sheminusminus / modelbattle

Evaluate your models with A/B test experiments

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comsheminusminus/modelbattleRepository from Github https://github.comsheminusminus/modelbattle



rate experiments on the live site


git clone
cd modelbattle

configurations & requirements

firebase config

replace the values in src/firebaseConfig.js with those for your own firebase project.

firebase auth

to run the app with the auth providers currently used, enable the following sign-in methods in your project's Authentication tab (

firebase storage structure

you will need two directories per experiment, each containing a full set of images.

for any given experiment, each image set must be contained in a single top-level directory in firebase storage. these directories, as well as the images they contain, can have any names you'd like.

note: directories may not be nested.

firebase realtime database structure

required setup example:

"meta": {
  "example_experiment_name" : {
    "a_dir" : "imageSetA_dirName",
    "b_dir" : "imageSetB_dirName",
    "tagline": "Example experiment tagline?"
  "ffhq_512_run00Gs_vs_run03Gs" : {
    "a_dir" : "run00_ffhq_512_Gs_1x1",
    "b_dir" : "run03_ffhq_512_Gs_1x1",
    "tagline": "Which is better?"

in your firebase realtime database, add a top-level key meta.

under the meta key, add the name of your experiment as a key.

the following keys should be nested under your experiment name:

  • a_dir: [string] the name of the directory in firebase storage where image set A is found

  • b_dir: [string] the name of the directory in firebase storage where image set B is found

  • tagline: [string] the tagline to display at the top of the ui (probably a question you want to ask, e.g. which looks older?)

you can add as many experiments as you'd like, as long as each follow this structure.

experiment urls

if you're running this app at domain e.g., the a/b test for an experiment can be found at, provided the metadata for EXPERIMENT_NAME exists in your firebase database.


in the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

runs the app in the development mode.
open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

yarn build

builds the app for production to the build folder.

yarn eject

this was bootstrapped with create-react-app. ejection hasn't yet been necessary, but the option is of course there.

using this code

please do! just credit me in your code comments :)

say hi

come chirp at us on twitter, at @theshawwn and @sheminusminus.


Evaluate your models with A/B test experiments

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 83.9%Language:CSS 12.8%Language:Python 1.5%Language:HTML 1.5%Language:Shell 0.3%