catlogue or "uniform_PA_deg".
    (Default value = 90.)
seg_color : str
    Segment color. (Default value = 'black')
seg_width : int
    Segment width. (Default value = 1)


def polseg_from_2darray(reg_filename, header, I_data, PI_data, PA_data_deg=None, sampling_interval_px=3, ten_percent_scale_asec=None, uniform_scale_asec=None, uniform_PA_deg=None, PA_offset=0., I_clip=0., PI_clip=0., mask_func=None, seg_color='black', seg_width=1):

"""Convert the given I/PI/PA arrays into a ds9 region file with the given mask_func.
The endpoints of segments are calculated with the small-angle approximation.

reg_filename : str
    Output ds9 region filename.
header : header of an HDU
    A header for reading the wcs. Assume that all of the arrays share the same one.
I_data : 2d-array
    The Stokes I map.
PI_data : 2d-array
    The polarised intensity map. I_data and PI_data should have the same units.
PA_data_deg : 2d-array
    The polarisation angle map in deg. (Default value = None)
sampling_interval_px : int
    The sampling interval in pixel for segments ( = 1/sampling rate ).
    (Default value = 3)
ten_percent_scale_asec : float
    The segment length in arcsec at p = 10%. (Default value = None)
uniform_scale_asec : float
    Assign uniform-length segments, overwriting the p-scaled segments
    set by "ten_percent_scale_asec". (Default value = None)
uniform_PA_deg : float
    Assign an uniform PA for plotting, overwriting PA from "PA_data_deg".
    (Default value = None)
PA_offset : float
    Additional offset in deg to "PA_data_deg" or "uniform_PA_deg".
    (Default value = 0.)
I_clip : float
    Exclude pixels in I_data with abs(I) < I_clip. (Default value = 0)
PI_clip : float
    Exclude pixels in PI_data with PI < PI_clip. (Default value = 0)
mask_func : callable
    A True/False-valued function of multiple scalar variables:
    i, j, RA_deg, Dec_deg, I, PI, PA_deg, where i and j are python-like
    indices of x (RA) and y (Dec) positions.
    So explicitly define it like:
        def mask_func(i, j, RA_deg, Dec_deg, I, PI, PA_deg):
            if ... :
                return True
                return False
seg_color : str
    Color of segments. (Defualt value = 'black')
seg_width : int
    Segment width. (Default value = 1)

reg_file : file object
    Ds9 region file object.
ls_p : list
    The list of the polarisation fractions.


def polseg_from_images(reg_filename, I_map, PI_map, PA_map_deg='', i_hdu=0, i_chan=0, sampling_interval_px=3, ten_percent_scale_asec=None, uniform_scale_asec=None, uniform_PA_deg=None, PA_offset=0., I_clip=0., PI_clip=0., mask_func=None, seg_color='black', seg_width=1, hist_plot=True):

"""Use the small-angle approximation to calculate the coordinates of
the endpoints of segments, and generate a ds9 region file storing
the polarization segments.
The input fits files can have either 4 (e.g., CASA simulation outputs),
                                  or 3 (freq/vel, Dec, RA),
                                  or 2 (Dec, RA) axes.

reg_filename : str
    Output ds9 region filename.
I_map : str
    The fits filename of Stokes I map.
PI_map : str
    The fits filename of the polarised intensity map.
PA_map_deg : str
    The fits filename of the PA map in deg. (Default value = '')
i_hdu : int
    The number in the hdu list. (Default value = 0)
i_chan : int
    Channel number. (Default value = 0)
sampling_interval_px : int
    The sampling interval in pixel for segments ( = 1/sampling rate ).
    (Default value = 3)
ten_percent_scale_asec : float
    The segment length in arcsec at p = 10%. (Default value = None)
uniform_scale_asec : float
    Assign uniform-length segments, overwriting the p-scaled segments
    set by "ten_percent_scale_asec". (Default value = None)
uniform_PA_deg : float
    Assign an uniform PA for plotting, overwriting PA from "PA_map_deg".
    (Default value = None)
PA_offset : float
    Additional offset in deg to "PA_map_deg" or "uniform_PA_deg".
    (Default value = 0.)
I_clip : float
    Exclude pixels in I_map with abs(I) < I_clip. (Default value = 0)
PI_clip : float
    Exclude pixels in PI_map with PI < PI_clip. (Default value = 0)
mask_func : callable
    A True/False-valued function of multiple scalar variables:
    i, j, RA_deg, Dec_deg, I, PI, PA_deg, where i and j are python-like
    indices of x (RA) and y (Dec) positions.
    So explicitly define it like:
        def mask_func(i, j, RA_deg, Dec_deg, I, PI, PA_deg):
            if ... :
                return True
                return False
seg_color : str
    Color of segments. (Defualt value = 'black')
seg_width : int
    Segment width. (Default value = 1)
hist_plot : bool
    Plot a histgram of polarization fraction. (Default value = True)


def polseg_convert(I_map, polI_map, polPA_map=None, scale_10percent=10., sampling_interval=3, uniform_PA=None, uniform_scale=None, PA_offset=0., i_hdu=0, i_chan=0, I_clip=0., polI_clip=0., seg_color='red', output_reg='output.reg', hist_plot=True):

"""A wrapper for "polseg_from_images" to be compatiable with the old scripts
that use the function, "polseg_convert".

I_map : str
    The fits filename of Stokes I map.
polI_map : str
    The fits filename of the polarised intensity map.
polPA_map : str
    The fits filename of the PA map in deg. (Default value = '')
scale_10percent : float
    The segment length in arcsec at p = 10%. (Default value = None)
sampling_interval : int
    The sampling interval in pixel for segments ( = 1/sampling rate ).
    (Default value = 3)
uniform_PA : float
    Assign an uniform PA for plotting, overwriting PA from "polPA_map".
    (Default value = None)
uniform_scale : float
    Assign uniform-length segments, overwriting the p-scaled segments
    set by "scale_10percent". (Default value = None)
PA_offset : float
    Additional offset in deg to "PA_map_deg" or "uniform_PA_deg".
    (Default value = 0.)
i_hdu : int
    The number in the hdu list. (Default value = 0)
i_chan : int
    Channel number. (Default value = 0)
I_clip : float
    Exclude pixels in I_map with abs(I) < I_clip. (Default value = 0)
polI_clip : float
    Exclude pixels in polI_map with polI < polI_clip. (Default value = 0)
seg_color : str
    Color of segments. (Defualt value = 'red')
output_reg : str
    Output ds9 region filename.
hist_plot : bool
    Plot a histgram of polarization fraction. (Default value = True)



Python functions related to ploarization.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%