shadz22 / acebook-404

AceBook - 404

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AceBook Team 404

Team Ria Patel - Jake Phillips - Shadi Khazaei - Lucian Boatright-Roberts

We created a clone of Facebook using Ruby-rails, Javascript and HTML with CSS

Project outline

Build a MVP version of a social networking web-page that allows users to sign in and create notes and edit/delete their own posts.

We have set up the page to work with Heroku on-line were a client can view the page and see how it works separate from a developers computer.

We running all the files through Travis via the git hub account to make sure the files being uploaded fit the criteria set out in the Criteria section below.

You can find the engineering project outline here.

We completed this project in as a group of 4 working with a combination of pair programming individual work and mobbing through the requirements laid out in our user stories. Through the 2 weeks this project took to complete we strenghtend our abillity to work in a team enviroment and built on our fundamental understanding of ruby and rails to build the app.


There is a list of gems in the Gemfile that need to be installed to run the file so be careful to run the below command in the command line.

  • bundle install

File set up for third party use

First, clone this repository. Then:

> bundle install
> bin/rails db:create
> bin/rails db:migrate

> bundle exec rspec # Run the tests to ensure it works
> bin/rails server # Start the server at localhost:3000

Testing Criteria

Run tests through rspec in the terminal

  • Make sure test coverage is over 90%
  • Every feature from user prospective

Cabybara tests


  • Flat cap Josh
  • Normal Josh

Learning resource Rails documentation > Multiple coaches at Makers Academy


AceBook - 404



Language:HTML 43.1%Language:Ruby 37.5%Language:CSS 18.6%Language:JavaScript 0.8%