shantanu-RaTHOR / Newsesy-App

Newesy is news app which uses NewsAPI to fetch news.The main aim of this app was to learn Modern Android Architecture (MVVM).It uses MVVM,Kotlin-coroutines,Room,ViewModal,Retrofit,GSON and Navigation graph

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Newesy is news app which uses NewsAPI to fetch news.The main aim of this app was to learn Modern Android Architecture (MVVM).


  • App brings you latest news from a wide range of sources
  • Clean user interface allows user to navigate different news sections easily.
  • User can save news for further reference.
  • App allows to search on a topic from over 80000 news sources and blogs.
  • It also shows news category wise eg-movies,politics,health etc

Technology Stack Used: Kotlin,Coroutines,MVVM architecture,Room,ViewModel,Live data,Retrofit,Gson,Navigation graph,Glide

πŸ“Έ Screenshots

Package Structure

Newsesy    # Root Package
β”œβ”€β”€ adapter                         # Adapter for Recycler view and pager
|   β”œβ”€β”€ AdapterStragged.kt          # Adapter for Stragged layout
|   β”œβ”€β”€ Myadapter.kt                # Adapter for Linear layout
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ ViewPagerAdapter.kt         # Adapter for View pager
β”œβ”€β”€ db                              # Room
β”‚   |── ArticleDao.kt               # Data Access Object for room
|   |── ArticleDataBase.kt          # Database
|   |── Convertors.kt               # Convertors for model class
β”œβ”€β”€ modals                          # All model classes 
|    |── Articles.kt  
|    |── NewsModal.kt
|    |── Source.kt   
|── network                         # All Retrofit classes
|    |── NetworkApi.kt
|    |── Retrofitinstance.kt
|── ui                              # All fragments used in app
|   |── explore  
|   |── home 
|   |── info
|   |── saved
|   |── search
|   |── viewpagerfragments
│── util                            # Utility Classes 
|── viewmodel                       # Viewmodel and Viewmodel provider classes
|   |── NewsViewModelProviderFactory.kt  
|   |── ViewModal.kt
│── repository                      # Repository for both remote and local data
|    |── Repository.kt
|── NewsActivity.kt                 # For showing full news article
β”œβ”€β”€ MainActivity.kt                 # MainActivity
β”œβ”€β”€ SplashScreen.kt                 # SplashScreen

API key πŸ”‘

You need to provide API key to fetch the news. Currently the news is fetched from NewsAPI

  • Generate an API key from NewsAPI
  • Add the API key in util->contants file
  • Build the app


Newesy is news app which uses NewsAPI to fetch news.The main aim of this app was to learn Modern Android Architecture (MVVM).It uses MVVM,Kotlin-coroutines,Room,ViewModal,Retrofit,GSON and Navigation graph


Language:Kotlin 100.0%