shahrzadnikbakhtian / ANET2

Neural network based probabilistic post-processing of ensemble weather forecasts

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AtmosphereNET 2.0: Neural network based probabilistic post-processing of ensemble weather forecasts

ANET2 logo

AtmosphereNET 2.0 (ANET2) is a state-of-the-art neural network algorithm for probabilistic ensemble weather forecast post-processing. It is defined by the combination of a neural network architecture, denoted as ANET2, and a probabilistic, parametric forecast model. The parametric forecast model can be one of three different approaches:

  • Normal distribution (Norm)
  • Bernstein quantile regression (Bern)
  • Normalizing flows (Flow)

Norm, Bern, and Flow denote the different parametric distribution models used in conjunction with the ANET2 parameter regression neural network architecure.


To train the ANET2 models and generate forecasts the following Python libraries are required and can be installed with pip:

pip3 install numpy==1.23.5 torch=1.13.1 netCDF4==1.6.2 xarray==2022.11.0

Usage examples

To use the ANET2 repository for training, generating, and evaluating its models, first clone the repository

git clone

after which, rename the included config_template.json file to config.json

cd ANET2 && cp config_template.json config.json

The config.json file represents an interface to the framework, providing the training, generation, and evaluation scripts with the required information pertaining to training and test data paths, model variants, etc.

The following folder structure is recommended for this project:

	--- config.json
	--- config_template.json
	--- models
	    --- NORM.npy
	    --- BERN.npy
	    --- FLOW.npy

The instructions on how to download the dataset which can be used with this repository are provided in the next section.

Training and test data

The training and test datasets, which can be used out-of-the-box with this repository, are accessible through the EUPPBench dataset repository. Following the instructions provided in the dataset repository produces the required training and test .nc (netCDF) files, required by the ANET2 dataset loader. Do not rename the downloaded .nc files as the dataset loader anticipates the names to follow the default EUPPBench naming convention, such as

Training the model

The training script facilitates the training of three different ANET2 variants, described in more detail in Mlakar et al., 2023. The three ANET2 variants are:

  • Norm: Normal distribution used as the parametric distribution model in conjunction with the ANET2 parameter estimation network
  • Bern: Bernstein quantile regression used as the parametric distribution model in conjunction with the ANET2 parameter estimation network
  • Flow: The ANET2 variant using normalizing flows as parametric distribution models in conjunction with the ANET2 parameter estimation network

To train a specific model one has to modify the config.json file appropriately. Especially, one has to change the dataPath field and training object. Here is an example of the required modification to train the Flow model

"dataPath": "/.../DATA",

	"modelType": "FLOW", 
	"postfix": "FLOW_TEST",
	"residuals": true
  • The field dataPath should contain the absolute path to the folder containing the .nc training and test files.
  • The field modelType under the training object denotes the type of ANET2 model we wish to train using the data specified in dataPath.
  • A value of FLOW denotes the normalizing flow based method. Two additional options include BERN and NORM, for Bernstein quantile regression and a normal predictive distribution, respectively.
  • The field postfix under the training object denotes the optional postfix which will be appended to the output model's folder name, for easier differentiation between multiple runs.
  • Finally, the boolean field residuals under the training object denotes whether the model should be trained on forecast errors or raw observations. A value of true denotes the former option.

To initiate the model training, run the script


Generate test forecasts

After training is completed one can inspect the resulting trained model files in a folder, which is stored in the current working directory and whose file depends on the parameters of the training run

trained_model_folder := <modelType>_<learningRate>_<batchSize>_<timestamp>_<postfix>

Since multiple model can be combined to form a single forecast it is required that the above folder is placed into a parent model directory, containing all models that one wishes to use as a quasi-ensemble. If one wants to use only a single model for forecast generation, only a single trained_model_folder should be put in the parent directory.

To generate the post-processed forecasts one has to modify the generate object in the config.json file. Here is an example of the modified field

	"modelsPath": "/.../ANET2/FLOW_MODELS",
	"outputPath": "/.../FLOW_MODELS_GENERATED",
	"residuals": true,
	"averageParameters": false,
	"useBestModelOnly": false
  • The field modelPath specifies the absolute path to the parent model directory containing all the trained model which should be considered for the formation of forecast.
  • The field outputPath specifies the absolute path to the folder which should contain the generated forecasts.
  • The boolean field residuals should be set to true if the models pointed to by trainPath were trained on forecast residuals.
  • The boolean field averageParameters denotes the way in which multiple forecast models should be combined. If set to false each model forms an independent probabilistic prediction in terms of quantiles. Then the final forecast is produced by averaging the respective quantiles from all model predictions. This procedure is recommended for the Flow model. If set to true the parameters of the individual distribution models are estimated and averaged to a single distribution model with which the quantile prediction is made. This is the preferred method for Bern and Norm models.
  • The boolean field useBestModelOnly chooses the best model based on their validation dataset losses and uses only that model to produce the final forecast.

To start the forecast generation process run the script



To evaluate the model on the test dataset in terms of calibration and sharpness one can use the script. Additional libraries are required for this and can be installed by invoking pip

pip3 install matplotlib scipy cartopy

Again, the config.json file has to be configured before evaluation can begin

			"path": "/.../FLOW_MODELS_GENERATED/forecasts.npy",
			"name": "Flow_model",
			"type": "ANET2"

	"outputPath": "/.../FLOW_MODEL_EVALUATION"
  • The field path denotes the absolute path to the forecast file produced by the script.
  • The field name denotes the model name which will appear in the figure labels, titles, and names for the corresponding model.
  • The field type denotes the type or family of models to which the model belongs to. Norm, Bern, and Flow all belong to the ANET2 family. Additional fields include ANET1, EMOS.
  • The field outputPath contains the absolute path to the evaluation output folder in which the final scores should be stored.

One can include multiple models to the evaluation by simply addding an additional entry to the models array in the config.json file. To start the evaluation procedure call the script



Peter Mlakar, Janko Merše, and Jana Faganeli Pucer. (2023). Ensemble weather forecast post-processing with a flexible probabilistic neural network approach.

Cite as:

      title={Ensemble weather forecast post-processing with a flexible probabilistic neural network approach}, 
      author={Peter Mlakar and Janko Merše and Jana Faganeli Pucer},


Neural network based probabilistic post-processing of ensemble weather forecasts

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%