Sheldon Anthony IO (sheldonanthonyio)


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Company:Sheldon Anthony IO

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Sheldon Anthony IO's repositories


Agile Estimation is poker planning application used in agile. It allows teams to estimate effort to complete a story. It is mainly used for user story estimation. If you want a minimalistic app to select cards on different decks this app is for you. Do you want to make an impression at your next sprint planning session? Download this app... App Features: Standard Card Deck Fibonacci Card Deck T-Shirt Card Deck Native Application Play A Sound On Card Choices Vibrates On Card Choice Link to Story Point / Story Name Email Story Point SMS Story Point Save Story Point To File



Rest service that will provide value by computing, performing voice or facial recognition, responding to human prompts, and sense and monitor human activity.



Audio Fader is a mobile app that allows you to add fade-in and fade-out effects to your audio recordings and podcasts.



Docushot is a mobile application that converts a pdf file to images.



First Take At Android Game With Andengine



Tangle is a product that allows you to easily manage the security of PDF documents you own. The app allows you to set up the security you want to implement on your PDF documents, making them secure to send to external parties. The app applies security you want to implement and then allows you to share the secured document. Some of the features of the app are: Password protect a PDF document Allow / Disallow assembly of a PDF document Allow / Disallow extraction of a PDF document Allow / Disallow modification of a PDF document Allow / Disallow printing of a PDF document Allow / Disallow printing a degradable version of the document Share a secure version of the document Scan and protect a document (Currently A Work In Progress) **Please note scan and protect is currently a work in progress...
