sergiocasero / kmm_mtls_sample

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Kotlin Multiplatform MTLS Example with KTOR

This is an example of how to use MTLS with Kotlin Multiplatform and ktor.

What is MTLS?

Mutual TLS (MTLS) is a method of authentication where both the client and server present a certificate to each other. This is in contrast to TLS where only the server presents a certificate to the client.

On Android, You'll need to create your own SSLContext and pass it to the client. On iOS, You'll need to create a NSURLCredentials object and pass it to the client.


Think about this scenario. You have a so large KMM application with a lot of http requests. Oauth, login, etc. In a call with the backend team, they tell you that they want to enable MTLS for all the endpoints for "the next sprint".

Ok, You'll reaction will be like... ¿WAAAAAAT?


Fortunately, Ktor has a way to do this because we always can go to the native layer and do whatever we want.

What is this

This is just an example about how to use MTLS with Kotlin Multiplatform and ktor. It is not a library or a framework, it is just a simple example.

For the example purposes, we use

Show me the code

In order to simulate a "real world" app, we use Koin for dependency injection, and we use a simple MVVM architecture.

Multiplatform part

As you see, this example simulates a Kotlin Multiplatform "ViewModel". It just an example, obviously make HTTP requests is not ok.

This is how VM looks like:


The idea is simple, we should use different HttpClient for different platforms. For JVM we use OkHttp and for iOS we use Darwin.

expect class HttpClientProvider {
    fun clientWithMtls(block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient
    fun client(block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient


You'll need to import the dependency io.github.hakky54:sslcontext-kickstart:7.4.9 in your shared module.

IMPORTANT: Don't follow any tutorial from Google or StackOverflow, they will not work (at least on my side)

Then, in androidMain:

actual class HttpClientProvider(keystore: InputStream, keystorePassword: String) {

    // This is the trustManager for server certificate
    private val trustManager: X509TrustManager

    // This is the keyManager for client certificate
    private val sslContext: SSLContext

    init {
        // Load the keystore to trust the requests
        val factory = SSLFactory.builder()
            .withIdentityMaterial(keystore, keystorePassword.toCharArray(), "PKCS12")

        sslContext = factory.sslContext
        trustManager = factory.trustManagerFactory.get()
            .trustManagers?.first { it is X509TrustManager } as X509TrustManager

    actual fun clientWithMtls(block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit) = HttpClient(OkHttp) {
        // "inject" the trustManager and sslContext to the client
        engine {
            config {
        // Give the caller to configure the client

    actual fun client(block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit) = HttpClient(OkHttp) {


actual class HttpClientProvider(private val urlCredential: NSURLCredential) {
    actual fun clientWithMtls(block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit) = HttpClient(Darwin) {
        engine {

    actual fun client(block: HttpClientConfig<*>.() -> Unit): HttpClient = HttpClient(Darwin) {

class MyChallengerHandler(private val urlCredential: NSURLCredential) : ChallengeHandler {

    override fun invoke(
        session: NSURLSession,
        task: NSURLSessionTask,
        challenge: NSURLAuthenticationChallenge,
        completionHandler: (NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, NSURLCredential?) -> Unit
    ) {
        completionHandler(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeUseCredential, urlCredential)


Copy the MTLSHelper file to your iOS project and inject it

struct iOSApp: App {
    init() {
        let mtlsHelper = MTLSHelper()
        if let credentials =  mtlsHelper.buildURLCrendentialsWithCertificate() {
            PlatformModuleKt.doInitKoinIos(urlCredential: credentials)
	var body: some Scene {
		WindowGroup {

That's it.



Language:Kotlin 80.1%Language:Swift 19.9%