sfermigier / pylens-fork

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Pylens - Object Serialisation through a Lens

Original author: Nick Blundell (http://www.nickblundell.org.uk)

Refactored to run under Python 3.8+

Here is the Problem

Suppose that you wish to programatically change part of a potentially complex structure stored within a string (e.g. perhaps a UNIX configuration file) such that the rest of the structure is left untouched, perhaps things like comments and spacing, to still allow for manual maintenance.

If we parsed such a structure using a typical parser, we will certainly extract an abstract model of the structure that we can work with and change, but the problem comes when we wish to write those changes back out as a string, since all of the non-semantic artifacts (e.g. whitespace, comments, etc.) get lost in the parsing process.

To put it another way, we wish in certain circumstances to make surgical changes to the string, leaving undisturbed those parts that do not concern our alteration, and therefore without us stomping over artifacts that may be important to other co-operating systems or manual editors.

This is where the concept of bi-directional programming (see references below for more of the background) can really help us. Here we specify a so-called lens, which is a parser that works not only in the classical sense to parse a string into an abstract model (for easy manipulation) but that can also be used to weave our modified structure back into the original string.

The lens concept is a generalisation of the classic view-update problem often found in database technology, where we wish to modify a simplified view of some data and have the changes reflected in the data proper.

The Approach of pylens

The pylens framework closely relates the concept of a lens with python code, such that lenses may be defined simply in python (greatly inspired by pyparsing) and may be mapped to and from python structures, such as lists, dicts, and classes.

This resembles a special kind of serialisation where we can extract python structures from arbitrary string structures, easily modify the structure, and then surgically put the model back into the original string structure such that it embodies our changes.

Since lenses are represented as python classes, it is straightforward to extend their functionality.


Suppose we have a config file that looks like this, and let's assume it has been read into a variable CONFIG_STRING:

# Auto interfaces.
auto lo eth0

allow-hotplug eth1

# Define mapping for eth0.
mapping eth0
     # Mapping script
     script /usr/local/sbin/map-scheme
     map HOME eth0-home
     map WORK eth0-work

# eth0 home configuration.
iface eth0-home inet static
     up flush-mail

and we wish to programatically make some changes, so that it becomes this (the changes are highlighted with square brackets):

# Auto interfaces.
auto lo [wlan0] eth0

allow-hotplug eth1

# Define mapping for eth0.
mapping eth0
     # Mapping script
     script [/home/fred/map_script]
     map HOME eth0-home
     map WORK eth0-work

# eth0 home configuration.
iface eth0-home inet static
     up flush-mail

[iface wlan0 inet dhcp]

We use the pylens framework as follows:

from pylens import *

# Define our python model and a lens for mapping our model to
# and from the string structure.
class NetworkConfiguration(LensObject) :
  # Our definition of the lens which maps between the string structure and
  # this class - this will become clearer in the tutorials.
  __lens__ = ZeroOrMore(NetworkInterface | auto_lens | HashComment() | BlankLine())

  # We can add whatever functions we like for manipulating our class, such
  # as a constructor.
  def __init__(self, ...) :

# Now extract our model's representation from the config string.
net_config = get(NetworkConfiguration, CONFIG_STRING)

# Then modify the structure using standard python.
net_config.auto_interfaces[0].insert(1, "wlan0")
net_config.interface_mappings["eth0"].script = "/home/fred/map_script"
net_config.interfaces["eth0-home"].dns_nameservers = ["", ""]
net_config.interfaces["wlan0"] = Interface(address_family="inet", method="dhcp")

# Then weave the changes back into the original config string (i.e. change
# only what needs to be changed, disturbing as little of the original config
# string as possible).
CONFIG_STRING = lens.put(net_config)


You can find online documentation for pylens here: http://packages.python.org/pylens/

For more of a detailed insight into pylens, you might also wish to look at some of the source files, which contain extensive testing code that works fully but which has yet to be documented (e.g. recursion, etc.):



Note that the initial aim of this project was to see if the concept of lenses and bi-directional programming could be integrated more closely with a language such as python, allowing rich models to be composed of classes and other native types (e.g. strings, floats, lists, dicts, etc.), but this has been achieved through compromise, since there is currently no validation of lens behavedness (as you will find in the tool Augeas, referenced below), which requires the expensive analysis of finite state automata. Put simply, a well-behaved lens will always adhere to the following rules:

lens.get(lens.put(x)) == x
lens.put(lens.get(y)) == y

I am interested in exploring how we can implement some kind of certainty of behavedness into the framework, if not full ambiguity checking, but for now sanity checking is left down to the lens author, though I have provided within the framework aids to support the incremental development and testing of lenses, which should help you to create something that works for you.

The Theory

For more details on the theory and inspiration of pylens, please see the following links.



Language:Python 99.9%Language:Makefile 0.1%