sfmohassel / docuware

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DocuWare Event Registration application


.gitignore is created using dotnet new gitignore command

Development Setup

  1. Create a copy of docker/.env.example and save it in docker/.env address after modifying environment values. DO NOT PUSH .env file into source repository.

  2. Create a copy of src/Host/appsettings.Development.json and after modifying values, save it in src/Host/appsettings.Local.json. DO NOT PUSH this file into source repository.

Database Control

To bring database container UP

cd docker
docker compose --profile db --env-file .env up -d

To bring database container DOWN

cd docker
docker compose --profile db --env-file .env down

Note: This command will not remove the data

To remove database container and its data

cd docker
docker compose --profile db --env-file .env down
docker volumn rm docuware-pg

Note: This is useful in case you want to change database user and password

How to do manual testing?

Run app locally, then open 'http://localhost:5051/swagger'. In that page locate the Open API json document link and copy it. Import API as a collection in Postman using this link

Ways to improve

  • Add logging infrastructure and log instead of writing to console ;)
  • Possibly localize error messages if app is multi-lingual. You can use either libc.translation nuget package or use resx files.
  • Use AutoMapper for mapping entities
  • Add e2e tests for REST API
  • Add a UI 😀
  • Test with real database using TestContainers
  • Validate inputs using FluentValidation (be careful with System.Text.Json because it will try to deserialize AbstractValidator<> properties...)
  • Add HTML sanitization to prevent XSS attacks: https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/xss/
  • Pool database connections
  • Use in-memory or a distributed caching mechanism



Language:C# 98.1%Language:Dockerfile 1.9%