shaunmarx / LoaderJS

A flexible promise-based resource loader for web application.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A customizable resource loader for web applications. Promise-based asynchronous loading and control flow. Can support any types of files, just create custom loader for your custom files.


// NPM 
npm install loaderjs


For global window:

<script src="loaderjs.bundle.min.js" type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
	// `LoaderJS` will be exposed to global `window`

For Webpack or Browserify:

// Import
var LoaderJS = require('loaderjs');
// Start loading

LoaderJS.load(resources [, callback]) -> Promise

To start loading resources, just call LoaderJS.load(resource, callback), where resource is a 2-dimensional array of possible items, and optional callback function with parameters function(err, data){}. Returns Promise.

The resource collection must be a 2-Dimensional array.

  • 1st level is SEQUENCE loading. Waits for the preceding element to finish.
  • 2nd level is PARALLEL loading. Does not wait, loads immediately.

The items can be.

  • String url (like value of src attribute)
  • Promise
  • Promise's resolver function - function(resolve, reject) {...}
  • Object with src and then property - { src: 'file.js', then: function() {...} }
  • Any falsy value, which will auto resolve - null or undefined or etc.

The callback function is triggered when loading is completely done or loader encounters error while loading.

  • Check the err to see the status result
  • The data argument an array that contains the data passed by each loaders

LoaderJS currently contains predefined loaders for file JS, CSS, HTML (WebComponent). You can always create your own loaders to suits your needs.

Example Code:

var resA = [];
// dummy-scriptA will always finish & execute first, than dummy-scriptB.
//dummy-img will load along with dummy-scriptA.
// A promise
resA.push(new Promise())
// A promise resolver
resA.push(function(resolve, reject) {})
// Object
  src: 'dummy/big-file.js',
  then: function() {
    // Called when done loading big-file.js
    // You can also return a promise and loader wait for it to fulfil
    return client.init() // Assume init() returns a promise

var resB = [];
// dummy-scriptB might finish last after dummy-css. Parallel loading
// dummy-css might finish first than dummy-scriptB. Parallel loading

var resC = 'dummy/dummy-480x270-FairyLights.jpg';

// Start loading resources
LoaderJS.load([resA, resB, resC], function(err, data) {
    var el = document.getElementById("loader");
	    console.log('All Loaded!', data);
    } else {
	    console.log('Ouch!', data);


Loads a single resource. Returns Promise.


Loads multiple resources in parallel (1-dim array only). Returns Promise.


To add custom loaders, just call LoaderJS.addLoader(loader) where loader is an object must contain a property "ext" to associate the loader to a file(s).

There are 2 main types of custom loader:

  1. Loader that uses element to load files. (eg. js, css, html)
  2. Loader that does not use element to load files. (eg. jpg, png, gif, etc...)

Type 1: Load with element

// Javascript Loader
	ext: 'js', // Associated file. Can be multiple, split by comma
	tag: 'script', // The element that will be created
	parent: 'body', // The parent of the element
	attr: 'src', // The attribute of element where the url will be placed
	// Optional property
	// This is triggered before the element is attached to its parent
	config: function(element) {
		element.async = true;

// Stylesheet Loader
	ext: 'css',
	tag: 'link',
	parent: 'head',
	attr: 'href',
	config: function(element) {
		element.type = 'text/css';
		element.rel = 'stylesheet';

Type 2: Load without element. Add a property "custom" with function value.

// Custom Loader
     ext: 'jpg,png',
     custom: function(resolve, reject, url) {
         console.log('Loading Image', url);
         var image = new Image();
         image.onload = function() {
		 image.onerror = function() {
			reject('Unable to load image ' + url);
         image.src = url;

Additionally, you can link more file extensions to existing loader.

	ext: 'gif',
	custom: LoaderJS.loaders['jpg']


Progress Callback

You can also add 3rd argument to LoadJS.load(res, cb, progress) which enables to keep track of the progress. The callback will pass the percentage of the loading progress.




A flexible promise-based resource loader for web application.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 84.6%Language:HTML 14.6%Language:CSS 0.8%