serodriguez68 / grpc-cheatsheet

Bullet point summary of the Key elements of gRPC

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gRPC Cheatsheet

This repo contains notes of the key elements of gRPC. Most of the notes were taken while following the "Building Java Microservices with gRPC" course on LinkedIn Learning.

1. Introduction to gRPC

A brief history of inter-service communication

In the beginning we had RPC with frameworks like Java RMI and Corba. However, implementing applications with these frameworks was extremely cumbersome.

So the world moved on to SOAP. But SOAP required developers to deal with huge XML configuration files that added a lot of overhead. This overhead was there even tiny projects and tiny messages. SOAP is still alive in some legacy enterprise applications.

So the world moved on to REST over HTTP. This is still very popular and in some aspects is an overcompensation from the strict days of SOAP. REST is extremely flexible, but that flexibility comes at some costs:

  • Serialization and deserialization overheads of test based messages.
  • REST is not type safe.
  • It is difficult to discover APIs. REST relies heavily on convention and documentation.

gRPC is the next evolution in the inter-service communication history.

gRPC framework overview

gRPC features

  • Works with HTTP/2, making it highly performant.
    • HTTP/2 is binary, so it takes away the overhead serializing and deserializing text based data (like JSON), which is the standard in HTTP/1.
    • Also, binary data takes much less space over the wire.
  • gRPC uses protocol buffers (over HTTP/2) or "protobuffs". A protobuff is an interface definition language (IDL).
    • protobuffs is not the only way to define an interface, but it is the promoted way.
  • gRPC has strictly defined interfaces. You can define the service contract first before working in the implementation details of the service with full confidence.
  • It is strongly typed.
  • It is multi-language. Once you create the protobuffs, you can generate the client and server stubs in multiple languages.
  • Supports unidirectional and bidirectional streaming.
  • Has built-in support for cross-cutting concerns like authentication and error-handling.

gRPC disadvantages

  • Limited support to call a gRPC server form a browser. This is why it is typically used only for server-to-server communication.
  • Request and response data is binary, so it is not human-readable. This is by design, but hopefully you will no longer have the need to read what is travelling in the wire.

gRPC foundations

Stuff you need to understand before understanding gRPC

HTTP2 basics

Some HTTP2 terminology:

  • Stream: bidirectional flow of data between client and server. It contains multiple messages. Each stream is uniquely identified by a streamID.
  • Message: a sequence of frames that correspond to an HTTP request or response.
  • Frame: is the smallest unit of data. Each frame contains a header and a body. Each frame carries the StreamID that it belongs to.
    • Frames are sent over a single TCP connection and frames from different streams can be interleaved and fully-multiplexed on the same connection. The messages are re-assembled at the client and server and there is no waiting for "previous requests" to finish.

How is HTTP/2 better than HTTP/1?

  • Supports request/response multiplexing over a single connection in a bidirectional way.
  • Supports bi-directional streaming.
  • Compresses HTTP headers.
  • Overall it is faster, efficient with less latency.

Protobuff basics

Protobuff is a language that allows us to define the contract to which services will abide. That contract defines how data will be structured (request and responses) and what APIs are available.

The protobuff language is programming language agnostic. You can generate client and server stubs out of the same protobuff spec for multiple languages: C, C#, Go, Java, Kotlin, Dart, Python, Ruby and Objective-C.

High-level steps to develop a gRPC service

  1. Write your service definition using protobuffs (or any of the supported IDLs) in a .proto file.
  2. Use the protoc compiler to transform the .proto specification into auto-generated classes and client / server stubs written in your target programming language. You will need a protoc-gen-grpc plugin for you target programming languages to do this.
  3. Implement the server methods enforced by the stubs and run a gRPC service in the language you chose. (e.g. Java)
  4. Write your client with using the generated client stubs for the programming language you want (e.g. Go).

Step 1: Write the protobuff

See employee.proto for a commented example on how to do this.

Step 2: Compile the protos to the target language

Run ./gradlew clean build

This sample project has been configured to use Gradle to compile the protos as part of the build process. The auto-generated stubs and message classes can be located inside the ./build folder.

Some things to note:

  • The package structure inside the /build directory follows the package and java_package directives in the proto files.
  • EmployeeServiceGrpc is a generated file that contains both the client and the server stubs to be used.
    • It contains methods that allow clients to generate client stubs capable of doing either synchronous or asynchronous requests to the service.
  • EmployeeRequest and EmployeeResponse are the generated classes that will represent these messages in Java.
  • All other classes in the folder are auxiliary.

Other topics

Types of gRPC calls

gRPC supports both blocking and async calls. In addition to that there are 4 types of gRPC calls. Each is useful in certain use cases:

  • Unary RPC: the channel gets setup, client makes single request, server makes single response.
    • This is the basic HTTP request/response model.
  • Client streaming RPC call: the channel gets setup, the client sends a stream of requests ended by an end of stream marker, meanwhile the server processes the stream, when the server sees the end of stream marker it responds with a SINGLE response.
    • This is used when a client wants to send big amounts of data like uploading a big file.
  • Server streaming RPC: the channel gets setup, the client sends a single request, server sends a stream of responses marking the end with the trailing metadata.
    • For example streaming a movie.
  • Bidirectional Streaming RPC: both clients and server can send and receive streams of data simultaneously.
    • An example of this would be incremental search of products as user is typing, or a chat application with a persistent connection.


Metadata is additional information that gRPC sends between the client and the server. It can be stuff like authentication details, acknowledgments, etc.

Metadata is exchanged at different points of the request response cycle. For example, authentication metadata is exchange at the very beginning during the channel setup phase.

Metadata usually has the form of key value pairs. The keys are strings and the values can be strings or binary data. You can get access to the metadata if you need to.


A channel represents the HTTP2 connection endpoint with the server. A gRPC client opens a connection to a gRPC server at a particular address and port.

Channels have states like "connected" or "idle". You can alter the default behaviour of a channel with arguments and read the status of a channel programmatically if you need to.


Bullet point summary of the Key elements of gRPC


Language:Kotlin 89.7%Language:Shell 10.3%