shellyln / fruitsconfits

A well typed and sugared parser combinator framework for TypeScript/JavaScript.

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A well typed and sugared parser combinator framework for TypeScript/JavaScript.

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Use with webpack >= 5

If you get the error:

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '(importing/path/to/filename)'
in '(path/to/node_modules/path/to/dirname)'
Did you mean '(filename).js'?`

Add following setting to your webpack.config.js.

    test: /\.m?js/,
    resolve: {
        fullySpecified: false,

On webpack >= 5, the extension in the request is mandatory for it to be fully specified if the origin is a '.mjs' file or a '.js' file where the package.json contains '"type": "module"'.

Breakikng changes



  • Build a lexer or parser for a string or object list by parser combinator.
  • The parser can receive user data context and acts as a reducer.
  • Sugar sweet API syntaxes.

High level APIs


Get the string parser generators.

export function getStringParsers<C, R>(
        params: {
            rawToToken: (rawToken: string) => R,
            concatTokens: (tokens: R[]) => R[],


  • rawToToken : function to convert string token to AST element.
  • concatTokens : function to merge two AST elements into one AST element.


returns an object that containing the parsers.

  • seq(needle: string)
    • parser to match the sequence needle
  • cls(...needles: string[])
    • parser to match the sequence classes needles
  • notCls(...needles: string[])
    • parser to match the negation of sequence classes needles
  • clsFn(needle: (src: string) => number)
    • parser to match the sequence class needle
      • the class is defined by the lambda function
  • classes
    • alpha
      • parser to match the sequence of us-ascii alphabetic characters
    • upper
      • parser to match the sequence of us-ascii upper alphabetic characters
    • lower
      • parser to match the sequence of us-ascii lower alphabetic characters
    • num
      • parser to match the sequence of us-ascii decimal numeric characters
    • nonzero
      • parser to match the sequence of us-ascii decimal numeric characters except 0
    • bin
      • parser to match the sequence of us-ascii binary numeric characters
    • oct
      • parser to match the sequence of us-ascii octal numeric characters
    • hex
      • parser to match the sequence of us-ascii hexadecimal numeric characters
    • alnum
      • parser to match the sequence of us-ascii alphabetic and numeric characters
    • space
      • parser to match the sequence of whitespace characters except newline (CR/LF) characters
        • the whitespace characters definition conform to javascript regexp
    • spaceWithinSingleLine
      • parser to match the sequence of whitespace characters
        • the whitespace characters definition conform to javascript regexp
    • ctrl
      • parser to match the sequence of control characters
        • the control characters definition conform to javascript regexp
    • newline
      • parser to match the sequence of newline (CR/LF) characters
    • word
      • parser to match the negation of the sequence of whitespaces and control characters
        • the whitespace and control characters definition conform to javascript regexp
    • any
      • parser to match the sequence class that matches to any token
  • numbers
    • bin(...prefixes: StringParserFnWithCtx<C, R>[])
      • parse a binary number
    • oct(...prefixes: StringParserFnWithCtx<C, R>[])
      • parse a octal number
    • hex(...prefixes: StringParserFnWithCtx<C, R>[])
      • parse a hex number
    • int
      • parse a javascript style integer number
    • bigint
      • parse a javascript style bigint number
    • float
      • parse a javascript style floating point number
  • isParam(criteria: (o: any) => boolean, conv?: (o: any) => any)
    • parser to match a ES6 template strings parameter value
  • cat(...parsers: StringParserFnWithCtx<C, R>[])
    • parser that combine and concatenate the parsing results of parsers
  • once(parser: StringParserFnWithCtx<C, R>)
    • parser to match once to the parsing results of parser
  • repeat(parser: StringParserFnWithCtx<C, R>)
    • parser to match zero or more times to the parsing results of parser
  • qty(min?: number, max?: number) => (parser: StringParserFnWithCtx<C, R>)
    • parser to match min to max times to the parsing results of parser
      • if min and max are ommitted, it is same as repeat parser
      • if max is ommitted, it matches min or more times
  • zeroWidth(helper?: () => R)
    • parser to match any zero width and return result that is provided by helper
  • err(message: string)
    • parser to match any zero width and raise the error that has message
  • beginning(helper?: () => R)
    • parser to match zero width beginning of input and return result that is provided by helper
  • end(helper?: () => R)
    • parser to match zero width end of input and return result that is provided by helper
  • first(...parsers: StringParserFnWithCtx<C, R>[])
    • parser to match the first matched parser in the parsers
  • or(...parsers: StringParserFnWithCtx<C, R>[])
    • parser to match the most long matched parser in the parsers
  • combine(...parsers: StringParserFnWithCtx<C, R>[])
    • parser that combine parsers parsers
  • erase(...parsers: StringParserFnWithCtx<C, R>[])
    • parser that combine parsers parsers and return empty result []
  • trans(fn: (tokens: R[]) => R[]) => (...parsers: StringParserFnWithCtx<C, R>[])
    • parser that combine parsers parsers and transform the result by fn
  • ahead(...parsers: StringParserFnWithCtx<C, R>[])
    • parser to match zero width by reading ahead and matching with parsers
  • behind(n: number, helper?: () => R)(...parsers: StringParserFnWithCtx<C, R>[])
    • parser to match zero width by reading behind and matching with parsers and return result that is provided by helper
  • rules(args: ApplyProductionRulesArg<string, C, R>) => (lexer: StringParserFnWithCtx<C, R>)
    • parser to match the production rules args
      • args.rules : production rules
      • args.maxApply : maximum number of production rules applied
      • args.check : end condition of production rules
  • makeProgram
    • parser to enclose most outer
      • converts the internal ParseError thrown to a return value


Get the object list parser generators.

export function getObjectParsers<T extends ArrayLike<T[number]>, C, R>(
        params: {
            rawToToken: (rawToken: T[number]) => R,
            concatTokens: (tokens: R[]) => R[],
            comparator: (a: T[number], b: T[number]) => boolean,


  • rawToToken : function to convert the input object list item to AST element.
  • concatTokens : function to merge two AST elements into one AST element.
  • comparator : function to compare two input object list items.


returns an object that containing the parsers.

  • seq(needle: T)
    • parser to match the sequence needle
  • cls(...needles: T[number][])
    • parser to match the sequence classes needles
  • notCls(...needles: T[number][])
    • parser to match the negation of sequence classes needles
  • clsFn(needle: (src: T[number]) => boolean)
    • parser to match the sequence class needle
      • the class is defined by the lambda function
  • classes
    • any
      • parser to match the sequence class that matches to any token
  • cat(...parsers: ParserFnWithCtx<T, C, R>[])
    • parser that combine and concatenate the parsing results of parsers
  • once(parser: ParserFnWithCtx<T, C, R>)
    • parser to match once to the parsing results of parser
  • repeat(parser: ParserFnWithCtx<T, C, R>)
    • parser to match zero or more times to the parsing results of parser
  • qty(min?: number, max?: number) => (parser: ParserFnWithCtx<T, C, R>)
    • parser to match min to max times to the parsing results of parser
      • if min and max are ommitted, it is same as repeat parser
      • if max is ommitted, it matches min or more times
  • zeroWidth(helper?: () => R)
    • parser to match any zero width and return result that is provided by helper
  • err(message: string)
    • parser to match any zero width and raise the error that has message
  • beginning(helper?: () => R)
    • parser to match zero width beginning of input and return result that is provided by helper
  • end(helper?: () => R)
    • parser to match zero width end of input and return result that is provided by helper
  • first(...parsers: ParserFnWithCtx<T, C, R>[])
    • parser to match the first matched parser in the parsers
  • or(...parsers: ParserFnWithCtx<T, C, R>[])
    • parser to match the most long matched parser in the parsers
  • combine(...parsers: ParserFnWithCtx<T, C, R>[])
    • parser that combine parsers parsers
  • erase(...parsers: ParserFnWithCtx<T, C, R>[])
    • parser that combine parsers parsers and return empty result []
  • trans(fn: (tokens: R[]) => R[]) => (...parsers: ParserFnWithCtx<T, C, R>[])
    • parser that combine parsers parsers and transform the result by fn
  • ahead(...parsers: ParserFnWithCtx<T, C, R>[])
    • parser to match zero width by reading ahead and matching with parsers
  • behind(n: number, helper?: () => R)(...parsers: ParserFnWithCtx<T, C, R>[])
    • parser to match zero width by reading behind and matching with parsers and return result that is provided by helper
  • rules(args: ApplyProductionRulesArg<T, C, R>) => (lexer: ParserFnWithCtx<T, C, R>)
    • parser to match the production rules args
      • args.rules : production rules
      • args.maxApply : maximum number of production rules applied
      • args.check : end condition of production rules
  • makeProgram
    • parser to enclose most outer
      • converts the internal ParseError thrown to a return value

parserInput(src: T, context?: C)

Build a parser input.



const program = makeProgram(trans(tokens => tokens)(
    first(listValue, objectValue, constExpr(end())),
    end(), ));

export function parse(s: string) {
    const z = program(parserInput(s));
    if (! z.succeeded) {
        throw new Error(formatErrorMessage(z));
    return z.tokens[0].value;

templateStringsParserInput(strings, values, context?: C)

Build a parser input from ES6 template strings.


const program = makeProgram(combine(
    isParam(o => String(o) === 'world'),
    end(), ));

export function parse(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...values: any[]) {
    const z = program(templateStringsParserInput(strings, values));
    if (! z.succeeded) {
        throw new Error(formatErrorMessage(z));
    return z.tokens;


Real world examples


Copyright (c) 2019 Shellyl_N and Authors.


A well typed and sugared parser combinator framework for TypeScript/JavaScript.



Language:TypeScript 95.1%Language:JavaScript 4.9%