sgeto / wsock-trace

Tracing lib for Winsock calls.

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Wsock-trace v. 0.3.5:

Build Status

A drop-in tracing library / DLL for most normal Winsock calls. It sits between your program and the Winsock library (ws2_32.dll). It works best for MSVC since the stack-walking code requires the program's PDB symbol-file to be present. And unfortunately MinGW/CygWin doesn't produce PDB-symbols (GNU-debugger instead relies on the archaic BFD library).
Example output from c:\> ahost showing all the addresses of (ahost is part of the DNS library C-ares) :

[screenshot] (screenshot_ahost-msdn-com-win10.png?raw=true)


  • Colourised trace of the Winsock calls with function parameters and return values. The colours are configurable.

  • Runtime caller information: Using Microsoft's dbghelp (or psapi) APIs together with the programs PDB-file, the filename, line-number of the calling function-name is shown. In the above example, WSAStartup() is called from ahost.c, line 67. Which should be 59 bytes into the main() function. This should be here.

  • Precise Timestamps: All trace-lines starts with a precise timestamp obtained from QueryPerformanceCounter().
    The timestamp is controlled by trace_time in the wsock_trace config-file.

  • Extension functions: Winsock has several Microsoft-specific extension functions (like AcceptEx and ConnectEx).
    Winsock-Trace is able to trace these too.

  • IP-Country information from MaxMind. (using the CSV files geoip and geoip6 are always enabled).
    Thanks to the Tor-project for a simplified version of these MaxMind GeoIP-databases.
    Also many thanks to MaxMind and IP2Location [3] for their data-bases.

  • IP-Location information from IP2Location. (this is contolled by USE_IP2LOCATION = 1 in the makefiles).
    The above Mountain View/California is Google's well-known location.
    Many thanks to IP2Location [3] for their data-bases.

  • Domain Name System-based Blackhole List (DNSBL) support: with the help of DROP-files from the Spamhaus project, it can detect IPv4 / IPv6-addresses uses by spammers and cyber-criminals. The more potent Spamhaus BGPCC is on the to-do list.

  • LuaJIT script support: very preliminary at the moment. The idea is that .lua scripts could change the behaviour of Wsock-trace at runtime without rebuilding it.

Installation (all)

To be able to get more precise Geo-IP information for addresses (city and region), Wsock-trace can use the IP2Location library.
Do this:

  • Sign-up for an account and download the free IP2Location LITE databases here.

  • Put the IP2LOCATION-LITE-DBx.BIN file (or similar, see [*] below) into your %HOME% or %APPDATA% directory.

  • Clone this repository along with its submodules:
    git clone --recursive -j8
    If you have already cloned this repository, you can initialize and update the submodules like so:
    git submodule update --init --recursive

  • Edit the respective makefile to say USE_IP2LOCATION = 1

  • Then do the specific installation for your compiler (see below).

[*]: to enable locations for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, download and use a file named like IP2LOCATION-LITE-DBx.IPV6.BIN.
These files contains both IPv4 and IPv6 records.

Installation (MSVC)

Enter the src sub-directory and do a nmake -f Makefile.vc6. This produces a wsock_trace.lib that you'll need to use to link your project(s) with. This lib would then trace the normal Winsock calls. Example screen-shot above or details in Running samples below.

Usage (MSVC)

Link with wsock_trace.lib instead of the system's ws32_2.lib. Thus most normal Winsock calls are traced on entry and exit. Remember to compile using -Zi to produce debug-symbols. And remember to use -debug when linking your program. See src/Makefile.vc6 for an example. It is not adviced to use option /Oy (enable frame pointer omission) since that will make it difficult for StackWalk64() to figure out the filename and line of the calling function.

Installation (MinGW/CygWin)

Enter the src sub-directory and do a make -f Makefile.MinGW or make -f Makefile.Cygwin.

Usage (MinGW/CygWin)

Link with libwsock_trace.a instead of the system's libws32_2.a (i.e. -lws32_2). So copy this library to a directory in $(LIBRARY_PATH) and use -lwsock_trace to link. The Makefile.MinGW already does the copying to $(MINGW32)/lib.


The trace-level and other settings are controlled by a config-file wsock_trace. This file is searched along these places until found:

  • The file pointed to by %WSOCK_TRACE.
  • The current directory.
  • The %HOME directory.
  • Then finally the %APPDATA directory.

wsock_trace is read in init.c at startup. Read it's contents; the comments therein should be self-explanatory.
If wsock_trace is not found in one of the above directories, the default trace_level is set to 1.

There is no install.bat file for Wsock-Trace. So you should copy the following files (here at GitHub) to your %HOME or %APPDATA directory:


These environment variables are on the form:

  • <drive>:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\ProgramData. (Win-XP)
  • <drive>:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Roaming. (Win-Vista+)

Since it's a confusing subject what a program's configuration directory should be, it's best to define a %HOME% to point to the excact place for such config-files.

Running samples

Example output from src/test.exe (built with MSVC):

  * ws_trace/test.c(45) (main+50):              WSAStartup (2.2) --> No error.
  * ws_trace/test.c(24) (do_wsock_tests+125):   gethostbyaddr (, 4, AF_INET) --> 0x003C8780.
  * ws_trace/test.c(27) (do_wsock_tests+150):   gethostbyaddr (, 4, AF_INET) --> 0x003C8780.
  * ws_trace/test.c(29) (do_wsock_tests+164):   gethostbyaddr (::1, 16, AF_INET6) --> 0x003C8780.
  * ws_trace/test.c(31) (do_wsock_tests+175):   gethostbyname (localhost) --> 0x003C8780.
  * ws_trace/test.c(31) (do_wsock_tests+187):   socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) --> 1724.
  * ws_trace/test.c(33) (do_wsock_tests+196):   WSAGetLastError() --> No error.
  * ws_trace/test.c(36) (do_wsock_tests+343):   select (n=0-1724, rd, NULL, NULL, {tv=1.000001s}) --> No error.
  * ws_trace/test.c(37) (do_wsock_tests+358):   FD_ISSET (1724, fd) --> 0.
  * ws_trace/test.c(47) (main+61):              WSACleanup() --> No error.
    ^                ^   ^                      ^
    |                |   |                      |___ The traced Winsock function and the result.
    |                |   |
    |                |   |____ The calling function with displacement (i.e. offset from
    |                |                                          (nearest public symbol).
    |                |_____ Line number in src-file.
    |____ Source-file relative of the application.

Here is a more realistic and useful example with wsock_trace.lib linked to Nmap [1]:

  c:\> nmap -sT -P0 -p23,80
     * mswin32/ (win_pre_init+68):   WSAStartup (2.2) --> No error.

    Starting Nmap 6.02 ( ) at 2012-07-24 12:48 CET
      * g:/vc_2010/sdk/include/wspiapi.h(1011) (WspiapiGetAddrInfo+79):   WSASetLastError (0).
      * g:/vc_2010/sdk/include/wspiapi.h(1011) (WspiapiGetAddrInfo+79):   WSASetLastError (0).
      * g:/vc_2010/sdk/include/wspiapi.h(1011) (WspiapiGetAddrInfo+79):   WSASetLastError (0).
      * g:/vc_2010/sdk/include/wspiapi.h(1011) (WspiapiGetAddrInfo+79):   WSASetLastError (0).
      * g:/vc_2010/sdk/include/wspiapi.h(1011) (WspiapiGetAddrInfo+79):   WSASetLastError (0).
      * g:/vc_2010/sdk/include/wspiapi.h(1011) (WspiapiGetAddrInfo+79):   WSASetLastError (0).
      * (sendConnectScanProbe+266):   socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 6) --> 1780.
      * nbase/nbase_misc.c(261) (unblock_socket+65):   ioctlsocket (1780, FIONBIO, 1) --> No error.
      * (init_socket+82):   setsockopt (1780, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, 1, 4) --> No error.
      * libnetutil/ (set_ttl+34):   setsockopt (1780, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ULONG_MAX, 4) --> WSAEINVAL: Invalid arguments (10022).
      * (sendConnectScanProbe+599):   connect (1780, --> WSAEWOULDBLOCK: Call would block (10035).
      * nbase/nbase_misc.c(133) (socket_errno+12):   WSAGetLastError() --> WSAEWOULDBLOCK: Call would block (10035).
      * (ConnectScanInfo::watchSD+82):   FD_ISSET (1780, fd) --> 0.
      * (sendConnectScanProbe+266):   socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 6) --> 1720.
      * nbase/nbase_misc.c(261) (unblock_socket+65):   ioctlsocket (1720, FIONBIO, 1) --> No error.
      * (init_socket+82):   setsockopt (1720, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, 1, 4) --> No error.
      * libnetutil/ (set_ttl+34):   setsockopt (1720, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ULONG_MAX, 4) --> WSAEINVAL: Invalid arguments (10022).
      * (sendConnectScanProbe+599):   connect (1720, --> WSAEWOULDBLOCK: Call would block (10035).
      * nbase/nbase_misc.c(133) (socket_errno+12):   WSAGetLastError() --> WSAEWOULDBLOCK: Call would block (10035).
      * (ConnectScanInfo::watchSD+82):   FD_ISSET (1720, fd) --> 0.
      * (do_one_select_round+473):   select (n=0-1780, rd, wr, ex, {tv=0.985000s}) --> 3.
      * nbase/nbase_misc.c(133) (socket_errno+12):   WSAGetLastError() --> WSAEWOULDBLOCK: Call would block (10035).
      * (do_one_select_round+1894):   FD_ISSET (1720, fd) --> 0.
      * (do_one_select_round+1917):   FD_ISSET (1720, fd) --> 1.
      * (do_one_select_round+2012):   getsockopt (1720, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, 0, 4) --> No error.
      * (ConnectScanInfo::clearSD+82):   FD_ISSET (1720, fd) --> 1.
      * (ConnectProbe::~ConnectProbe+37):   closesocket (1720) --> No error.
      * (do_one_select_round+1894):   FD_ISSET (1780, fd) --> 1.
      * (do_one_select_round+2012):   getsockopt (1780, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, 0, 4) --> No error.
      * (ConnectScanInfo::clearSD+82):   FD_ISSET (1780, fd) --> 1.
      * (ConnectProbe::~ConnectProbe+37):   closesocket (1780) --> No error.
    Nmap scan report for router (
    Host is up (0.0019s latency).
    23/tcp open  telnet
    80/tcp open  http

    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 7.61 seconds
      * mswin32/ (win_cleanup+12):   WSACleanup() --> No error.


  • Nmap uses wrong arguments to setsockopt(); a TTL of ULONG_MAX.
  • Nmap also calls WSAStartup() before the startup message.
  • Last but not least, notice how wsock_trace handles (demangles) C++ symbols just fine thanks to dbghelp.dll and UnDecorateSymbolName(). I.e. the destructor ConnectProbe::~ConnectProbe above is calling closesocket() at offset 37. (you can turn off C++ demangling by cpp_demangle = 0 in the config-file).

And another example from C-ares's' adig.c:

    c:\> adig -t PTR
      * adig.c(216) (main+105):   WSAStartup (2.2) --> No error.
      * ares_process.c(1065) (open_udp_socket+248):   socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0) --> 1604.
      * ares_process.c(857) (setsocknonblock+61):   ioctlsocket (1604, FIONBIO, 1) --> No error.
      * ares_process.c(1077) (open_udp_socket+345):   connect (1604, --> No error.
      * ares_process.c(791) (ares__send_query+484):   send (1604, 0x00034BDA, 31, 0) --> 31 bytes tx.
      * adig.c(397) (main+1780):   select (n=0-1604, rd, wr, NULL, {tv=3.109000s}) --> 1.
      * ares_process.c(456) (read_udp_packets+146):   FD_ISSET (1604, fd) --> 1.
      * ares_process.c(485) (read_udp_packets+413):   recvfrom (1604, 0x0013F894, 513, 0, --> 106 bytes rx.
    Domain name not found
    id: 58187
    flags: qr rd ra
    opcode: QUERY
    rcode: NXDOMAIN
    .                PTR
    NS records:
                           .        1413    SOA
                                                    ( 2012072400 1800 900 604800 86400 )
    Additional records:
      * ares__close_sockets.c(63) (ares__close_sockets+408):   closesocket (1604) --> No error.
      * adig.c(411) (main+1894):   WSACleanup() --> No error.

By default, the tracing of htons(),htonl(), ntohs() and ntohl() are excluded from the trace.
You can edit the %HOME/wsock_trace file and exclude whatever calls you like.

A more eleborated example from 2 OpenVPN programs (a client and a server linked to wsock_trace.lib) running a simple test (in OpenVPN's root-dir):

cd sample
start /pos=200,50,1000,800   ..\openvpn.exe --config sample-config-files/loopback-server
start /pos=800,150,1000,1000 ..\openvpn.exe --config sample-config-files/loopback-client


A Larger version.

Implementation notes

The names of the import libraries and the names of the 32-bit .DLLs are:

  • For MSVC: wsock_trace.lib and wsock_trace.dll .
  • For MinGW: libwsock_trace.a and wsock_trace_mw.dll .
  • For CygWin32: libwsock_trace.a and wsock_trace_cyg.dll.

And the 64-bit equivalents:

  • For MSVC: wsock_trace_x64.lib and wsock_trace_x64.dll .
  • For MinGW: libwsock_trace_x64.a and wsock_trace_mw_x64.dll .
  • For CygWin64: libwsock_trace_x64.a and wsock_trace_cyg_x64.dll.

These DLLs off-course needs to be in current directory or on %PATH. The reason I've chosen to make it a DLL and not a static-lib is that applications using wsock_trace.lib needs not to be re-linked when I do change the inner workings of the wsock_trace source code (I've done that a lot lately). As long as the ABI is stable (e.g. not adding functions to the wsock_trace.def file), the application using wsock_trace.dll should work the same. Only the trace should change.

Note that some virus scanners may find the behaviour of programs linked to wsock_trace.lib suspicious.

Future plans:

  1. Get the decoding of calling function, file-name and lines in the MinGW/CygWin ports working.

  2. Lua-script integration; use a *.lua file to exclude/include processes and/or functions to trace.

  3. Injecting wsock_trace.dll into a remote process. Ref: ** **

  4. Optionally load Wireshark's libwireshark.dll to dissect transport and application protocols.
    Do it for selected processes only.

  5. Deny certain applications to use AF_INET6 protocols (return -1 on socket(AF_INET6,...).

  6. Add a Json type config feature to support the above features. E.g.:

    wireshark_dissect {
      wget.exe : 1    # Wireshark dissection in wget and curl only.
      curl.exe : 1
    exclude_trace {
      select:    [curl.exe, wget.exe]  # Exclude trace of `select()` and `inet_ntoa()` in curl/wget.
      inet_ntoa: [curl.exe, wget.exe]
      htons:     [ * ]    # Exclude trace of `htons` globally.
    deny_ipv6 {
      pycurl.pyd : 1     # Deny AF_INET6 sockets in scripts using the PyCurl module.
      python27.dll : 1   # And in other Python scripts too.
  7. Make a GUI trace viewer for it. Ref:

  8. Make it possible to switch network stacks at run-time (select amongst Winsock2, lwIP, SwsSock and/or Cyclone TCP (ported to Win32)).

G. Vanem <> 2013 - 2018.


PS. This file is written with the aid of the Atom editor and it's Markdown-Preview. A real time-saver.


Tracing lib for Winsock calls.


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