sharmadhiraj / flutter_examples

Random flutter examples

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Network Call Example - Demonstrating a simple network call with progress, error handling, retry, and reload

Dialog Example - Illustrating a custom dialog triggered by button click

Weather Example - Parsing custom JSON data for weather information

Alert Dialog Example - Displaying an alert dialog upon button press

Network Call On Button Click - Performing a network request upon button click

DropDown Button - Implementing a dropdown menu on the AppBar

AppBar With Text Menu - Utilizing text items within the AppBar menu

Card Stacks - Creating a stack of cards using Stack Widget

Floating Action Button Example - Integrating a Floating Action Button with a SnackBar on press

Grid View - Implementing a Grid View in Flutter

Expansion Tiles Example - Illustrating multilevel Expansion Tiles

Time Tracker - An example of a time tracking application

SnackBar Dialog - Displaying a SnackBar upon button press

List Detail Example - Navigating from a list to a detail screen

Web View Example - Implementing a WebView with an option to open in an external browser

Pull To Refresh Example - Demonstrating the Pull To Refresh functionality

Location - Retrieving the user's current location in Flutter

WebView With Back - WebView with a back button associated with the page history

Reload State On Resume - Handling events upon returning to the first screen from the second screen

Multiple Network Request - Combining multiple network requests into a single Future and FutureBuilder

Splash Screen - Implementing a Splash Screen

Dynamic Key Json - Parsing JSON data with dynamic keys

Color Utils - Utility methods for manipulating colors, such as creating colors from hex codes and converting colors

Custom AppBar Theme - Creating an AppBar with a custom theme color

Save Custom Object - Saving Custom Objects to Shared Preferences


Random flutter examples


Language:Dart 85.4%Language:HTML 6.5%Language:Ruby 3.7%Language:Shell 1.8%Language:Objective-C 1.4%Language:Swift 0.7%Language:Java 0.3%Language:Kotlin 0.2%