serp-spider / spidyjs

:spider: Headless browser around jsdom

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A headless browser built for SERPS.

Build Status npm version

It's a - 100% javascript - no gui - browser. It is actually a dead simple wrapper around jsdom. Its goal is to add the missing features to make it easy to use for SERPS, but it can be used for any other purpose.


It requires nodejs version 4 or newer.

npm install -g spidy@2

there is a release for older node versions, but it is deprecated.

npm install -g spidy@1


Create a js file (file.js) with what you want to run:

var spidy = require('spidy');

spidy.request('', function(error, window){

and call it with from the command line with spidyjs:

$ spidyjs file.js

Important notice: by default external resources (javascript, images...) are not processed; see (enable external resources)[#enable-external-resources] for more details.


Spidy offers the request method with different signatures:

  • spidy.request(url, done).

  • spidy.request(url, config).

  • spidy.request(url, config, done).

  • url is the url to query

  • done is a callback triggered when request finishes (see config.done

  • config is an object that can contain the following items (mostly the same that the ones from jsdom):

    • config.method: The http method to use (POST, GET, PUT...) default to GET.
    • config.headers: an object giving any headers that will be used while loading the HTML from config.url, if applicable.
    • config.formData: data to be sent with the request, useful for post queries.
    • config.body: the http body for POST or PUT queries. If body contains some data and if the header content-type is not set, then application/x-www-form-urlencoded will be set as content type.
    • config.proxy: A proxy to use for the requests with the form: http[s]://ip:port
    • config.cookieJar: cookie jar which will be used by document and related resource requests.
    • config.done: a callback called when the resources has finished loading. See bellow.
    • config.parsingMode: either "auto", "html", or "xml". The default is "auto", which uses HTML behavior unless config.url responds with an XML Content-Type. Setting to "xml" will attempt to parse the document as an XHTML document. (jsdom is currently only OK at doing that.)
    • config.referrer: the new document will have this referrer.
    • config.cookie: manually set a cookie value, e.g. 'key=value; expires=Wed, Sep 21 2011 12:00:00 GMT; path=/'. Accepts cookie string or array of cookie strings.
    • config.userAgent: the user agent string used in requests;
    • config.features: configs to control javascript execution.
    • config.resourceLoader: a function that intercepts subresource requests and allows you to re-route them, modify, or outright replace them with your own content. More below. see on jsdom doc. Please note that setting the third parameter will automatically replace config.done value.
    • config.concurrentNodeIterators: the maximum amount of NodeIterators that you can use at the same time. The default is 10; setting this to a high value will hurt performance.
    • config.virtualConsole: a virtual console instance that can capture the window’s console output; see on jsdom doc.
    • config.pool: an object describing which agents to use for the requests; defaults to { maxSockets: 6 }; see node request doc for more details.
    • config.agentOptions: the agent options; defaults to { keepAlive: true, keepAliveMsecs: 115000 }; see node http doc.
    • config.strictSSL: if true, requires SSL certificates be valid; defaults to true; see node request doc.
    • config.scripts: scripts to inject in the loaded document. See the doc from jsdom
    • config.src: an array of JavaScript strings that will be evaluated against the resulting document. Similar to scripts, but it accepts JavaScript instead of paths/URLs.

Post data

For convenience a, formData, config) method is also available:

var spidy = require('spidy');'', {'foo': 'bar'}, {
    done: function(error, window){

It's simply a shortcut for spidy.request, and it will set config.method = 'POST' and config.formData = formData.

Done callback

The done callback takes 3 parameters:

  • err: the error message, null means that everything was fine.
  • window: the window object with the same api as in the browser.
  • response: the response object that contains the data from the http response:
    • url: the final url (considering redirects)
    • statusCode: the http status code
    • headers: the headers from the response

Enable external resources

As the jsdom doc states it, external resources are not proved to be safe:

By default, jsdom.env will not process and run external JavaScript, since our sandbox is not foolproof. That is, code running inside the DOM's <script>s can, if it tries hard enough, get access to the Node environment, and thus to your machine.

To enable javascripts (at your own risks) add the following features to the configuration:

features: {
    "FetchExternalResources": ["script"],
    "ProcessExternalResources": ["script"],
    "SkipExternalResources": false

Use a timeout

When invoking spidy you can use a timeout:

$ spidyjs --timeout=5000 file.js

This example will fail if file.js is longer than 5sec (5000ms) to execute.

The default timeout is 120secs.

Use command line args

In the script file, it is possible to get additional arguments passed on the command line.

var spidy = require('spidy');

var args = process.argv.slice(2);

var url = args[0];

spidy.request(url, {
    done: function(error, window){

You can call this script:

$ spidyjs file.js

Spidy version

check the spidy version with

$ spidyjs -v


This work is placed under the terms of the FAIR licence


:spider: Headless browser around jsdom



Language:JavaScript 100.0%