A react todo component is created using material UI
// with npm
npm i react-todo-component
// with yarn
yarn add react-todo-component
yarn storybook
Here is a quick example to get you started, it's all you need:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {Todo} from 'react-todo-component';
<Todo />,
If you're reading this, you're awesome! Thank you for helping us.
- Clone git repository on your local
git clone git@github.com:upnotes-io/react-todo.git
- Run
yarn install
to install dependencies. - We are using storybook. Just run
yarn run storybook
to test on local. - Pick a issue and comment you are working on it.
- Create your feature branch, do changes and create pull request.
- Create a new account in npm. https://www.npmjs.com/signup
- Create a new access token and select publish as a type https://www.npmjs.com/settings/upnotes/tokens
- Add secret to your repo or organization as NPM_TOKEN https://github.com/organizations/upnotes-io/settings/secrets/actions/new
- Create a new tag and use that tag to create the release. Creating a new release will trigger the workflow.
Adding deploy keys to your repo: