shawara / slack-daily-memes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Slack daily memes

Serverless based on github actions as a crone job for posting daily memes to a slack channel from and any reddit channels you will assign to the REDDIT_CHANNELS in repo Secretes

How to use it

  1. Create a slack app
  2. Go to Slack apps OAuth & Permissions > Bot Token Scopes
  3. Give it permission files:write
  4. Invite the app you created to the channel you want to post in memes /invite @{YOUR_BOT_NAME}
  5. Fork this repo
  6. Go to forked repo Settings > Secretes{USERNAME}/slack-daily-memes/settings/secrets/actions
    1. Add SLACK_TOKEN : slack bot secret token
    2. Add SLACK_CHANNELS : channel names or ids comma separated
    3. Add REPO : repo name {USERSNAME}/slack-daily-memes
    4. Add REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN: create GitHub token with permission public_repo
    5. Optional Add REDDIT_CHANNELS: to fetch memes from reddit channels you want comma seprated ex. workchronicles,ProgrammerHumor

P.S to make sure it is configured correctly go to{USERNAME}/slack-daily-memes/actions/workflows/main.yml And click Run Workflow to trigger it manualy.



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