sergioestebanvelez / openid-client-examples-including-par-jar-rar-mtls

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Auth0 Authentication Samples Using Various Flows with the Node openid-client Library

This repository contains samples demonstrating how to use various OAuth2.0 and OIDC flows with the Node openid-client library and Auth0. This also includes sample for HRI. See how HRI helps with incerasing confidentiality and integrity protection

Samples Overview

Authorization Code Grant Flow

  • AUTHZ_CODE + response_mode=form_post

Client Credentials Flow

  • Client Credentials using ID/Secret
  • Client Credentials using JWTCA

Device Flow

  • Device Flow

Implicit Flow

  • Implicit Flow

PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange)

  • PKCE + Client with ID/Secret
  • PKCE + Client with JWTCA
  • PKCE + Public Client (no secret)

JAR (JWT Secured Authorization Request) [HRI]

  • AUTHZ_CODE + JAR + Client with ID/Secret
  • AUTHZ_CODE + JAR + PAR + Client with ID/Secret
  • AUTHZ_CODE + JAR + PAR + Client with JWTCA
  • PKCE + JAR + Client with ID/Secret
  • PKCE + JAR + Client with JWTCA
  • AUTHZ_CODE + JAR + Client with JWTCA

PAR (Pushed Authorization Request)

  • AUTHZ_CODE + PAR + Client with ID/Secret
  • Implicit + PAR + Client with ID/Secret
  • PKCE + PAR + Client with ID/Secret
  • PKCE + PAR + Client with JWTCA
  • PKCE + PAR + Public Client (no secret, so not supported)
  • PAR + Custom RAR + Implicit Flow + Client with ID/Secret
  • AUTHZ_CODE + PAR + Client with JWTCA
  • RAR + PAR + Implicit Flow
  • PKCE + PAR + Client with ID/Secret

For setup for MTLS and custom domain with self-managed certificates in Auth0, see the Custom Domain and MTLS Setup.

  • AUTHZ_CODE + MTLS with CA-signed cert
  • Client Credentials Flow + MTLS with CA-signed cert
  • PAR + AUTHZ_CODE + MTLS with CA-signed cert
  • AUTHZ_CODE + MTLS with CA-signed cert + Client Bound Access Token
  • Client Credentials Flow + MTLS with CA-signed cert + Client Bound Access Token
  • AUTHZ_CODE + MTLS with self-signed cert
  • Client Credentials Flow + MTLS with self-signed cert
  • Client Credentials Flow + MTLS with self-signed cert + Client Bound Access Token
  • MTLS + JAR + PAR + JWE + CBAT + Calling RS that will decrypt token + verify CBAT

JWE JSON Web Encryption for access tokens

(Auth0 issued access token is JWE, Resource Server in Auth0 holds the public key to encrypt the access token)

  • AUTHZ_CODE + JWE Access Token



  • Node.js and npm: Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed.
  • Auth0 Tenant: An active Auth0 tenant.

Configuration Steps

  1. Rename the .env.sample file to .env:

    mv .env.sample .env
  2. Configure Environment Variables:

    • Set DOMAIN and AUTH0_DOMAIN to your Auth0 custom domain and canonical domain recpectively in the .env file:
      AUTH0_DOMAIN=<tenant> #auth0 canonical domain
      DOMAIN=<your Auth0 custom domain>
    • Create a Machine-to-Machine Application (Client Credentials) authorized for the Auth0 Management API. Follow this guide to obtain the credentials.
    • Set MGMT_CLIENT_ID and MGMT_CLIENT_SECRET with the client ID and secret obtained from the above step in the .env file:
      MGMT_CLIENT_ID=<your management client id>
      MGMT_CLIENT_SECRET=<your management client secret>
    • Set the CONNECTION_NAME to the name of the Auth0 connection to be enabled for each client:
      CONNECTION_NAME=<name of the connection>
    • Set all the other values in the .env file
      # MGMT Operations ( Set all values  before running the helpers/bootstrap.js)
         AUD=urn:bank:api:hri # audience that you would want to use for the HRI API (this does not need to exist in auth0 as the bootstrapping process will create it )
         AUD_SCOPES=read:all_stats upload:stats # hard coded
         REDIRECT_URI= # hard coded for testing
         JWE_API_AUD=urn:my:api:encrypted_accessToken # audience name that you would want to use for the API that expects access tokens to be encrypted (this does not need to exist in auth0 as the bootstrapping process will create it )
         NON_HRI_AUD=urn:your:api # audience name that you would want to use for the non HRI API (this does not need to exist in auth0 as the bootstrapping process will create it )
         RESOURCE_SERVER_API_FOR_TOKEN_BINDING_TESTING= #advanced - this is only needed for API Testing
         RESOURCE_SERVER_API_FOR_JWE_TOKEN_BINDING_TESTING= #advanced - this only needed for API testing
         NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 # this is set to avoid node throwing errors about untrusted CA issued certs, specially behind a proxy in corporate environments!
         #NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS="./helpers/MTLS/CA/ca.crt" # (full path to the CA cert)this might help but if you are behind a corporate f/w, but if it eve drops then it wont work!
  3. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Bootstrap the Setup:

    • Run the bootstrap script to create the necessary applications and resource servers:
      node helpers/bootstrap.js
    • Note: Run the bootstrap script only once, as it sets up the required configurations in the .env file.
  5. Verify the Connection:

    • The connection name you set at CONNECTION_NAME should be valid in your Auth0 tenant. This enables user authentication through the specified connection.


To reset your setup and remove the applications and resource servers created in Auth0:

  1. Run the cleanup script:
    node helpers/auth0Cleanup.js

How to Test?

Run any sample using Node.js by specifying the folder and file name. For example:

node FOLDER/file.js


node PAR/par-with-private-key-jwt.js


  • Many examples use as the callback URL to receive tokens or for the authorization code.
  • Contact your Auth0 representative or solutions engineer to ensure required features like PAR, JAR,MTLS and RAR are enabled for your Auth0 tenant. See
  • For MTLS and access token binding some of the samples also include calling an API that is setup to be able to handle tokens containg the x5t#S256 claim. The source code sample for such an API is out of the scope of this sample.

Additional Resources

For more detailed information, refer to:


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%