sharmadhiraj / Cinema

An android sample project demonstrating implementation of Android Architecture Components & more.

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A Sample Android Project with Architecture Components & Modern Practices.

Cinema uses TMDB API.

Work In Progress

To be implemented

  1. Data Binding: Utilizing data binding for connecting UI components with data sources in a declarative way.
  2. Lifecycles: Managing lifecycle-aware components to handle Android lifecycle events efficiently.
  3. LiveData: Implementing LiveData for observing data changes in a lifecycle-aware manner.
  4. Navigation: Utilizing Navigation component for managing navigation within the app.
  5. Paging: Implementing paging to load large sets of data gradually.
  6. Room: Integrating Room for local database storage.
  7. ViewModel: Utilizing ViewModel to manage UI-related data in a lifecycle-aware manner.
  8. Extension Functions: Writing extension functions for adding functionalities to existing classes without subclassing.
  9. Hilt (Dependency Injection): Implementing Hilt for dependency injection.
  10. Coroutines: Utilizing Kotlin Coroutines for asynchronous programming.
  11. MVVM (Model View ViewModel): Implementing MVVM architecture to separate concerns and improve testability.
  12. Custom Views: Creating custom views to enhance UI/UX and demonstrate custom UI components.
  13. Retrofit (Network): Integrating Retrofit for network requests and API interactions.
  14. Jetpack Compose: Exploring Jetpack Compose for modern UI development.
  15. Unit Testing: Implementing unit tests to ensure individual components of your app function correctly.
  16. UI Testing: Adding UI tests to verify the behavior and interactions of your app's user interface.

Note: This app's design is intentionally simple to emphasize architectural focus.


An android sample project demonstrating implementation of Android Architecture Components & more.


Language:Kotlin 100.0%