shahzad-saddam / laravel-backpack-ready

This is a ready to use for development setup / boilerplate of Laravel Backpack with packages like filemanager, file permission, language manager and JWT based authentication and authorization for APIs including email validation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


$ git clone your-project-directory-name

$ cd your-project-directory-name # replace with project directory name

$ cp .env.example .env # and then set your database configurations
$ composer install # to install all packages
$ php artisan key:generate

$ mkdir public/uploads #create a public/uploads directory

$ php artisan migrate

$ php artisan jwt:secret

$ php artisan migrate --path=vendor/backpack/langfilemanager/src/database/migrations
$ php artisan db:seed --class="Backpack\LangFileManager\database\seeds\LanguageTableSeeder"


Steps to generate a crud

STEP 1. create migration and run it

$ php artisan make:migration:schema create_tags_table --model=0 --schema="name:string:unique"
$ php artisan migrate

STEP 2. create a model, a request and a controller for the admin panel

$ php artisan backpack:crud tag #use singular, not plural

STEP 3. manually add this to your admin.php routes file:

CRUD::resource('tag', 'TagCrudController'); 


This is a ready to use for development setup / boilerplate of Laravel Backpack with packages like filemanager, file permission, language manager and JWT based authentication and authorization for APIs including email validation


Language:PHP 82.7%Language:Blade 16.6%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:Vue 0.3%