shammaaziz112 / Inventory-Management

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Inventory Management

In this assignment, you will create a simple inventory management system which allows users to add, remove, and view items in the inventory.


Level 1 - Mandatory

  1. Create class Item, which has name (readonly), quantity, and created date, which are private. Amount of each item cannot be negative. Provide the following features:
  • Contructor to take parameters of name, quantity, and created date (optional, if not set, it will be current date).
  1. Create class Store with the following properties and methods:
  • A collection to store items, which is private. Initially, this will be an empty collection.
  • Methods to add/delete one item to the collection. Do not allow to add items with same name to the store
  • Method GetCurrentVolume to compute the total amount of items in the store
  • Method FindItemByName to find an item by name.
  • Method SortByNameAscto get the sorted collection by name in ascending order.
// items example - You do not need to follow exactly the same
var waterBottle = new Item("Water Bottle", 10, new DateTime(2023, 1, 1));
var chocolateBar = new Item("Chocolate Bar", 15, new DateTime(2023, 2, 1));
var notebook = new Item("Notebook", 5, new DateTime(2023, 3, 1));
var pen = new Item("Pen", 20, new DateTime(2023, 4, 1));
var tissuePack = new Item("Tissue Pack", 30, new DateTime(2023, 5, 1));
var chipsBag = new Item("Chips Bag", 25, new DateTime(2023, 6, 1));
var sodaCan = new Item("Soda Can", 8, new DateTime(2023, 7, 1));
var soap = new Item("Soap", 12, new DateTime(2023, 8, 1));
var shampoo = new Item("Shampoo", 40, new DateTime(2023, 9, 1));
var toothbrush = new Item("Toothbrush", 50, new DateTime(2023, 10, 1));
var coffee = new Item("Coffee", 20);
var sandwich = new Item("Sandwich", 15);
var batteries = new Item("Batteries", 10);
var umbrella = new Item("Umbrella", 5);
var sunscreen = new Item("Sunscreen", 8);

Level 2 - Extra feature: Capacity

Class Store should have the following features:

  • Maximum capacity , which is total amount of items allowed in the store, and contructor should also take an integer value as the maximum capacity of the inventory.
  • Modify the add method to not overload the capacity

Level 3 - Extra feature: Complex functionalities

Class Store should have extra features

  • Method SortByDate to get the sorted collection by date dynamically (asc or desc)

     // method invocation example - You do not need to follow exactly the same
    var store = new Store(300)
    // ... add all items to the store
    var collectionSortedByDate = store.SortByDate(SortOrder.DESC)
    // print all items
  • Method GroupByDate to return 2 groups New Arrival and Old items. New Arrival items are those created within the last three months. For example, if the current month is October, then items created in August, September, and October are categorized as New Arrival. Items created before August are categorized as Old.

    // method invocation example - You do not need to follow exactly the same
    var store = new Store(300)
    // ... add all items to the store
    var groupByDate = store.GroupByDate();
    foreach (var group in groupByDate) {
        Console.WriteLine($"{group.Key} Items:");
        foreach (var item in group.Value) {
            Console.WriteLine($" - {item.Name}, Created: {item.CreatedDate.ToShortDateString()}");
    //Expected outcome
    New Arrival Items:
     - Coffee, Created: [current date]
     - Sandwich, Created: [current date]
     - Batteries, Created: [current date]
     - Umbrella, Created: [current date]
     - Sunscreen, Created: [current date]
    Old Items:
     - Water Bottle, Created: 01/01/2023
     - Chocolate Bar, Created: 02/01/2023
     - Notebook, Created: 03/01/2023
     - Pen, Created: 04/01/2023
     - Tissue Pack, Created: 05/01/2023
     - Chips Bag, Created: 06/01/2023
     - Soda Can, Created: 07/01/2023
     - Soap, Created: 08/01/2023
     - Shampoo, Created: 09/01/2023
     - Toothbrush, Created: 10/01/2023


Thursday 28th End of day



Language:C# 100.0%