sfproductlabs / msgxc

Message eXChange Services (iOS APN,Android Push Notifications,SMS,Email,WebPush,Websockets) with GDPR compliant Telemetry. Subsystem of SFPL Experimentation Framework.

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Messaging Exchange (MSGXC)

Multi-modal messaging inc. native push, websockets, web push, fcm, gcm, apn, sms, email with reports in Python & PySpark. Subsystem of the SFPL growth and experimentation framework.


Tracking messaging like we do the rest of internet traffic is essential to understanding our customers and optimizing growth. Messaging exchange (MSGXC) is a central system for dispatching and tracking (see https://github.com/sfproductlabs/tracker) all messgaing (currently supports iOS native, Android native, SMS, Email, Websockets, WebPush notifications). It is broken into 3 main components eXchange Communication Service (xcs - node.js); eXchange Analysis Service (xas - pyspark); and eXchange Scheduler Service (xss - python).

Dispatching messages (iOS,email etc.) Experimentation and growth Manage experiment iterations and message dispatch
Manage thread subscriptions Provide services to large complex queries using Spark, Hive, Elastic & Cassandra (Elassandra) Schedule system messages


Using the schema https://github.com/sfproductlabs/msgxc/tree/master/xcs/.setup/schema/cassandra and example data https://github.com/sfproductlabs/msgxc/blob/master/xcs/.setup/schema/cassandra/data.1.test.cql (see also https://github.com/sfproductlabs/msgxc/blob/master/xcs/README.md#a-deeper-look-at-the-schema).

Admin UI

A rudimentary administration user interface written (and extendable) in react is available for use. It's especially useful for testing and sending system messages.


Run dependencies

docker-compose up

This will install Elassandra (Cassandra) and Nats, and initialize the database with the schema above.


Change the connection parameters to Google FCM/GCM, Sendgrid, Apple, Twilio, etc. and write your own .env file. https://github.com/sfproductlabs/msgxc/blob/master/xcs/.env.sample

Run the service

Go into /xcs

npm start


  • Realtime
    • Websockets
    • Web Notifications
    • Native Messaging
  • Nearline
    • Email
    • SMS
  • Routing
    • Handover to react-native-router (Universal Links/ App Link)
  • Acknowledgement
    • Web notification receipts
    • Websocket check-in (online time)
    • Native messaging receipts
  • Offline
    • PySpark Reports
  • Scheduler


Urgency Device State Example Application Scenario
1 - very-low On power and wifi Advertisements
2 - low On either power or wifi Topic updates
3 - normal On neither power nor wifi Chat or Calendar Message
4 - high Low battery Incoming phone call or time-sensitive alert


Run docker-compose up in the root of this project to get elassandra (cassandra with elastic search), and NATS.io working.


User Functions



Checks whether the server is up.

Correct Response: 200



Requires Any JWT


Enlists a user's devices including web-browsers, native android/os, to receive messages.

Request body:

{"os": "ios", "token": "ad62ea6ea23d6974871cf59a06cbdb2783b85adbafe3355c0007362249d3e75c"}


{"os": "android", "token": "e_nslPZejyM:APA91bHR-znf4EuSIKeY9dzlX4cupXA5cdsW1SzOHUFRrsteaL5WDuzsh_cnpVpQC3IPcewl_v3N0kbArC67UTEW_ENt5Ej5Sn0qi1RoRHv5beLNi9y4OzZ__T3SH3tW5gwqxn2Hap01"}


  endpoint: 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send/czVGxJOoycA:APA91bGZt8FZU2fEAnDCr1PdRb7HDtayoGDUO1dy6vjTu1sDKhGAAB0i2nXw_jGKhnzmh5rmK4klsyaRQaUpM0oS0VYGBCTTpF-nkP67UEW7BX9o7vNatcPuiG-yHa75hXE80B5F7DNi',
  expirationTime: null,
  keys: {
    p256dh: 'BN81HfHxzt4V4lXDV_2ia8Rl_QvqofvoNI7_MOHCiOMEYuFXFNDBOJzKCCj2nzK5luwnH6rvBCN2jx7lNHpraaw',
    auth: '0ywNrBxQ-rm4skkHDJB5lw'

Correct Response: true


Requires Any JWT


Publish a message to a thread (this sends a message to the mthread).

Request body:

{"tid": "5ae3c890-5e55-11ea-9283-4fa18a847130", "msg":"the message you want to send", "opts", { }}

Correct Response: true


Requires Any JWT


Subscribe a user to a thread (this adds a user to the subs column in mthreads).

Request body:

{"tid": "5ae3c890-5e55-11ea-9283-4fa18a847130"}

Correct Response: true


Requires Any JWT


Unsubscribe a user from a thread (this removes a user from the subs column in mthreads).

Request body:

{"tid": "5ae3c890-5e55-11ea-9283-4fa18a847130"}

Correct Response: true

Admin Functions (without audting)



Requires Admin JWT


Broadcasts a message to every user on the platform.

Request body: msg Required opts Optional

{"msg":"the message to broadcast", "opts": { "data": { "key": "whatever" }} }

Correct Response: true


Requires Admin JWT


Sends messages to selected UIDs (user-ids) on the platform.

Request body: msg Required uids Required opts Optional

{"msg":"the message to broadcast", "uids":["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"], "opts": { "data": { "key": "whatever" }}}

Correct Response: true


Requires Admin JWT


Sends a message to an individual.

Request body: msg Required uid Required opts Optional

{"msg":"the message to send", "uid":"14fb0860-b4bf-11e9-8971-7b80435315ac", "opts": { "data": { "key": "whatever" }}}

Correct Response: true




Written in collaboration with the wonderful people...


  • Facebook Ads
  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Messenger
  • LinkedIn
  • Integrate with Apache Superset.
  • Triage. Request -> Prioritization -> Triage (write [messageid/dateuuid, owner]; [owner, msgs], [option Realtime, Nearline, scheduled, failed], [tracking,capture,reporting,recall])
  • Scheduler
  • Processing in batches
  • Multicast using elastic search (instead of slower CQL)
  • Add web notifications and SMS (Amazon/Twilio)
  • Add WebSocket
  • Think about gRPC waste of time
  • Add email fallback w/ templated options (inc. scheduling options)
  • Add "last read" to each method, and ensure not sent in WebSocket first.


Message eXChange Services (iOS APN,Android Push Notifications,SMS,Email,WebPush,Websockets) with GDPR compliant Telemetry. Subsystem of SFPL Experimentation Framework.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Jupyter Notebook 95.6%Language:JavaScript 3.5%Language:Shell 0.5%Language:Python 0.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:HiveQL 0.0%Language:HTML 0.0%