shaoanlu / faceswap-GAN

A denoising autoencoder + adversarial losses and attention mechanisms for face swapping.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

map_and_batch() got an unexpected keyword argument 'drop_remainder'

hafizas101 opened this issue · comments

In step, it gives an error

Resume training from iter 0.
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-65-dcbb8ac48c84> in <module>()
     21 global train_batchA, train_batchB
     22 train_batchA = DataLoader(train_A, train_AnB, batchSize, img_dirA_bm_eyes, 
---> 23                           RESOLUTION, num_cpus, K.get_session(), **da_config)
     24 train_batchB = DataLoader(train_B, train_AnB, batchSize, img_dirB_bm_eyes, 
     25                           RESOLUTION, num_cpus, K.get_session(), **da_config)

1 frames
/content/faceswap-GAN/data_loader/ in create_tfdata_iter(self, filenames, fns_all_trn_data, batch_size, dir_bm_eyes, resolution, prob_random_color_match, use_da_motion_blur, use_bm_eyes)
     56                 ), 
     57                 batch_size=batch_size,
---> 58                 num_parallel_batches=self.num_cpus))

TypeError: map_and_batch() got an unexpected keyword argument 'drop_remainder'

How to fix this error ??

i meet the same issue

i fixed it , change your tensorflow version to 1.8.0, it works