Hardik Shah's repositories
Developed in ReactJs. A web application where users can share their playlists with the host of the party and the host can thereby merge all the playlists shared by the users following them, and hence create a single playlist based on the song's popularity, that integrates everyone's music taste.
Developed a prediction system to predict heart attack based on data of 300 patients and 13 major characteristics obtained from UCI’s machine learning repository and used some of the popular Machine Learning algorithms like Decision Trees, Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks and K Nearest Neighbors for prediction and provided detailed comparative analysis.
iOS app that tracks the real time price of Bitcoin and shows Price based on currency selected using the BitcoinAverage Api
CS6240 Course at NEU https://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/mirek/classes/CS6240-stable/
Sparse and Dense Parallel Matrix Multiplication using Hadoop and AWS EMR
Developed a Web App, used various algorithms to determine plagiarism in code in assignment submission of students and designed a user interface to show results in form of graphs along with high-lighting of similar text.
Developed an mobile app using React-Native that works on both android and iOS. This app is part of project Virtual University. Students can submit assignments and give quizzes for the course.
Server Side code for BeatDrop. Developed in Java. Used Spotify API's and fetched data using REST. Used SQL and JPA for database schema and queries.
Implemented Widgets Like Headings, Paragraph, Image, Link to dynamically create page according to user requirements using React-Redux. Part of Project Virtual University
Basic Data Structures and their operations
IOS app that gives weather based on location of phone using openweathermap Api
Flavors101 is used by customers to find restaurants, follow/unfollow other users, review restaurants and create reservations. Managers can manage events and reservations at restaurant. Chef can search for recipe and manage its own recipes. Owner can hire manager and chefs for owned restaurants
This is a website for buying online games for consoles and pc
Getting started with IOS App development. First App in IOS. Developed the very famous I am rich app.
roll the dice by shaking the iPhone
WebApp for shortening the link
Quiz app in Swift along with ProgressHUD library used to select answer, display score and track progress in progress bar.
Virtual University. Developed using AngularJS. Web App for online courses with frontend in AngularJS and ReactJS where students can register for classes and give exams; experts can create courses volunteeringly, thereby aiming to provide free education.
Virtual University Server. Developed in NodeJS using Express. Using Mongoose, fired queries and developed database schema on MongoDB
created a xylophone in IOS