shahariar-shibli / Effectiveness-of-Transformer-Models-on-IoT-Security-Detection-in-StackOverflow-Discussions

Effectiveness of Transformer Models on IoT Security Detection in StackOverflow Discussions

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  • Python
  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Keras
  • transformers
  • nltk
  • Tensorflow
  • scipy

Materials Used

Techniques/Algorithms Used

  • Natural Language Processings
  • Deep Learning
  • SGD
  • Logistic Regression
  • LDA Mallet

Architecture Overview

  • BERT based Advanced DL Models: BERT based model pre-trained on a large corpus of English data, over multiple gigantic datasets like Wikipedia, CC-News, OpenWebText, and etc, in a self-supervised fashion with the Masked language modeling (MLM) objective. Taking a sentence, the model randomly masks 15% of the words in the input then runs the entire masked sentence through the model and has to predict the masked words. On the top of this embedding, we use pre-trained BERT sequence classifier that classifies sentence/ sentences according to a given number of classes. These pre-trained classifier has a high computation architecture that is pre-trained on GLUE dataset. We set the output layer with 2 neurons(Security & Non-security) and classified each sentence into the class having the maximum value among the classes. We then tune the parameters on the training dataset. There already exists a suggested hyperparameter set in huggingface for these transformers model. For example, suggested hyperparameters for BERT sequence classifiers are batch-size = 32, learning-rate = 3e-5, epochs = 3, max-sequence-length = 128. We applied grid search hyperparameter tuning here. For example, our batch-size tuning sets are {8,16,32}, learning-rate are {1e-5, 2e-5, 3e-5} and epochs are {2,3}. A brief overview of used BERT-based models are given below-

    • BERT: We use bert-base-uncased [5] pre-trained model that is trained on BookCorpus, a dataset consisting of 11,038 unpublished books and English Wikipedia. Model has 110M parameters.
    • RoBERTa: We use roberta-base [5] model that is trained on a large collection of five datasets e.g. English Wikipedia, CC-News, OpenWebText, Stories, and BookCorpus, that combinedly equal to 160GB of texts. This model has around 125M parameters.
    • XLNet: We use xlnet-base-cased model that is trained on English Wikipedia, and BookCorpus, and etc. This model has around 110M parameters.
    • DistilBERT: We use distilbert-base-uncased [7] model that is trained on same data as BERT. This model squeezes the layers which result in a smaller parameter than BERT of size 66M.
    • BERTOverflow: We use jeniya/bertoverflow model that is trained on SO dumps of last 10 years. This model has only 110M parameters.


You will find the codes of this project inside the "Codes" folder. The codes are organised in a sequential manner.

You need to download the datasets from corresponding source (please follow the 'Materials Used' section for sources) and keep them in the same folder with the codes before running. You will have to rename (or format) them as mentioned in the codes.

Dataset Collection

  • StackOverflow IoT dataset: collected from IoT related 53K SO posts. List of all tags used in the IoT data collection:

    • arduino: arduino, arduino-c++, arduino-due, arduino-esp8266, arduino-every, arduino-ide, arduino-mkr1000, arduino-ultra-sonic, arduino-uno, arduino-uno-wifi, arduino-yun, platformio
    • iot: audiotoolbox, audiotrack, aws-iot, aws-iot-analytics, azure-iot-central, azure-iot-edge, azure-iot-hub, azure-iot-hub-device-management, azure-iot-sdk, azure iot-suite, bosch-iot-suite, eclipse-iot, google-cloud-iot, hypriot, iot-context-mapping, iot-devkit, iot-driver-behavior, iot-for-automotive, iot-workbench, iotivity, microsoft iot-central, nb-iot, rhiot, riot, riot-games-api, riot.js, riotjs, watson-iot, windows-10-iot-core, windows-10-iot-enterprise, windows-iot-core-10, windowsiot, wso2iot, xamarin.iot
    • raspberry-pi: adafruit, android-things, attiny, avrdude, esp32, esp8266, firmata, gpio, hm-10, home-automation, intel-galileo, johnny-five, lora, motordriver, mpu6050, nodemc, omxplayer, raspberry-pi, raspberry-pi-zero, raspberry-pi2, raspberry-pi3, raspberry-pi4, raspbian, serial-communication, servo, sim900, teensy, wiringpi, xbee

Code Replication

After tuning, the best hyperparameters for each model are provided in the codes. Please follow the following steps to replicate this repo-

  1. download and install all requirements and materials stated above
  2. download all files from Data folder
  3. IoT_Security_Samples_Agreement.xlsx file contains opinions of two coders either the sentence is security related or not e.g. 1 indicates security related and 0 indicates not.
  4. IoT_Security_Dataset.xlsx contains 5919 samples and 1049 samples are labeled as Security. Run column indicates fold number. Each time we hold a fold for testing and we use other 9 fold for training.
  5. run from Codes folder to get performaces of Baseline-SVM and Logits
  6. is a utility script. All transformer models import this file.
  7. run,,,, to get performances of BERT, RoBERTa, BERTOverflow, XLNet, and DistilBERT respectively.
  8. generate all seurity samples in IoT Dataset using Please use run_full_model() method to label all IoT dataset and then select Security Samples only.
  9. Make sure, you have downloaded Mallet from provided links and unzipped mallet-X(e.g. mallet2.0.8) to mallet-X/bin/mallet. run and IoT_security_topics.xlsx file will be created.
  10. downlaod IoTPostInformation.csv, QuestionTags.pkl, and SO_IoT_sentences.rar file to create evolution charts and figures.
  11. we put our prediction for each model inside Model_Prediction_on_IoT_Security_Dataset.xlsx
  12. IoT_post_info_with_security.xlsx contains topics related and post related informations.

N.B. Performance depends on random state. Random state may differ environment to environment and performance may also vary.


[1] Y. Liu, M. Ott, N. Goyal, J. Du, M. Joshi, D. Chen, O. Levy, M. Lewis, L. Zettlemoyer,and V. Stoyanov, "Roberta: A robustly optimized BERT pretraining approach" CoRR,vol. abs/1907.11692, 2019.

[2] Z. Hameed and B. Garcia-Zapirain, "Sentiment Classification Using a Single-Layered BiLSTM Model," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 73992-74001, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2988550.

[3] J. Devlin, M. Chang, K. Lee, and K. Toutanova, "BERT: pre-training of deep bidirectionaltransformers for language understanding" CoRR, vol. abs/1810.04805, 2018.

[4] Sanh, L. Debut, J. Chaumond, and T. Wolf, “Distilbert, a distilled version of bert:smaller, faster, cheaper and lighter,”ArXiv, vol. abs/1910.01108, 2019.

[5] Jeniya Tabassum, Mounica Maddela, Wei Xu, and Alan Ritter, “Code and Named Entity Recognition in StackOverflow”The Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2020.


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