sf105 / jmock-packaging

Maven packaging for JMock

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Maven packaging for JMock

Release Overview

JMock is organised into two modules, jmock-library and jmock-packaging (this project). The main module is responsible for building deployment artifacts. The packaging project is just responsible for collecting these, packaging them (and creating poms) and publishing to a Maven repository. It doesn't actually "build" any source or execute any tests.

The general process for deploying new versions is

  1. Tag release version in Subversion
  2. Run the release.sh script from jmock-library, it will export the tag from Subversion, build it (using the build.xml Ant script) and SCP artifacts to a remote location (www.jmock.org:/home/jmock/public_dist)
  3. You need to somehow make these artifacts available at http://jmock.org/dist (subsequent packaging steps require this).
  4. Package and publish the artifacts created above using this project.

Packaging and Publishing Procedure


Because the source projects aren't part of this packaging project, the source has to be retrieved before we can package it. Currently, this is done by an embedded Groovy script which attempts to download artifacts as part of the Maven build. It attempts to download artifacts from http://jmock.org/dist. It seems to be platform specific as it has problems on Windows.

Maven Profiles

The parent pom supports two profiles; jmock1 and jmock2. The profile determines which artifacts are part of the release.

Snapshot Build

mvn -Pprofile install

where profile is either jmock1 or jmock2


Perform a sanity check

mvn -Pprofile release:prepare -DdryRun=true

If it looks good, clean up after yourself

mvn release:clean
rm *.log

Then move onto the release proper

mvn -Pprofile release:prepare

The maven release plugin will interactively ask to replace the snapshot version with the appropriate version and create an SCM tag with the snapshots resolved.

mvn -Pprofile release:perform

Distribution Management

We're using Codehaus as the target for the deployment, it should periodically get picked up by Maven Central. The physical upload is facilitated by the Wagon plugin and we're using WebDAV.

See this article.




Maven packaging for JMock