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Components for test assignment

Note: this repository contains compiled source files only to host them using GitHub Pages, otherwise they should be excluded using .gitignore.

The source code of components in a form of ES2015 modules is located at ./src. Components can be used without compilation/processing in the recent versions of modern browsers for development/test purposes. See the development version of components: (or run npm start locally and navigate to http://localhost:8000/src/).

The compiled source code of components suitable for production use and compatible with legacy browsers is located at ./dist. See the production-ready version of components:

The demonstation of components embedded to the origianl application built for production is located at ./demo. See this demo:

Tests are located at ./dist/test. Run them in browser: (or run npm start locally and navigate to http://localhost:8000/dist/test/). Open browser's console to see results.


  • Checkout the source code and install development dependencies:
git clone
cd ./hp
npm install
  • Start the local server to serve static files from http://localhost:8000/: npm start
  • Format and lint the source code: npm run lint
  • Build for production: npm run build

Component usage

Create a component and attach it to DOM:

import ExampleComponent from './src/example-component.js';
const component = new ExampleComponent();

A component object is accessible from its corresponding DOM element using the component property:

const element = document.querySelector('.example-component');

Some components allow to get or set their state with the data property. Also they accept data as the first argument in a constructor and react on the custom event set-data:

const data = { foo: 'bar' };
const component = new ExampleComponent(data);
console.log(; = { foo: 'baz' };
element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('set-data', { bubbles: true, detail: { foo: 'qux' } }));


  1. Create comments block component. Component represents scrollable area with user comments, each list item shows user name, comment creation date and text of the comment. At the bottom of the component place comment input form with two fields, user name and user comment text and button 'Send'. Pressing 'Send' button will add new comment to the existing list of comments. Upon request from parent, component should send JSON data with comments. Also parent component can send data to the component and it should be able to parse and show the data properly.

    JSON data structure, which this component should parse and output upon request

  "data" : [
      "message": "<string>",
      "userName": "<string>",
      "date": "<number>"
 User1  15.12.1995
 This is my first comment!! Hello, guys.
 User2  16.12.1995
 Nice to see you, man
name:     ______________________________________ 
comment:  ______________________________________

                                     SEND BUTTON 
  1. Create a registration form with 25 fields. It should contain:

    • 3 input with type - text
    • 2 input with type password(password and confirm password fields).
    • 4 select elements
    • 2 date and time pickers. First start date and second - end data. End date can't be less, than start date
    • 4 radio button elements
    • 4 checkbox grouped together
    • 3 readonly input text fields
    • 1 email input field with validation
    • 1 textarea element. Restrict input to 300 characters

    Please provide form validation upon request from parent. All form fields except readonly input fields should have required attribute. Upon request the form should be validated and if the data is valid send entered user data out of component in JSON format, otherwise hint user about incorrect input. Date should be converted to milliseconds in result JSON. Also component should input data from outside and properly fill all form fields.

  2. Create user education component. Component consist of three input fields, name, start date and end date.On the right side should be the plus (+) button. Minus (-) button should appear near the added component after addition (in order to remove it if necessary) except the first one. By pressing plus button user can add new education place. By press minus button - user can remove added education element. There are no other restrictions for count of educational elements, user can input any count. Provide validation for the element, all text fields are required. Upon request from the parent, component should send JSON data with added educational items. Also component should get data from outside and properly show it. Simply put, component should has input parameter and output parameter. The component can receive data from outside, user can modify it and upon request return the modified data

   "data": [
           "name": "<string>",
           "startDate": "<number>",
           "endDate": "<number>"
    name: ___________________________         - 
    start date: ______ end date:__________  
    name: ___________________________         - + 
    start date: ______ end date:__________
  1. Create a component to show sum of digits in the number, that is exponent of 2. User can choose the degree in input number element. Min value is 10, max value - 250. Update all values by user input. For example, user entered 10. First line shows 2 10. Second line - 1024. Third line - 7
2 __________________
Digit: <number>
Sum: <number>    
  1. Create a Pascal triangle component. Each digit inside triangle component should also be component, which gets its position index and calculates its value. User can set the height of triangle from 2 to 50. Component should look like triangle (like on the picture below). Triangle should be centered in the component.
Triangle height:           ______
            1   1
          1   2   1
        1   3   3   1



Language:JavaScript 95.6%Language:HTML 4.4%