shaharkazaz / vscode-git-merger

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Pending merge is not aborted

chr7 opened this issue · comments


What's this issue all about?

Running the command "GitMerger: Abort merge" after a merge has been started from the command line and is still pending, reports "There is no merge to abort".

Expected Behaviour

Detect pending merge and abort it.

Actual Behaviour

Info box says "There is no merge to abort".

Steps To Reproduce

Open Windows CLI and enter "git merge --no-commit ".
I assume here that there are no merge conflicts, so "git status" shows that there are changes to be commited and says "All conflicts fixed but you are still merging."
Switch back to VSC to have the Source Control panel refreshed. It shows now the staged changes.
Run the command "GitMerger: Abort merge" from the VSC command pallet.

Software Info

VSCode version - 1.56.2
GitMerger version - 0.4.1
Operating System - Windows_NT x64 10.0.17134