sharabhshukla / tabular

Tabular data approaches

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Gradient Boosting

Random Forest
Gradient Boosting
Gradient Boosting
🔷 Number of trees N_estimators num_round 💡 num_iterations 💡 100
🔷 Max depth of the tree max_depth max_depth max_depth 7
🔶 Min cases per final tree leaf min_samples_leaf min_child_weight min_data_in_leaf
🔷 % of rows used to build the tree max_samples subsample bagging_fraction 0.8
🔷 % of feats used to build the tree max_features colsample_bytree feature_fraction
🔷 Speed of training NOT IN FOREST eta learning_rate
🔶 L1 regularization NOT IN FOREST lambda lambda_l1
🔶 L2 regularization NOT IN FOREST alpha lambda_l2
Random seed random_state seed _seed
  • 🔷: Increase parameter for overfit, decrease for underfit.
  • 🔶: Increase parameter for underfit, decrease for overfit. (regularization)
  • 💡: For Gradient Boosting maybe is better to do early stopping rather than set a fixed number of trees.

Factorization Machines

Neural Nets

  • DeepFM (Mar 2017)
  • xDeepFM (Mar 2018)
  • Neural nets for Airbnb search (Oct 2018)
  • TabNet: Attentive Interpretable Tabular Learning (Aug 2019)
  • NODE: Neural Oblivious Decision Ensembles for Deep Learning on Tabular Data (Sep 2019)
  • Graph NNs: DL on Relational DBs with Graph NNs (Feb 2020)
  • GrowNet: Gradient Boosting Neural Networks (Feb 2020)
    • Shallow NNs as “weak learners” in gradient boosting framework
    • Incorporates 2nd order stats, corrective step & dynamic boost rate to remedy pitfalls of gradient boosting tree
    • Outperforms XGBoost
  • TabTransformer: Tabular Data Modeling Using Contextual Embeddings (Dec 2020)

Temporal Series

➕ Feature engineering

Get information about the current date (date variable)

Date Day Month Year Weekday Weeknum IsHoliday
1/1/2018 1 1 2018 2 1 1
2/1/2018 2 1 2018 3 1 0
3/1/2018 3 1 2018 4 1 0
4/1/2018 4 1 2018 5 1 0
5/1/2018 5 1 2018 6 1 0
6/1/2018 6 1 2018 7 1 0
7/1/2018 7 1 2018 1 2 0
8/1/2018 8 1 2018 2 2 0
9/1/2018 9 1 2018 3 2 0

Get information about the past (continuous variable)

Date Sales Lag1 Lag2 Moving average (2)
1/1/2018 100 - - -
2/1/2018 150 100 - 100
3/1/2018 160 150 100 125
4/1/2018 200 160 150 155
5/1/2018 210 200 160 180
6/1/2018 150 210 200 205
7/1/2018 160 150 210 180
8/1/2018 120 160 150 155
9/1/2018 80 120 160 140
  • Lag variables (autoregressive elements)
  • Aggregated features on lagged variables:
    • Moving Average (MA): Average of Lags.
    • Exponential Weighting Moving Average (EWMA): More recent values have higher weight.
    • Others like mean, std, sum, substraction
    • Regression on lags (slope, intercep)



Tabular data approaches