sergiychernov / genvector

Pseudo-templated, Cpp-like vector (dynamic linear array) for C with support of custom data types. Written entirely in C89.

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genvector – Generalized Vector

An implementation of vector – dynamic linear array – in pure C89.
This one is competently generalized with macros (pseudo-templated), so you can create vector of any datatype supported in C – i.e. primitive types, structs and unions. Just preliminarily instantiate it for needed types and you're on.
Interface is based mostly on the design of std::vector from C++11.

Features in a nutshell

  1. Access vector elements just like plain C arrays: vec[k].
  2. Support of multidimensional vectors (aka vector of vectors of...). Accessing them is Cpp-like too: vec[i][j], vec[x][y][z], and so on.
  3. It's possible to copy one vector into another, even if they contain values of different types.
  4. It's easy to instantiate necessary vector types once in a separate module, instead of doing this every time you needed a vector.
  5. You can choose how to pass values into a vector and how to receive them from it: by value or by reference.
  6. No code reduplication: only functions that take or return values of user type are specialized.

Design notes

  1. All indices and positions are zero-based.
  2. Functions validate their input arguments using only standard C89 assert() from assert.h.
  3. Non-specialized functions always return a defined result.
  4. If an error occurrs, the vector remains valid and unchanged.
  5. A vector storage never gets reduced, unless gvec_shrink() is called.
  6. A reference is just a pointer.
  7. So-called "vector of void" type, gvec_t, is just a vector of untyped memory chunks.


By default, library provides only the next set of functions:

  1. Functions to manage gvec_t. They are basic for functions that will be specialized.
  2. General-purpose functions (i.e. those that don't take or return values of user type, like as gvec_erase() and gvec_free()).
  3. Instantiation and shorthand macros.

To create a type "vector of T" and specialize management functions for it, you should instantiate it using instantiation macros. These are two and a half approaches in instantiation: static and modular, supplied with typesets. Let's examine them more closely.

Static approach

This approach is good when vector is used only in one translation unit (module). It is easier and set by default.
Just include library header into module source and instantiate vector for types you need, using GVEC_INSTANTIATE():

GVEC_INSTANTIATE( gvTypename, gvVecName, gvPassBy, gvRetBy );
  • gvTypename – type for which vector should be instantiated
  • gvVecName – unique vector name that will be placed into names of specialized functions, for example: gvec_mystruct_new()
  • gvPassBy – specifies how values should be passed to specialized functions
  • gvRetBy – specifies how values should be returned from specialized functions

Possible values both for gvPassBy and gvRetBy are:

  • GVEC_USE_VAL – pass by value
  • GVEC_USE_REF – pass by reference

It is also a good practice to place library header inclusion and vector types instantiation in a separate header.

Modular approach

The main disadvantage about static approach is that vector type and it's corresponding specialized functions will be instantiated every time you use GVEC_INSTANTIATE(). This is bad if same vector type is used in different modules – it will be instantiated for all of them, increasing output code size.
To prevent this problem, a modular approach should be used. Its idea is derived from the recommendation about separate header in the static approach: let's instantiate necessary vector types in a separate wrapper module, and use it instead of library itself every time you need a vector.
For the next code template let's assume that wrapper module is called gvec_wrapper.


#include "genvector.h"

GVEC_H_DECLARE( gvTypename, gvVecName, gvPassBy, gvRetBy );


#include "gvec_wrapper.h"

GVEC_C_DEFINE( gvTypename, gvVecName, gvPassBy, gvRetBy );

The arguments for GVEC_H_DECLARE() and GVEC_C_DEFINE() are the same as for GVEC_INSTANTIATE(). Please note that modular approach is disabled by default, so you must define GVEC_MODULAR_APPROACH before inclusion of the library header.


As you might have noticed, arguments for every pair of GVEC_H_DECLARE() and GVEC_C_DEFINE() are always the same. It's a sort of code duplication that may be considered undesirable.
To prevent this, typesets were introduced. Let's consider them using the modified version of the previous code template:


#include "genvector.h"

  (gvTypename, gvVecName, gvPassBy, gvRetBy)



#include "gvec_wrapper.h"



1. Functions to manage gvec_t, and specialized versions of them


  • NAME: value of gvVecName
  • PASSVAR: gvTypename if gvPassBy is GVEC_USE_VAL, and gvTypename* otherwise
  • RETVAR: gvTypename if gvRetBy is GVEC_USE_VAL, and gvTypename* otherwise
gvec_t gvec_new( size_t min_count, size_t unitsz )
gvec_NAME_t gvec_NAME_new( size_t min_count )

Create a vector.

  • min_count – a minimum count of elements that can be stored without storage relocation
  • unitsz – a size of one element

Return value: a handle to the new vector, or NULL on error

gvec_error_e gvec_resize( gvec_t* phandle, size_t new_count )
gvec_error_e gvec_NAME_resize( gvec_NAME_t* phandle, size_t new_count, const PASSVAR value )

Resize a vector.

  • phandle – a reference to the handle to a vector
  • new_count – a new count of elements in a vector
  • value – a value to be assigned to new elements

Return value:

  • GVEC_ERR_NO: operation performed successfully
  • GVEC_ERR_MEMORY: a vector wasn't resized due to a memory error
gvec_error_e gvec_insert( gvec_t* phandle, size_t pos, size_t count )
gvec_error_e gvec_NAME_insert( gvec_NAME_t* phandle, size_t pos, size_t count, const PASSVAR value )

Insert elements into a vector.

  • phandle – a reference to the handle to a vector
  • pos – a position of the first element to be inserted
  • count – a count of elements to be inserted
  • value – a value to be assigned to elements

Return value:

  • GVEC_ERR_NO: operation performed successfully
  • GVEC_ERR_MEMORY: elements weren't inserted due to a memory error
gvec_error_e gvec_push( gvec_t* phandle )
gvec_error_e gvec_NAME_push( gvec_NAME_t* phandle, const PASSVAR value )

Add an element to the end of a vector.

  • phandle – a reference to the handle to a vector
  • value – a value to be assigned to the element

Return value:

  • GVEC_ERR_NO: operation performed successfully
  • GVEC_ERR_MEMORY: element wasn't added due to a memory error

Specialized-only functions

gvec_error_e gvec_NAME_assign( gvec_NAME_t* phandle, size_t count, const PASSVAR value )

Resize a vector to specified count of elements and assign a value to them all.

  • phandle – a reference to the handle to a vector
  • count – a new count of elements in a vector
  • value – a value to be assigned to elements

Return value: see gvec_resize()

RETVAL gvec_NAME_front( gvec_NAME_t handle )

Get the first element of a vector.

  • handle – a handle to a vector

Return value:

  • gvRetVal is GVEC_USE_VAL: a value of the element (if vector is empty, it's undefined)
  • gvRetVal is GVEC_USE_REF: a reference to the element, or NULL if vector is empty
RETVAL gvec_NAME_back( gvec_NAME_t handle )

Get the last element of a vector.

  • handle – a handle to a vector

Return value:

  • gvRetVal is GVEC_USE_VAL: a value of the element (if vector is empty, it's undefined)
  • gvRetVal is GVEC_USE_REF: a reference to the element, or NULL if vector is empty

2. General-purpose functions

void gvec_set( gvec_t* phandle, gvec_t source )

Copy-assign a one vector to another.

  • phandle – a reference to the handle to a destination vector (handle can be NULL)
  • source – a handle to a source vector (if NULL, a destination vector will be freed)
gvec_t gvec_copy( gvec_t handle )

Duplicate a vector.

  • handle – a handle to a source vector

Return value: a handle to the vector duplicate, or NULL on error

void gvec_free( gvec_t handle )

Free a vector.

  • handle – a handle to a vector (if NULL, nothing will occur)
gvec_error_e gvec_reserve( gvec_t* phandle, size_t count )

Reserve a space in a vector storage, at least for specified count of elements.

  • phandle – a reference to the handle to a vector
  • count – a minimum count of elements that vector should accept without any relocation of its storage

Return value:

  • GVEC_ERR_NO: operation performed successfully
  • GVEC_ERR_MEMORY: chunks weren't reserved due to a memory error
gvec_error_e gvec_shrink( gvec_t* phandle )

Free memory that isn't used by a vector now.

  • phandle – a reference to the handle to a vector

Return value:

  • GVEC_ERR_NO: operation performed successfully
  • GVEC_ERR_MEMORY: a size wasn't reduced due to a memory error
void gvec_erase( gvec_t handle, size_t pos, size_t count )

Erase elements from a vector.

  • handle – a handle to a vector
  • pos – a position of the first element to be erased
  • count – a count of elements to be erased
void gvec_pop( gvec_t handle )

Erase the last element from a vector.

  • handle – a handle to a vector
void* gvec_at( gvec_t handle, size_t pos )

Get a reference to the element at specified position in a vector, with bounds checking.

  • handle – a handle to a vector
  • pos – a position of the element

Return value: a reference to the element, or NULL if pos is not within the range of a vector

void* gvec_front( gvec_t handle )

Get a reference to the first element of a vector.

  • handle – a handle to a vector

Return value: a reference to the element, or NULL if vector is empty

void* gvec_back( gvec_t handle )

Get a reference to the last element of a vector.

  • handle – a handle to a vector

Return value: a reference to the element, or NULL if vector is empty

size_t gvec_count( gvec_t handle )

Get count of elements in a vector.

  • handle – a handle to a vector

Return value: count of elements

size_t gvec_size( gvec_t handle )

Get size of a vector storage.

  • handle – a handle to a vector

Return value: current size of a vector storage

3. Shorthand macros

gvec_empty( handle )

Shorthand for gvec_count( handle ) == 0.

gvec_clear( handle )

Shorthand for gvec_resize( &handle, 0 ).

Library adjustment using optional defines

Before header inclusion

    Read Usage / Modular approach section above.

At compile-time

  • GVEC_GROWTH_FACTOR (1.5 by default)
    Growth factor of vectors storages.

    Use math function for size calculation, instead of loop-based.

    Don't perform storage relocation using realloc() on elements insertion.
    This prevents excess memory copying when inserting elements not at the end of a vector.

It's also recommended to compile with NDEBUG defined, to disable assertion checks.


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT license.
See LICENSE for details.


Pseudo-templated, Cpp-like vector (dynamic linear array) for C with support of custom data types. Written entirely in C89.

License:MIT License


Language:C 75.5%Language:C++ 24.5%