shahabhishek1729 / minigrad

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MiniGrad: A Rust crate to backpropagate on Scalar operations.

MiniGrad allows you to create Scalars (wrappers around numeric data values), and perform basic operations on them; MiniGrad internally stores a computation graph whenever an operation is performed, so that when .backward() is called on a specific Scalar, gradient values for each node in the graph can be computed.

The design of the API was inspired by the current state-of-the-art deep learning frameworks (e.g., PyTorch, TensorFlow), albeit slightly altered to better fit in with idiomatic Rust.


Handling of Numeric Values

Internally, due to the way Rust stores integers and floating point values, all numeric data and gradients are stored in two parts, with a whole number part and a fractional part. For instance, the value would be stored with a data_int value of $3$, and a data_frac value of $2$. Therefore, to get the data stored in this Scalar, a convenience method join_data() is provided on all Scalar objects. The same holds true of gradients, which can be retrieved with join_grad().

Borrowing and Referencing Scalars

Due to another implementation detail in Rust, you can only operate on references to Scalars, rather than Scalars themselves. That is, if you have let a = Scalar::new(3.1, "a"), and let b = Scalar::new(3.1, "b"), in order to add these Scalars, you will first need a reference to both.

let a = Scalar::new(3.1, "a");
let b = Scalar::new(3.1, "b");

let c = a + b; // NOT VALID
let c = &a + &b; // VALID


The following code segment uses the following series of computations to generate the final output:
$a = 3.1$
$b = 4.2$
$c = a + b$
$d = ab$
$e = \frac{d}{c}$
$f = 10$
$g = \frac{f}{e}$

Or, in a single expression, $g = 10 / \frac{(3.1)(4.2)}{3.1 + 4.2}$.

Calling g.backward() then computes the following gradients: $\frac{\partial g}{\partial f}$ (read "derivative of g with respect of f"), $\frac{\partial g}{\partial e}$, $\frac{\partial g}{\partial d}$, $\frac{\partial g}{\partial c}$, $\frac{\partial g}{\partial b}$, $\frac{\partial g}{\partial a}$

// Creates a Scalar with label "a" and value 3.1
let a = &Scalar::new(3.1, "a");

// Creates a Scalar with label "c" and value 4.2
let b = &Scalar::new(4.2, "b");

// `c` should have value 3.1 + 4.2 = 7.3
let mut c = a + b;
c._label = "c";

let mut d = a * b;
d._label = "d";

let mut e = &d / &c;
e._label = "e";

let f = &Scalar::new(10.0, "f");

let mut g = f / &e;
g._label = "g";

// Backpropagate on the internal computation graph and set gradients of each Scalar involved.

// Check the result of the computation itself
dbg!(g.join_data()); // 2.5

// Check gradients of each node involved in computing `g`
dbg!(g.join_grad()); // 1.0
dbg!(f.join_grad()); // 0.25
dbg!(e.join_grad()); // -0.625
dbg!(c.join_grad()); // -1.25
dbg!(d.join_grad()); // 0.3125
dbg!(b.join_grad()); // -2.5
dbg!(a.join_grad()); // -0.625


The inspiration and framework for this project was derived from Andrej Karpathy's lecture and library on backpropagation and deep learning.



Language:Rust 100.0%