shaoyifei96 / FaSTrack-Implementation

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RTD(yes the deprecated one):


Spotless(and remember to install after clone):

helperOC: (Seems like sylvia merged to master branch)

LevelSet Toolbox:


To run simulation, use make_stamped_obs_scene.m

  1. Fastrack(Simon thinks it really works, but please make sure)
  2. Stamped HJB(not so sure, I think most of the time it is avoiding obstacles, but without some gradient towards the goal, the safety controller doesn't always point towards the goal. Also boundaries are not setup as obstacles so it can hit boundary. Also need help in deciding when to use safety controller and when to use performance. Also when using a weighted avg between safety and performance, it sometimes gets stuck because those control inputs sum to 0)
  3. RTD with RRT HLP (works)
  4. RTD with straight line HLP (works)


The simulator has its own readme, but you need a agent, a planner, a world and a simulator file to run properly. Using the simulator can greatly simplify logging and visualization. They each have their conventions and parent class. so when you think the functions are not called anywhere, look inside the parent class. @ Shreyas add more here

Folders & Files

dynSys saves the important dynamic systems, the only one there is the one I worked on long before for Fastrack

Precomputation saves files for offline computation for HJB.

avoidfunction came from Sylvia

avoidfunction_boxes is Simon trying to make boxes obstacles for the Unicycle4DRelDubins dynamics

P4D_Q2D_RS_SIMON is the only other useful file for fastrack offline computation. Not sure this will run since it's old

running_simulation hosts online files, feel free to explore, but the useful ones are listed below. Maybe @Shreyas can fill in more below

make_stamped_obs_scene is the main one we need to focus on, runs comparison between the three methods, well, 4 since there are two RTDs.

make_fastrack_conservatism_comparison runs the comparison that Sylvia showed in her presentation

run_fastrack_test does a simple reference of a right angle for fastrack. I'm not so sure why Jason is having the error. I think it is mostly due to integrator issue, try another one see if that works A.integrator_type = 'ode45' , 'ode4', 'ode113'

simulator_files hosts files needed for online and simulation

Dubin4D2.0_0.3_40_vhigh_debugged is TEB file, 2.0m/s is max tracking speed, 0.3 m/s is max planning speed, 40 is grid size, and vhigh is gradient accuracy.

fastrack_agent is the agent for HBJ based methods. The most important function is dynamics

  1. Get control input from a Low Level Controller(LLC) based on evaluation of offline computed file.
  2. Based on how close the value function is close to a threshold value, decide if we should use performance controller or just safety controller.

fastrack_LLC and fastrack_avoid_LLC hosts HJB files and their online evaluation


Prereq: To run online:

  1. you need helperOC and switch to branch sylvia_dev_updates
  2. RTD repo
  3. RTD_tutorial
  4. simulator To run precomputation: You need levelset Toolbox

Run offline: P4D_Q2D_RS_SIMON

Run test: run_fastrack_test

Run in a static obstacle env: run_turtlebot_fastrack_simulation

  1. Used in precomputation of value function: P3D_Q2D_RS_SIMON is for prusuer as a airplane with constant velocity 4m/s and turning speed w_max = 4rad/s arbitary planner that can plan at most 0.1 m away in both x and y dir this uses the dynsys @P3D_Q2D_Rel in New_HelperOC/dynSys

P4D_Q2D_RS_SIMON is for pursuer same as shreyas' simulator and arbitary planner that can plan at most 0.2 m away in both x and y dir this uses the dynsys @Unicycle4DRelDubins in New_HelperOC/dynSys

P5D_Q2D_RS_SIMON is for pursuer same as shreyas' simulator and a planner that plans with dx/dt=k2+k1dy dy/dt = k1dx this uses the dynsys @Unicycle5DRelDubins in New_HelperOC/dynSys

  1. Simulator related files P3D_Q2D_RS_SIMON (not tested recently) correspond to turtlebot_3D_agent and LLC in simulator_files. LLC needs the file Dubin3D50_dt010_tMax_converge.mat for lookup and optCtrl @P3D_Q2D_Rel class to evaluate control TEB = 1.19m

P4D_Q2D_RS_SIMON correspond to fastrack_agent and LLC in simulator_files. LLC needs the file Dubin4D2.0_0.3_40_vhigh_debugged.mat for lookup and optCtrl @Unicycle4DRelDubins class to evaluate control

P5D_Q2D_RS_SIMON This agent is under construnction


  1. Currently safety controller and performance controller are both enabled for both 3D system and 4D system to disable 4D system weighted controller, set A.use_performance = 0.



Language:MATLAB 100.0%