Deprecated, moved to
A simple SVG-tool, which can render SVG elements and load sprites from external files. Removes transformations from the sprite-elements, deletes unnecessary and maybe duplicate ids. Written as "vanilla" ES6-Module.
It is fast, small (< 100 lines of code) and has no runtime dependencies.
The syntax is all standard: SVG element reference.
Svg.addElement(svg, "rect", {x: 10, y: 10, width: 50, height: 50, fill: "red"});
transforms to
<rect x="10" y="10" width="50" height="50" fill="red"></rect>
Svg.addElement(svg, "rect", {x: 10, y: 10, width: 50, height: 50, fill: "red"});
Svg.loadSprite("./assets/sprite.svg", ["star", "circle", "triangle", "smiley"]);
Svg.addElement(svg2, "use", {href: "#triangle", x: 10, y: 10});
Svg.addElement(svg2, "use", {href: "#smiley", x: 100, y: 10});
Svg.addElement(svg2, "use", {href: "#smiley", transform: "translate(200,10) scale(0.5)"});
Svg.addElement(star, "animateTransform", {
attributeName: "transform", type: "rotate",
values: "0 0 0; 360 0 0", additive: "sum", dur: "6s", repeatCount: "indefinite"
Svg.addElement(star, "animateMotion", {dur: "10s", values: "0,0; 250,0; 0,0", repeatCount: "indefinite"});