shaxzodbek-uzb / v-money3

Vue3 currency input/directive mask

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

workflow TypeScript

Money Mask for Vue 3

The Mask Money


The old v-money library seems to be abandoned! Since I use it in many projects and part of then will be upgraded to Vue3, I needed it to work after the upgrades.

Feel free to open an issue or post a pull request!


  • Arbitrary Precision with BigInt
  • Lightweight (<4KB gzipped)
  • Dependency free
  • Mobile support
  • Component or Directive flavors
  • Accept copy/paste
  • Editable
  • Min / Max Limits

Arbitrary precision

Arbitrary precision is only supported with v-model. It expects to receive a string representation of a number. '12345.67'

Some break changes where introduced in this release. Let's follow a train of thought:
If your precision is set to 2 and you set a default model value of '55', it will be interpreted as '0.55'. To instruct the correct format on setup you need to pass in '55.00' when using v-model. The same is true for '5.5'. It will be interpreted as '0.55'. Another example: '55.5' => '5.55'. Arbitrary precision is supported by using string and BigInt with v-model.

For the majority of users, it will make sense to use float numbers and stay within the boundaries of Number. If you fit this instance, you need to use v-model with the number modifier, or v-model.number. But than, you are stuck with numbers smaller than 2^53 - 1 or 9007199254740991 or 9,007,199,254,740,991. Little more than nine quadrilion... See MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.

For those who are using v-model.number, integers and floats are compleatly understood.
Let's follow another train of thought:
If your precision is set to 2 and you set a default model value of 55, it will be interpreted as 55.00. The same is true for 5.5. It will be interpreted as 5.50. Another example: 55.5 => 55.50.

More Examples



npm i v-money3 --save

Register Globally (view codesandbox)

import { createApp } from "vue";
import money from 'v-money3'

const app = createApp({/* options */})

// register directive v-money3 and component <money3>

Only Global Component (view codesandbox)

import { createApp } from "vue";
import { Money3Component } from 'v-money3'

const app = createApp({/* options */})

// register component <money3>
app.component("money3", Money3Component)

Only Global Directive (view codesandbox)

import { createApp } from "vue";
import { Money3Directive } from 'v-money3'

const app = createApp({/* options */})

// register directive v-money3
app.directive('money3', Money3Directive)

Use as component (view codesandbox)

  <money3 v-model="amount" v-bind="config"></money3> {{ amount }}

  import { Money3Component } from 'v-money3'

  export default {
    components: { money3: Money3Component },
    data () {
      return {
        amount: '12345.67',
        config: {
          masked: false,
          prefix: '',
          suffix: '',
          thousands: ',',
          decimal: '.',
          precision: 2,
          disableNegative: false,
          disabled: false,
          min: null,
          max: null,
          allowBlank: false,
          minimumNumberOfCharacters: 0,

Component v-model number modifier (view codesandbox)

v-model will always return a string. If the masked property is set to true it will be formatted, otherwise it will be a fixed string representation of a float number. If you need your model to be a float number use the number modifier. Ex.: v-model.number="amount"

  • v-model="amount" will return a fixed string with typeof string. Ex.: "123456.78"
  • v-model.number="amount" will return a float number with typeof number. Ex.: 123456.78
  <money3 v-model.number="amount" v-bind="config"></money3>

  import { Money3Component } from 'v-money3'

  export default {
    components: { money3: Money3Component },
    data () {
      return {
        amount: 12345.67,
        config: { ... }

Use as directive (view codesandbox)

Must use v-model.lazy to bind works properly.

  <input v-model.lazy="amount" v-money3="config" />

  import { Money3Directive } from 'v-money3'

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        amount: '12345.67',
        config: {
          prefix: '',
          suffix: '',
          thousands: ',',
          decimal: '.',
          precision: 2,
          disableNegative: false,
          disabled: false,
          min: null,
          max: null,
          allowBlank: false,
          minimumNumberOfCharacters: 0,
    directives: { money3: Money3Directive }

By default directives work with v-model. It is not possible to use v-model.number on directives, so, if you need to work with floats/integers on directives you need to configure the number modifier manually.

Using config:

modelModifiers: {
  number: true,

If you bind it directly you are just fine too:

<input :model-modifiers="{ number: true }" v-model.lazy="amount" v-money3="config" />


property Required Type Default Description
precision true Number 2 How many decimal places
decimal false String "." Decimal separator
thousands false String "," Thousands separator
prefix false String "" Currency symbol followed by a Space, like "R$ "
suffix false String "" Percentage for example: " %"
masked false Boolean false If the component output should include the mask or not
disable-negative false Boolean false Component does not allow negative values
disabled false Boolean false Disable the inner input tag
min false Number null The min value allowed
max false Number null The max value allowed
allow-blank false Boolean false If the field can start blank and be cleared out by user
minimum-number-of-characters false Number 0 The minimum number of characters that the mask should show
should-round false Boolean true Should default values be rounded or sliced

Restricted Characters

Numbers 0-9 and the following characters...

  • +
  • -

...are restricted on following properties:

  • decimal
  • thousands
  • prefix
  • suffix

Restricted inputs will be filter out of the final mask. A console warn with more information will be shown!

Don't want to use a package manager?

Use it directly in the browser!

<script src=""></script>

Take a look at issue #15 and also this codesandbox working example.

Use the internal mask functions

import { format, unformat } from 'v-money3';

const config = {
    debug: false,
    masked: false,
    prefix: '',
    suffix: '',
    thousands: ',',
    decimal: '.',
    precision: 2,
    disableNegative: false,
    disabled: false,
    min: null,
    max: null,
    allowBlank: false,
    minimumNumberOfCharacters: 0,
    modelModifiers: {
        number: false,

const formatted = format(12345.67, config);
// output string: 'R$ 12.345,67 #'

const unformatted = unformat(formatted, config);
// output fixed string: '12345.67'

/* ----------------- or ----------------- */

config.modelModifiers = { number: true };

const unformatted = unformat(formatted, config);
// output float number: 12345.67



Vue3 currency input/directive mask

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 76.4%Language:JavaScript 12.8%Language:Vue 9.2%Language:HTML 1.6%