shangjin-Li / ALAlertBanner

A simple and clean alert banner for iPhone and iPad.

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Edit (January, 2016): I've stopped maintaining this repo, but please feel free to fork it!


ALAlertBanner is a drop-in component for iOS (both iPhone and iPad) that allows you to display beautiful alert banners in a customizable and configurable way.


Preview1 Preview2


Why Use ALAlertBanner?

  • Portrait and landscape support
  • Many different style and position choices
  • Multiple banners can be shown on-screen simultaneously (even in different positions)
  • Auto-dismissal, and tap-to-dismiss functionality with optional tap response block
  • Lightweight, stable component with small memory footprint
  • Universal (iPhone and iPad) support
  • iOS 5.0 - iOS 7 support

Behind the Scenes

ALAlertBanner uses Core Animation and Grand Central Dispatch under the hood, making it lightweight and stable. A singleton object is used to manage the presentation and dismissal of the alerts in a synchronous manner.


Installation is easy.


  1. Add pod 'ALAlertBanner', '~>0.3.1' to your Podfile
  2. #import <ALAlertBanner/ALAlertBanner.h> in your view of choice


  1. Download the ZIP from Github and copy the ALAlertBanner directory to your project
  2. Link the QuartzCore.framework library in your project's Build Phases
  3. #import "ALAlertBanner.h" in your view of choice

If you can compile without errors, congratulations! You're one step closer to...


( •_•)>⌐■-■


...being cool.

Tested Environments

ALAlertBanner has been tested to work on iOS 5.0, 5.1 and 6.0 (simulator), iOS 6.1 (device), and iOS 7.0 (simulator). ALAlertBanner requires that ARC be enabled.

Example Usage

ALAlertBanner is simple to use. You'll create a banner, (optionally) customize it, and then tell it to display itself like so:

ALAlertBanner *banner = [ALAlertBanner alertBannerForView:self.view 
                                                 subtitle:@"Here's a banner. That was easy."]; 

 optionally customize banner properties here...

[banner show];

You can also present it in a UIWindow:

AppDelegate *appDelegate = (AppDelegate*)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]; 
ALAlertBanner *banner = [ALAlertBanner alertBannerForView:appDelegate.window 
                                                 subtitle:@"Here's another banner."]; 
[banner show];

A couple notes: title is limited to one line and will be truncated if necessary. subtitle can be any number of lines. title and subtitle may be nil, but style and position should not be nil.

Other methods of consideration:

+ (ALAlertBanner *)alertBannerForView:(UIView *)view 
                                title:(NSString *)title 
                             subtitle:(NSString *)subtitle 
                          tappedBlock:(void(^)(ALAlertBanner *alertBanner))tappedBlock; 

Optional method to handle a tap on a banner.

By default, supplying a tap handler will disable allowTapToDismiss on this particular banner. If you want to reinstate this behavior alongside the tap handler, you can call [alertBanner hide]; in tappedBlock().

- (void)hide;

Immediately hide this alert banner, forgoing the secondsToShow value.

+ (NSArray *)alertBannersInView:(UIView *)view;

Returns an array of all banners within a certain view.

+ (void)hideAllAlertBanners;

Immediately hides all alert banners in all views, forgoing their secondsToShow values.

+ (void)hideAlertBannersInView:(UIView *)view;

Immediately hides all alert banners in a certain view, forgoing their secondsToShow values.

+ (void)forceHideAllAlertBannersInView:(UIView *)view;

Immediately force hide all alert banners, forgoing their dismissal animations. Call this in viewWillDisappear: of your view controller if necessary.

Note: If you are push or pop view controllers that have banners in them, you must call forceHideAllAlertBannersInView: in your view controller's viewWillDisappear: method. Otherwise the animation singleton might get confused and neglect its duties.

Banner Properties

ALAlertBanner has the following editable properties:

 Length of time in seconds that a banner should show before auto-hiding.
 Default value is 3.5 seconds. A value == 0 will disable auto-hiding.
@property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval secondsToShow;

 Tapping on a banner will immediately dismiss it.
 Default value is YES. If you supply a tappedHandler in one of the appropriate methods, this will be set to NO for that specific banner.
@property (nonatomic) BOOL allowTapToDismiss;

 The length of time it takes a banner to transition on-screen.
 Default value is 0.25 seconds.
@property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval showAnimationDuration;

 The length of time it takes a banner to transition off-screen.
 Default value is 0.2 seconds.
@property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval hideAnimationDuration;

 Banner opacity, between 0 and 1.
 Default value is 0.93f.
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat bannerOpacity;

Banner Positions

ALAlertBannerPositionTop = 0

The banner will extend down from the top of the screen. If you're presenting it in a:

  • UIView: the banner will extend down from underneath the status bar (if visible)

  • UIView within a UINavigationController: it will extend down from underneath the navigation bar

  • UIWindow: it should extend down from underneath the status bar but above any other UI elements, like the nav bar for instance


The banner will extend up from the bottom of the screen.


This position should ONLY be used if presenting in a UIWindow. It will create an effect similar to ALAlertBannerPositionTop on a UIView within a UINavigationController (i.e. extending down from underneath the navigation bar), but it will in fact be above all other views. It accomplishes this by using a CALayer mask. This position is useful if you want to do something like set up a "catch-all" error handler in your AppDelegate that responds to notifications about a certain event (like network requests, for instance), yet you still want it to animate from underneath the nav bar.

Banner Styles

ALAlertBannerStyleSuccess = 0

The banner will have a cute little checkmark and a nice green gradient.


The banner will have a cute little X and a nice red gradient.


The banner will have a cute little info symbol and a nice blue gradient.


The banner will have a cute little caution triangle and a nice yellow gradient.

Did I mention they have cute little shapes and nice colorful gradients?


If you have any suggestions, let me know! If you find any bugs, please open a new issue.

Contact Me

You can reach me anytime at the addresses below. If you use the library, feel free to give me a shoutout on Twitter to let me know how you like it. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Github: lobianco
Twitter: @lobnco

Credits & License

ALAlertBanner is developed and maintained by Anthony Lobianco (@lobnco). Licensed under the MIT License. Basically, I would appreciate attribution if you use it.




A simple and clean alert banner for iPhone and iPad.

License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 99.0%Language:Ruby 1.0%