This app was developed to demonstrate a modularized base structure for Android Apps.
The instruction of the app:
As a user, when I open the app I should see the weather for my current location, so I can immediately see weather that is relevant to me.
● Screen shows current conditions (sunny, foggy, raining, etc.), temperature, wind speed and direction.
● The weather information should be cached for future offline use.
● If I am offline, and there is weather information cached that is less than 24 hours old:
● The last known conditions and location should be shown along with a prominent display to indicate when the data was last updated.
● A button should be displayed to allow a user to refresh the data.
● If I am offline, and there are no previous conditions known, or the previous conditions are more than 24 hours old:
● A screen should be displayed to indicate there is no previous data available.
● A button should be displayed to allow a user to refresh the data.
● If I refresh the data manually, and I am offline, a message should be displayed to indicate that I need to connect to the Internet in order to get updated data.
● The app should display a loading indicator if it is fetching data.
● Use, or any other weather API of your choice
● If using OpenWeatherMap, weather graphics can be found at<weather.icon>.png