sfbrigade / LocalFreeWeb

A resource directory of sites that provide free access to internet enabled computers in San Francisco

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A resource directory of sites that provide free access to internet enabled computers in San Francisco.

PLEASE NOTE: This repository only includes a Flask app, addlocation.py that is executed via a command prompt and run on local host, for adding additional entries to our network of locations that provide free access to internet enabled computers and a PDF with our flier in English, Mandarin and Spanish.

Here is our git repository for our text messaging app: https://github.com/sfbrigade/localfreeweb-sms-api

Here is our git repository for our website LocalFreeWeb.org: https://github.com/sfbrigade/localfreeweb.org

In addition, the following resources have been used:

SFMTA transit data that includes a list of all bus stops and their meta data ie; address, ID, Geocode. This is updated roughly every three months. Here is the website to access it: http://www.sfmta.com/about-sfmta/reports/gtfs-transit-data

EveryOneOn.org has a json file that can be accessed of their locations in and around SF: http://api.everyoneon.org/json.php?zip=94109&distance=20&limit=500

SF's public libraries: http://sfpl.org/pdf/libraries/sfpl421.pdf

Link-SF: http://www.link-sf.com/#query?categories=technology&sort=near


A resource directory of sites that provide free access to internet enabled computers in San Francisco


Language:Python 78.4%Language:HTML 21.6%