sethcohn / mugen

A music video generator based on beat patterns, built with essentia, moviepy and tesseract

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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A music video generator based on beat patterns

Use it to brainstorm AMVs, montages, what have you. Check it out.

Built with essentia audio analysis, moviepy Python video editing, and tesseract OCR


1 - Provide an audio file and a set of video files.

2 - Perform rhythm analysis and extract beat intervals from the audio.

3 - Generate a set of random video segments from the video files, with durations corresponding to the durations of the beat intervals. Discard and replace repeat segments, as well as segments with scene changes, solid colors, very dark scenes, or detectable text (e.g. credits).

4 - Combine all the segments in order, overlay the audio, and output the resulting music video.

5 - Save a reusable spec file detailing the structure of the music video.


You'll need a python virtual environment with Python 2.7 and the pip packages listed in the conda environment for this repository. I recommend using miniconda as shown in the installation walkthrough below.

You'll also need to install the python bindings for essentia >= 2.1, my fork of moviepy scherroman/moviepy, and tesseract >= 3.04.

Recommended install order: tesseract -> conda virtual environment -> essentia -> moviepy

Below, an installation walthrough is provided for Mac OS X to give you a better idea of the installation process. This project has not been tested on Windows or Linux, but it should work on these systems provided the dependencies are compiled and installed properly.

Installation Walkthrough (Mac OS X)

1 - Install Homebrew (General purpose package manager for mac)

2 - Install Miniconda 3.5 (A Python virtual environment and package manager)

3 - Ensure Homebrew & Miniconda are at top of path by appending below text to ~/.bash_profile

export PATH="~/miniconda/bin:$PATH"

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH

4 - Install tesseract via Homebrew

brew install tesseract --with-all-languages

5 - Create mugen virtual environment

conda env create -f environment.yml

6 - Activate mugen environment

source activate mugen

7 - Ensure most recent version of Xcode

8 - Install essentia >= 2.1 via Homebrew

brew tap MTG/essentia
brew install essentia 

9 - Move essentia package from Homebrew to your mugen conda environment

cp -r /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/essentia ~/miniconda/envs/mugen/lib/python2.7/site-packages/essentia

10 - Fix matplotlib

echo "backend : TkAgg" > ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc

11 - Download scherroman/moviepy from github (forked from Zulko/moviepy with added fix #225).

12 - Install moviepy into mugen conda environment (from downloaded moviepy directory)

pip install .


Get Help Menu

python --help
python create --help
python recreate --help
python preview --help

Create a music video

python create

python create -a ~/Documents/mp3s/MACINTOSH\ PLUS\ -\ リサフランク420\ -\ 現代のコンピュー.mp3 -v /Volumes/Media_Drive/Movies/Timescapes/TimeScapes.2012.1080p.mkv /Volumes/Media_Drive/Series/FLCL/

Recreate a music video

python recreate

python recreate -s ~/Documents/music_video_specs/vaporwave_timescapes_spec.json

Preview beat locations in a song

python preview -a ~/Documents/mp3s/Spazzkid\ -\ Goodbye.mp3

Slow down scene changes to every other beat

python create -sm 1/2


A music video generator based on beat patterns, built with essentia, moviepy and tesseract

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%