sevketpolan / Marketplace-Foursquare-Package

The Foursquare API gives you access to our world-class places database and the ability to interact with Foursquare users and merchants. Start using the only location API you'll ever need.

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Foursquare Package

Add Foursquare venue and user information to your app.

  • Domain:
  • Credentials: clientId, clientSecret

How to get credentials:

  1. Create new Foursquare Application
  2. Copy and save your clientId, clientSecret, redirectUrl
  3. Direct user to
  4. If the user accepts, they will be redirected back to http://YOUR_REGISTERED_REDIRECT_URI/?code=code
  5. Use getAccessToken method to get users's accessToken.


Access tokens allow apps to make requests to Foursquare on the behalf of a user. Each access token is unique to the user and consumer key.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Required: Application client id.
clientSecret credentials Required: Application client secret key.
code String Required: The authorization code.
redirectUri String Required: Application redirect url.


Returns profile information for a given user, including selected mayorships.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
userId String Required: Identity of the user to get details for. Pass self to get details of the acting user.


Shows a user the list of users with whom they have a pending friend request (i.e., someone tried to add the acting user as a friend, but the acting user has not accepted).

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.


Helps a user locate friends.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
phone String A comma-delimited list of phone numbers to look for.
email String A comma-delimited list of email addresses to look for.
twitter String A comma-delimited list of Twitter handles to look for.
twitterSource String A single Twitter handle. Results will be users that this handle follows on Twitter who use Foursquare.
facebookIds String A comma-delimited list of Facebook ID's to look for.
name String A single string to search for in users' names.
onlyPages Boolean (default false) Indicates whether to only return pages. This replaces the functionality of the old dedicated pages/search endpoint.


Returns a list of all venues visited by the specified user, along with how many visits and when they were last there.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
userId String For now, only self is supported.
beforeTimestamp Number Seconds since epoch.
afterTimestamp Number Seconds after epoch.
categoryId String Limits returned venues to those in this category. If specifying a top-level category, all sub-categories will also match the query.


Returns photos from a user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
userId String Required: User ID to retrieve photos for.
limit Number Number of results to return, up to 500.
offset Number Used to page through results.


Returns a history of checkins for the authenticated user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
userId String For now, only self is supported
limit Number Number of results to return, up to 250.
offset Number The number of results to skip. Used to page through results.
sort String How to sort the returned checkins. Can be newestfirst or oldestfirst.
afterTimestamp Number Retrieve the first results to follow these seconds since epoch. This should be useful for paging forward in time, or when polling for changes. To avoid missing results when polling, we recommend subtracting several seconds from the last poll time and then de-duplicating.
beforeTimestamp Number Retrieve the first results prior to these seconds since epoch. Useful for paging backward in time.


Returns a list of venues liked by the specified user

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
userId String Required: User ID or self
beforeTimestamp String Seconds since epoch.
afterTimestamp String Seconds after epoch.
categoryId String Limits returned venues to those in this category. If specifying a top-level category, all sub-categories will also match the query.
limit Number Number of results to return.
offset Number Used to page through results.


Returns a user's mayorships.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
userId String Required: Identity of the user to get mayorships for. Pass self to get friends of the acting user.


A User's Lists.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
userId String Required: Identity of the user to get lists for. Pass self to get lists of the acting user.
group String Can be created (lists created by this user), edited (other people's lists this user has edited), followed (lists this user follows), friends (lists from this user's friends), and suggested (lists relevant to the user's current location).
location String Location of the user, required in order to receive the suggested group. Format: lat,lng. Example: 40.7,-74
limit Number Number of results to return, up to 200.
offset String The number of results to skip. Used to page through results.


Updates the user's profile photo.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
photo File Photo under 100KB in multipart MIME encoding with content type image/jpeg, image/gif, or image/png.


Returns an array of a user's friends.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
userId String Required: Identity of the user to get friends of. Pass self to get friends of the acting user.
limit Number Number of results to return, up to 500.
offset Number Used to page through results.


Gives details about a venue, including location, mayorship, tags, tips, specials, and category.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: ID of venue to retrieve


Returns a list of venues near the current location, optionally matching a search term.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
location String Required unless near is provided: Latitude and longitude of the user's location. Format: lat,lng. Example: 40.7,-74
near String Required unless location is provided: A string naming a place in the world. If the near string is not geocodable, returns a failed_geocode error. Otherwise, searches within the bounds of the geocode. Adds a geocode object to the response. (Required for query searches)
locationAccuracy Float Accuracy of latitude and longitude, in meters. (Does not currently affect search results.)
altitude Number Altitude of the user's location, in meters. (Does not currently affect search results.)
altitudeAccuracy Float Accuracy of the user's altitude, in meters. (Does not currently affect search results.)
query String A search term to be applied against venue names.
limit String Number of results to return, up to 50.
intent String One of the values below, indicating your intent in performing the search. If no value is specified, defaults to checkin. See README for more info.
radius Number Limit results to venues within this many meters of the specified location. Defaults to a city-wide area. Only valid for requests with intent=browse, or requests with intent=checkin and categoryId or query. Does not apply to match intent requests. The maximum supported radius is currently 100,000 meters.
southWest String Example: 44.3,37.2. With northEast, limits results to the bounding quadrangle defined by the latitude and longitude given by sw as its south-west corner, and ne as its north-east corner. The bounding quadrangle is only supported for intent=browse searches. Not valid with ll or radius. Bounding quadrangles with an area up to approximately 10,000 square kilometers are supported.
northEast String See southWest.
categoryId String A comma separated list of categories to limit results to. If you specify categoryId specifying a radius may improve results. If specifying a top-level category, all sub-categories will also match the query. Does not apply to match intent requests.
url String A third-party URL which we will attempt to match against our map of venues to URLs.
providerId String Identifier for a known third party that is part of our map of venues to URLs, used in conjunction with linkedId.
linkedId String 1002207971611 Identifier used by third party specified in providerId, which we will attempt to match against our map of venues to URLs.


Returns a list of mini-venues partially matching the search term, near the location.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
query String Required: A search term to be applied against titles. Must be at least 3 characters long.
location String Required unless near is provided: Latitude and longitude of the user's location. Format: lat,lng. Example: 40.7,-74
near String Required unless location is provided: A string naming a place in the world. If the near string is not geocodable, returns a failed_geocode error. Otherwise, searches within the bounds of the geocode. Adds a geocode object to the response. (Required for query searches)
locationAccuracy Float Accuracy of latitude and longitude, in meters. (Does not currently affect search results.)
limit String Number of results to return, up to 100.
radius String Limit results to venues within this many meters of the specified location. Defaults to a city-wide area. The maximum supported radius is currently 80,000 meters.
southWest String Example: 44.3,37.2. With northEast, limits results to the bounding quadrangle defined by the latitude and longitude given by sw as its south-west corner, and ne as its north-east corner. The bounding quadrangle is only supported for intent=browse searches. Not valid with ll or radius. Bounding quadrangles with an area up to approximately 10,000 square kilometers are supported.
northEast String See southWest.


Returns a hierarchical list of categories applied to venues.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.


Returns a list of venues near the current location with the most people currently checked in.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
location String Required: Location of the user. Format: lat,lng. Example: 40.7,-74
limit Number Number of results to return, up to 50.
radius String Radius in meters, up to approximately 2000 meters.


Returns a list of recommended venues near the current location.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
location String Required unless near is provided: Latitude and longitude of the user's location. Format: lat,lng. Example: 40.7,-74
near String Required unless location is provided: A string naming a place in the world. If the near string is not geocodable, returns a failed_geocode error. Otherwise, searches within the bounds of the geocode. Adds a geocode object to the response. (Required for query searches)
locationAccuracy Float Accuracy of latitude and longitude, in meters. (Does not currently affect search results.)
altitude Number Altitude of the user's location, in meters. (Does not currently affect search results.)
altitudeAccuracy Float Accuracy of the user's altitude, in meters. (Does not currently affect search results.)
query String A search term to be applied against venue names.
radius Number Radius to search within, in meters. If radius is not specified, a suggested radius will be used based on the density of venues in the area.
section String One of food, drinks, coffee, shops, arts, outdoors, sights, trending or specials, nextVenues (venues frequently visited after a given venue), or topPicks (a mix of recommendations generated without a query from the user). Choosing one of these limits results to venues with the specified category or property.
limit Number Number of results to return, up to 50.
offset String Used to page through results.
novelty String Pass new or old to limit results to places the acting user hasn't been or has been, respectively. Omitting this parameter returns a mixture of old and new venues.
friendVisits String Pass visited or notvisited to limit results to places the acting user's friends have or haven't been, respectively. Omitting this parameter returns a mixture of venues to which the user's friends have or haven't been.
time String Pass any to retrieve results for any time of day. Omitting this parameter returns results targeted to the current time of day.
day String Pass any to retrieve results for any day of the week. Omitting this parameter returns results targeted to the current day of the week.
venuePhotos Number Boolean flag to include a photo in the response for each venue, if one is available. Default is 0 (no photos). Photos are returned as part of the venue JSON object.
lastVenue String A venue ID to use in combination with the intent=nextVenues parameter, which returns venues users often visit after a given venue. If intent=nextVenues is specified but lastVenue is not, the user's last check-in will be used if it is within 2 hours. If the user has not checked in within the last 2 hours, no results will be returned.
openNow Boolean Boolean flag to only include venues that are open now. This prefers official provider hours but falls back to popular check-in hours.
sortByDistance Boolean Boolean flag to sort the results by distance instead of relevance. Example: 1
price String Comma separated list of price points. Currently the valid range of price points are [1,2,3,4], 1 being the least expensive, 4 being the most expensive. For food venues, in the United States, 1 is < $10 an entree, 2 is $10-$20 an entree, 3 is $20-$30 an entree, 4 is > $30 an entree.
saved Boolean Boolean flag to only include venues that the user has saved on their To-Do list or to another list.
specials Boolean Boolean flag to only include venues that have a special.


Allows Foursquare users to add a new venue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
name String Required: the name of the venue
address String The address of the venue.
crossStreet String The nearest intersecting street or streets.
city String The city name where this venue is.
state String The nearest state or province to the venue.
zip String The zip or postal code for the venue.
phone String The phone number of the venue.
twitter String The twitter handle of the venue.
location String Latitude and longitude of the venue, as accurate as is known. Format: lat,lng. Example: 40.7,-74
primaryCategoryId String The ID of the category to which you want to assign this venue.
description String A freeform description of the venue, up to 160 characters.
url String The url of the homepage of the venue.
ignoreDuplicates Boolean A boolean flag telling the server to ignore duplicates and force the addition of this venue.
ignoreDuplicatesKey String Required if ignoreDuplicates is true. This key will be available in the response of the HTTP 409 error of the first (failed) attempt to add venue.


Get a list of venues the current user manages.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
limit Number Number of managed venues to return. Defaults to 100, maximum is 1000.
offset Number Number of venues to skip over for paging. Defaults to 0.


Returns a list of venues similar to the specified venue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: The venue you want similar venues for.


Returns photos for a venue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: The venue you want photos for.
group String If not specified, public venue photos are returned ordered by relevance. Pass venue for public venue photos, ordered by recency. Pass checkin for venue photos from friends (including non-public photos from recent checkins), ordered by recency. See our documentation on photos for information on how to handle the response and construct actual photo URLs.
limit Number Number of results to return, up to 200.
offset Number Used to page through results.


Allows you to access information about the current events at a place.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.


Returns friends and a total count of users who have liked this venue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: The ID of the venue to get likes for.


Returns venues that people often check in to after the current venue. Up to 5 venues are returned in each query, and results are sorted by how many people have visited that venue after the current one. Homes are never returned in results.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: ID of the venue you want to see next venue information about


Returns hours for a venue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: The venue id for which hours are being requested.


Returns URLs or identifiers from third parties that have been applied to this venue, such as how the New York Times refers to this venue and a URL for additional information from This is part of the foursquare Venue Map.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: The venue you want annotations for.


Returns menu information for a venue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: The venue id for which menu is being requested.


Returns tips for a venue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: The venue you want tips for.
sort String One of friends, recent, or popular.
limit String Number of results to return, up to 500.
offset String Used to page through results.


Provides a count of how many people are at a given venue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: ID of venue to retrieve
limit Number Number of results to return, up to 500.
offset Number Used to page through results.


Claim a venue for the user. If your OAuth Consumer is set up with the proper privileges, you can use this endpoint to claim a venue on behalf of a user without the claim having to be approved by foursquare staff.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
visible Boolean (optional, default true) whether role as manager is visible on the venue page


Allows the acting user to dislike for a venue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: The venue to dislike for


Allows the acting user to undo a previous dislike for a venue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: The venue to undo a dislike for


Allows users to indicate a venue is incorrect in some way.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: The venue id for which an edit is being proposed.
problem String Required: One of mislocated, closed, duplicate, inappropriate, doesnt_exist, event_over
dublicatedVenue String ID of the duplicated venue (for problem duplicate)


If the user knows the correct venue information, use this method to save it. Otherwise, use flag to flag the venue instead (you need not specify new venue info in that case).

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: The venue id for which an edit is being proposed.
name String The name of the venue.
address String The address of the venue.
crossStreet String The nearest intersecting street or streets.
city String The city name where this venue is.
state String The nearest state or province to the venue.
zip String The zip or postal code for the venue.
phone String The phone number of the venue.
twitter String The twitter handle of the venue.
description String A freeform description of the venue, up to 300 characters.
url String The url of the homepage of the venue.
menuUrl String A url where the menu of the venue can be found.
facebookUrl String The url for this venue's Facebook Page.
venueLocation String Latitude and longitude at which the venue should be located. Example: 44.3,37.2
primaryCategoryId String The ID of the category to which you want to assign this venue.
addCategoryIds String Comma-separated list of new category IDs to be assigned to this venue. If you are adding a new category to a venue and you want to make it primary, you should just use primaryCategoryId.
removeCategoryIds String Comma-separated list of new category IDs to be removed from this venue.
hours String The hours for the venue, as a semi-colon separated list of open segments and named segments (e.g., brunch or happy hour). Open segments are formatted as day,start,end. Named segments additionally have a label, formatted as day,start,end,label. Days are formatted as integers with Monday = 1,...,Sunday = 7. Start and End are formatted as [+]HHMM format. Use 24 hour format (no colon), prefix with 0 for HH or MM less than 10. Use '+' prefix, i.e., +0230 to represent 2:30 am past midnight into the following day.


Allows the acting user to like a venue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: The venue to like


Allows the acting user to unlike a venue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: The venue to unlike


List all venue groups owned by the user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.


Get details of a check-in.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
checkinId String The ID of the check-in to retrieve additional information for.


Check-ins that are posted to public feeds such as Twitter do not reveal the associated check-in's ID. Use this endpoint to map from a check-in URL (e.g., to check-in details.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
shortId String Required: The short ID at the end of a link, e.g.,


Returns a list of recent checkins from friends.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
location String Latitude and longitude of the user's location, so response can include distance. Format: lat,lng. Example: 40.7,-74
limit Number Number of results to return, up to 100.
afterTimestamp Number Seconds after which to look for checkins, e.g. for looking for new checkins since the last fetch. If more than limit results are new since then, this is ignored. Checkins created prior to this timestamp will still be returned if they have new comments or photos, making it easier to poll for all new activity.


Allows you to check in to a place.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: The venue where the user is checking in. Find venue IDs by searching or from historical APIs.
eventId String The event the user is checking in to.
shout String A message about your check-in. The maximum length of this field is 140 characters.
mentions String Mentions in your check-in. This parameter is a semicolon-delimited list of mentions. A single mention is of the form start,end,userid, where start is the index of the first character in the shout representing the mention, end is the index of the first character in the shout after the mention, and userid is the userid of the user being mentioned. If userid is prefixed with 'fbu-', this indicates a Facebook userid that is being mention. Character indices in shouts are 0-based.
broadcast String Who to broadcast this check-in to. Accepts a comma-delimited list of values: private, public, facebook, twitter, followers
location String Latitude and longitude of the user's location. Only specify this field if you have a GPS or other device reported location for the user at the time of check-in. Format: lat,lng. Example: 40.7,-74
locationAccuracy Float Accuracy of latitude and longitude, in meters.
altitude Number Altitude of the user's location, in meters.
altitudeAccuracy Float Accuracy of the user's altitude, in meters.


Returns friends and a total count of users who have liked this checkin.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
checkinId String Required: The ID of the checkin to get likes for.


Remove a comment from a checkin, if the acting user is the author or the owner of the checkin.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
checkinId String Required: The ID of the checkin to remove a comment from.
commentId String Required: The id of the comment to remove.


Allows the acting user to like a checkin.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
checkinId String Required: Checking id to like


Allows the acting user to unlike a checkin.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
checkinId String Required: Checking id to unlike


Post user generated content from an external app to a check-in. This post will be accessible to anyone who can view the details of the check-in.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
checkinId String Required: The ID of the checkin to add a post to.
text String The text of the post, up to 200 characters.
url String Link for more details. This page will be opened in an embedded web view in the foursquare application, unless contentId is specified and a native link handler is registered and present. We support the following URL schemes: http, https, foursquare, mailto, tel, and sms.
contentId String Identifier for the post to be used in a native link, up to 50 characters. A url must also be specified in the request.


Comment on a checkin-in

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
checkinId String Required: The ID of the checkin to add a comment to.
text String The text of the comment, up to 200 characters.
mentions String Mentions in your check-in. This parameter is a semicolon-delimited list of mentions. A single mention is of the form start,end,userid, where start is the index of the first character in the shout representing the mention, end is the index of the first character in the shout after the mention, and userid is the userid of the user being mentioned. Character indices in shouts are 0-based.


Gives details about a tip, including which users (especially friends) have marked the tip to-do.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
tipId String Required: ID of tip to retrieve


Allows you to add a new tip at a venue.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
venueId String Required: The venue where you want to add this tip.
text String Required: The text of the tip, up to 200 characters.
url String A URL related to this tip.
broadcast String Whether to broadcast this tip. Send twitter if you want to send to twitter, facebook if you want to send to facebook, or twitter,facebook if you want to send to both.


Returns friends and a total count of users who have liked this tip.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
tipId String Required: The ID of the tip to get likes for.


Returns friends and a total count of users who have saved this tip.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
tipId String Required: The ID of the tip to get saves for.


The lists that this tip appears on.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
tipId String Required: Identity of a tip to get lists for.
group String can be created, edited, followed, friends, other. If no acting user is present, only other is supported.


Allows you to remove a tip from your to-do list.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
tipId String Required: The tip you want to unmark.


Allows the acting user to flag a tip as offensive, spam, or not relevant.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
tipId String Required: The tip to flag.
comment String A comment explaining the flag.
problem String The specific problem with the tip. Must be one of offensive, spam, or nolongerrelevant.


Allows the acting user to like a tip.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
tipId String Required: The tip to like.


Allows the acting user to like a tip.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
tipId String Required: The tip to unlike.


Gives details about a list.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
listId String Required: Id for a user-created (e.g. /v2/lists/12381902N) or followed list or one of either USER_ID/tips (e.g. /v2/lists/32/tips) or USER_ID/todos.
limit String Number of results to return, up to 200.
offset String The number of results to skip. Used to page through results.
locationBounds String The number of results to skip. Used to page through results. Example: 30.13800,-98.16009,30.40485,-97.28118
categoryId String Restricts the returned results to venues matching the input category id.
sort String Sorts the list items. Possible values are recent and nearby. recent sorts the list items by the date added to the list. nearby sorts the list items by the distance from the center of the provided llBounds.


Allows users to create a new list.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
name String Required The name of the list.
description String The description of the list.
collaborative String Boolean indicating if this list can be edited by friends.
photoId String The id of a photo that should be set as the list photo.


Returns a count and items of users following this list.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
listId String Required: Id for a user-created list


Suggests photos that may be appropriate for this item.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
listId String Required: Id for a user-created list.
itemId String Id of item on this list.


Suggests tips that may be appropriate for this item.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
listId String Required: Id for a user-created list.
itemId String Required: Id of item.


Gives details about a list item

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
listId String Required: Id for a user-created or followed list.
itemId String Required: Id for an item in the parent list.


Suggests venues that may be appropriate for this list.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
listId String Required: Id for a user-created list


Allows you to update a list.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
listId String Required: Id for a user-created list.
name String If present and a non-empty value, updates the List name.
description String If present and a non-empty value, updates the List description. If present and empty, will remove the List description.
collaborative String Boolean indicating if this list can be edited by friends. Once this has been set to true for a list, authenticated friends can edit the list via additem, deleteitem, etc.
photoId String If present and a non-empty value, updates the List photo. If present and empty, will remove the List photo.


Allows you to delete items from a list. One of itemId, venueId, or tipId must be provided.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
listId String Required: Id for a user-created or followed list or one of either USER_ID/tips or USER_ID/todos.
itemId String Id of the item to delete.
venueId String Id of a venue to be deleted. If the venue is on the list multiple times, e.g. multiple tips at the same venue, all items will be removed.
tipId String Id of a tip to be deleted.


Allows you to add or remove photos and tips from items on user-created lists. Note: Only valid on user-created lists Note: Collaborators can only update items they added. List owners can not update any item.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
listId String Required: Id for a user-created list.
tipId String If present and a non-empty value, adds or replaces a tip on this item. If present and empty, will remove the tip on this item.
text String If present creates a public tip on the venue and replaces any existing tip on the item. Cannot be used in conjuction with tipId or photoId
url String If adding a new tip via text, this can associate a url with the tip.
photoId String If present and a non-empty value, adds a photo to this item. If present and empty, will remove the photo on this item. If the photo was a private checkin photo, it will be promoted to a public venue photo.


Allows you to follow a list.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
listId String Required: Id of a user-created list.


Allows you to unfollow a list.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
listId String Required: Id of a user-created list.


Allows you to move an item on a list. One of beforeId or afterId must be specified.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
listId String Required: Id of a user-created list.
itemId String Required: Id of the item on this list to move.
beforeId String Move itemId before beforeId.
afterId String Move itemId after afterId.


Share a user-created list to twitter or facebook.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
broadcast String Required: Where to broadcast this list. Send twitter if you want to send to twitter, facebook if you want to send to facebook, or twitter,facebook if you want to send to both.
message String A personal note to include with the share.


Allows you to add an item to a list.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
followedListId String Required: Id for a user-created or followed list as well as one of either USER_ID/tips or USER_ID/todos.
venueId String A venue to add to the list.
url String If adding a new tip via text, this can associate a url with the tip.
tipId String Used to add a tip to a list. Cannot be used in conjunction with the text and url fields.
listId String Used in conjuction with itemId, the id for a user created or followed list as well as one of either USER_ID/tips or USER_ID/todos.
itemId String Used in conjuction with listId, the id of an item on that list that we wish to copy to this list.


Allows you to retrieve update details.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
updateId String Required: The ID of the update to retrieve


Retrieve a user's notification tray notifications

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
limit String Required: Maximum number of results to return, up to 99. Notifications are grouped over time, so there will usually be fewer than 99 results available at any given time. offset 0 Used to page through results. Only the 99 most recent notifications are visible, so offset must be no more than 99 - limit.


Mark notification tray notifications as read up, to a certain timestamp.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
highWatermark String Required: The timestamp of the most recent notification that the user viewed.


Get details of a photo.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
photoId String Required: The ID of the photo to retrieve additional information for.


Returns a setting for the acting user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
settingId String Required: The name of a setting.


Returns the settings of the acting user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.


Change a setting for the given user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
settingId String Required: Name of setting to change, sendMayorshipsToTwitter, sendBadgesToTwitter, sendMayorshipsToFacebook, sendBadgesToFacebook, receivePings, receiveCommentPings.
value Number 1 for true, and 0 for false.


Returns a list of specials near the current location.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
location String Latitude and longitude to search near. Format: lat,lng. Example: 40.7,-74
radius Number Limit results to venues within this many meters of the specified location. Defaults to a city-wide area.
locationAccuracy Float Accuracy of latitude and longitude, in meters.
altitude Number Altitude of the user's location, in meters.
altitudeAccuracy Float Accuracy of the user's altitude, in meters.
limit Number Number of results to return, up to 50.


Get details of a event.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
eventId String Required: The ID of the event to retrieve additional information for.


This is an experimental API and subject to change or breakage.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
domain String Required: Identifier for a known third-party event provider. This is used in conjunction with id. Currently is the only supported value.
eventId String Identifier used by third-party specifed in domain, which we will attempt to match against our events listings. eventId is the id of an event, participantId is the id of a participant, like a band or sports team.
participantId String Identifier used by third-party specifed in domain, which we will attempt to match against our events listings. eventId is the id of an event, participantId is the id of a participant, like a band or sports team.


Returns a hierarchical list of categories applied to events.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.


Returns an array of the pages a user manages.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.


Allows users to create a new page. The creating user is added as a manager of the new page.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
name String Required: The name of the page


Get daily venue stats for venues managed by a page over a time range.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
pageId String Required: The page whose venues to get timeseries data for
startAt String Required: The start of the time range to retrieve stats for (seconds since epoch).
endAt String The end of the time range to retrieve stats for (seconds since epoch). If omitted, the current time is assumed.
fields String Specifies which fields to return. May be one or more of totalCheckins, newCheckins, uniqueVisitors, sharing, genders, ages, hours, separated by commas.


Returns an OAuth access token for the specified page. The requesting user must be a manager of the page.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
userId String Required: The page you want similar pages for.


Allows you to get the page's venues.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
location String Not valid with ne or sw. Limits results to venues near this latitude and longitude within an optional radius.
radius Number Can be used when including ll. Not valid with ne or sw. Limit results to venues within this many meters of the specified ll. The maximum supported radius is currently 100,000 meters.
southWest String Example: 44.3,37.2. With northEast, limits results to the bounding quadrangle defined by the latitude and longitude given by sw as its south-west corner, and ne as its north-east corner. The bounding quadrangle is only supported for intent=browse searches. Not valid with ll or radius. Bounding quadrangles with an area up to approximately 10,000 square kilometers are supported.
northEast String See southWest.
offset Number The offset of which venues to return. Defaults to 0.
limit Number The number of venues to return. Defaults to 20, max of 100.
storeId Number Only return venues whose storeId matches. storeIds are defined by the page manager (and therefore namespaced to that particular page). They are the page's own internal identifier for that venue. Cannot be used with any geo params.


Get page update details.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
updateId String Required: The ID of the update to retrieve additional information for.
limit String The number of nearby venues to show (default 20).
location String The location of the current user.


Returns a list of page updates created by the current user.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.


Causes the current user to 'like' a page update. If there is a campaign associated with the update, the like will propagate to the special as well.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Required: Access Token obtained from Foursquare OAuth.
updateId String Required: The ID of the update to like.


The Foursquare API gives you access to our world-class places database and the ability to interact with Foursquare users and merchants. Start using the only location API you'll ever need.


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