sharonpraju / mashithandu

A repo for beginners to do their first contribution in GitHub

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Table of contents

About this repo

This is a repo for beginners to experience the path of open source contribution

Students Instructions

For this repo

Create a fork of this repo to your account.

💡 search StackOverflow on how to Fork a repo in GitHub


Add your contribution to the repo by editing the contents of the folder with your campus name.

💡 Contact your campus lead for exact instructions

Create a pull request

After committing and pushing your changes go to your fork and create a pull request to your org's repo ( the repo from where you initially forked ). Make sure you give a good title and description for your pull request.

Campus Instructions

Create a GitHub organization for your chapter if it doesn't exist.

  • Use TinkerHub-<college name short> as organisation name
  • Use campus chapter logo as org profile logo.

Fork this repo to your organization

💡Students from your campus will do PRs to that repo

Create a folder

  • Create a folder with your college name.
  • Add a in it so it can be committed to GitHub.

Lock main branch

Go to settings and set push to the main branch only after review

Teach git and GitHub

  • Use resources below to teach students git and GitHub

Ask Students to do their first contribution

  • Tell them to follow the instructions in the main readme of the repo.
  • When contributing you can either choose to ask students to append their names to a single file or let them create a new file for each one of them. If you can think of something more innovative feel free to try it out.

⚠️ Make sure all changes made by your members are contained within your campus folder. Any changes outside it may disqualify the entire college.

Review the PRs

  • Review the PRs and merge.
  • Assign students as maintainers routinely to do the reviews and PRs.

Occasionally send PRs to the repo in TinkerHub Org


Use these resources to teach git and GitHub


A repo for beginners to do their first contribution in GitHub

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 70.4%Language:HTML 14.1%Language:C++ 5.3%Language:CSS 4.7%Language:C 4.1%Language:Java 1.4%