sfolador / weroad


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Laravel Eloquent Toggle

A simple API Project for WeRoad


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Create a DB and update the .env file
  3. Run composer install
  4. Run php artisan migrate
  5. Run php artisan db:seed

The seed command will create two users:

  1. admin@example.com with password admin_password: this user is an admin
  2. editor@example.com with password editor_password: this user is an editor


  1. Run tests with composer test
  2. Run PHPStan with composer phpstan
  3. Run Pint with composer format

API Endpoints

  1. POST /api/auth/login - Logins a user and returns a token

  2. POST /api/admin/travels - Creates a Travel

  • Requires a valid token
  • Requires the user to be an admin
  1. POST /api/admin/travels/{travel}/tours - Creates a Tour
  • Requires a valid token
  • Requires the user to be an admin
  1. PUT /api/admin/travels/{travel} - Edits a Travel
  • Requires a valid token
  • Requires the user to be an editor
  1. POST /api/search - Searches for Tours

You can use the Postman collection, WeRoad.postman_collection.json, located in the root folder of this project to test the API.


This is a simple API project for WeRoad. It has a simple authentication system and two roles: admin and editor. The authentication system is based on Laravel Sanctum and the permissions are managed with Laravel Policies (TravelPolicy and TourPolicy).

API routes are located in the routes/api.php file.


For this project, I used the following packages:

  • Laravel Data: to manage requests and data objects
  • Laravel Sluggable: to create slugs automatically
  • Laravel Sanctum: for authentication
  • Pest: for testing
  • PHPStan: for static analysis
  • Pint: for code formatting
  • Faker: for seeding the database


The project has the following actions:

  • Create a Travel
  • Create a Tour
  • Edit a Travel

Search behavior

I recently read this article: https://muhammedsari.me/unorthodox-eloquent and wanted to try the approach of a Pipeline used for queries so I implemented it in this project. The pipeline is located in the app/Actions/Search/SearchTours.php file.


It's possible to run the tests with composer test or ./vendor/bin/pest. The tests are located in the tests folder and are written with Pest.


It's possible to run PHPStan with composer analyse . The PHPStan configuration is located in the phpstan.neon.dist file.

Development efforts

I spent around 10 hours for this project. I mainly worked during lunch breaks and in the evening, with the exception of Friday afternoon (2/2/2024) when I was at home during the afternoon and worked on the project for a few hours more.

What could be better

  • The search pipeline could be improved with more filters and a better way to handle the query building
  • The tests could be improved with more edge cases
  • The code could be improved with better validation




Language:PHP 86.0%Language:Blade 13.9%Language:JavaScript 0.1%