sgaudart / reporting_rrd

[CENTREON REQUIRED] massive computing averages based from the data Centreon graphs (RRD files)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

centreon reporting rrd

The script generates a specific ascii report about a host group + specific service (and metric) during a specified time range.
The output report shows the average value (or percentile) and is based from data of the RRD files generated by Centreon (the script must be running on the machine hosting the RRD files).

  • INPUT : text file with hostnames or name of the hostgroup + name of the focus service + (start & end date)
  • OUTPUT : ascii report with average value


  • Perl
  • mysql client
  • rrdtool

Tested with

  • Centreon 2.5.4
  • perl 5.10.1
  • rrdtool 1.4.7


option --hostfile or --hostgroup, and --service are compulsory, others are optional.
option --timerange allows to calculate average values during several hours, for example during Working Hours.
If no options --start or --end, the last mounth is used as the default time range.

./ --hostgroup <host_group_name> (if option --hostfile not used)
                   --hostfile <myhosts.txt> (text file with one hostname by line)
                   --service <name_of_the_service>
                   [--metric <name_of_the_metric>]
                   [--start <DD-MM-YYYY>]
                   [--end <DD-MM-YYYY>]
                   [--timerange <regex with date format> (date format: Fri Nov 28 14:15:33 2014)]
                   [--sort ascending|descending]
                   [--top N]
                   [--csv <chr>] (for csv output)
                   [--percentile XX]


For 231 devices + one selected service + one metric + time range of one month:
real 0m9.179s
user 0m1.099s
sys 0m1.183s

For 1000 devices + one selected service + one metric + time range of one month:
real 1m8.093s
==> 6 or 7 secondes since the version 23 user 0m7.454s
sys 0m10.865s

Examples --hostfile myhosts.txt --service CPU
--start 01-11-2014 --end 01-12-2014 --sort descending

myhosts.txt     service:CPU     from:01-11-2014 to 01-12-2014
| hostname              | service    | metric        | value (%)       |
| TOTO_host1            | CPU        | load_5_min    | 6.29            |
| TOTO_host1            | CPU        | load_1_min    | 6.14            |
| TOTO_host1            | CPU        | load_5_sec    | 6.09            |
| TOTO_host2            | CPU        | load_1_min    | 5.97            |
| TOTO_host2            | CPU        | load_5_min    | 5.97            |
| TOTO_host2            | CPU        | load_5_sec    | 5.82            |
| TOTO_host3            | CPU        | load_1_min    | 4.01            |
| TOTO_host3            | CPU        | load_5_min    | 4.01            |
| TOTO_host3            | CPU        | load_5_sec    | 4.00            |
| TOTO_host4            | CPU        | load_5_min    | 3.01            |
| TOTO_host4            | CPU        | load_1_min    | 3.01            |
| TOTO_host4            | CPU        | load_5_sec    | 3.01            |
+-----------------------+------------+---------------+-----------------+ --hostfile myhosts.txt --service CPU --metric load_5_min
--start 01-11-2014 --end 01-12-2014 --sort descending

myhosts.txt     service:CPU     from:01-11-2014 to 01-12-2014
| hostname              | service    | metric        | value (%)       |
| TOTO_host1            | CPU        | load_5_min    | 6.29            |
| TOTO_host2            | CPU        | load_5_min    | 5.97            |
| TOTO_host3            | CPU        | load_5_min    | 4.01            |
| TOTO_host4            | CPU        | load_5_min    | 3.01            |
+-----------------------+------------+---------------+-----------------+ --hostfile myhostnames.txt --service Traffic% --metric traffic_out
--start 01-11-2014 --end 10-11-2014 --sort descending --percentile 95
myhostnames.txt     service:Traffic%        From:01-11-2014 to 10-11-2014
| hostname | service                           | metric      | value (Bits/s) |
| HOST1    | Traffic Gi0/0/0 - Tronc COMMUN    | traffic_out | 201363140.88   |
| HOST1    | Traffic Te0/1/0 - vers HOST2 eth3 | traffic_out | 29108307.05    |
| HOST1    | Traffic Te0/1/0.17 - vers HOST3   | traffic_out | 24642008.87    |
| HOST1    | Traffic Gi0/0/1 - Tronc ADSL      | traffic_out | 7147156.44     |
| HOST1    | Traffic Te0/1/0.10 - vers HOST4   | traffic_out | 5215652.37     |
| HOST1    | Traffic Te0/1/0.9 - vers HOST5    | traffic_out | 1490047.99     |
| HOST1    | Traffic Gi0/0/5 - vers TRONC FT56 | traffic_out | 1457569.49     |

Example with --timerange (target : only the working hours) : --hostfile TOTO.txt --service "Traffic Te0/3/0 - vers WORLD"
--start 01-11-2014 --end 01-12-2014
--timerange "^(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri) ... .. (08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18):..:.. 2014$"

TOTO.txt     service:Traffic Te0/3/0 - vers WORLD  From:01-11-2014 to 01-12-2014
| hostname        | service                      | metric      | value (Bits/s) |
| TOTO1           | Traffic Te0/3/0 - vers WORLD | traffic_in  | 106005763.81   |
| TOTO2           | Traffic Te0/3/0 - vers WORLD | traffic_in  | 38992621.03    |
| TOTO1           | Traffic Te0/3/0 - vers WORLD | traffic_out | 28826598.06    |
| TOTO2           | Traffic Te0/3/0 - vers WORLD | traffic_out | 85628434.92    |


[CENTREON REQUIRED] massive computing averages based from the data Centreon graphs (RRD files)


Language:Perl 100.0%