shaoanlu / faceswap-GAN

A denoising autoencoder + adversarial losses and attention mechanisms for face swapping.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ValueError: Object arrays cannot be loaded when allow_pickle=False

ak9250 opened this issue · comments

getting this error in colab notebook after running
fd = MTCNNFaceDetector(sess=K.get_session(), model_path="./mtcnn_weights/")

Encounter the same problem.
You may add a parameter in Network.load() function in
like 'data_dict = np.load(data_path, allow_pickle=True, encoding='latin1').item()' in line 87.
Restart the notebook.
Remove the old file and upload your own one before import MTCNNFaceDetector .
%cd "faceswap-GAN" !rm from google.colab import files files.upload()
It works for me.

@evanxephon thanks that worked although I think its easier to do %%writefile and change that file in the cell after getting the source and target videos

I am still getting this error on Google Colab. Can someone please update? Thanks in advance!