shaunmulligan / radr

An AI powered rear facing radar for your bike. Instead of using mmWave radar tech, this project uses an inexpensive raspberry pi zero 2, a camera and TPU accelerator to detect objects behind you.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



An smart rear facing radar for your bike. Instead of using mmWave radar tech, this project uses an inexpensive raspberry pi zero 2, a camera and TPU accelerator to detect objects behind you.

MVP features:

  • Detect cars, cyclist (person + bicycle) and people behind you.
    • Use the TPU accelerator to run the model, hopefully at ~ 25 FPS.
    • Track multiple objects at once.
  • Implement the radar BLE Gatt service to send alerts to a cycling computer.
  • 3D print a case for the pi zero 2, camera, TPU accelerator and battery that slips in under the saddle.

Future features:

  • Add neopixel LEDs controllable via BLE Gatt service.
  • brighten LEDs when an object is detected.
  • Add ability to record video of the ride.
  • periodically save images + detection while riding and upload to cloud
  • Use the cloud to train a custom model on the images. Using something like v7Labs, roboflow or ClearML.
  • Have Models be versioned and deployed to the device via wifi when device is charging.


  1. Build the container:
cd radr && sudo docker build -t radr-v1 .
  1. Run the container:
sudo docker run --rm -it --privileged radr-v1

The --privileged flag is required to access the camera and USB accelerator. 3. You should now be able to see the video stream on http://<RPI_IP_ADDRESS>:8080/video

Testing with video file.

If a video file with .mp4 extension is found in the root directory, the model will run on the video file instead of the camera. This offers a nice way to consistently test the model on a known input.

Example of the current model output:

object detection on road image


An AI powered rear facing radar for your bike. Instead of using mmWave radar tech, this project uses an inexpensive raspberry pi zero 2, a camera and TPU accelerator to detect objects behind you.


Language:Python 97.2%Language:Dockerfile 2.8%