sergio11 / shopaholic_ecommerce_platform

πŸ›οΈ Shopaholic Ecommerce: Your Fashion Hub πŸŽ‰ powered by NestJS, Ensuring Secure Payments πŸ’³ and Personalized Experiences 🌟 for Modern Shopping.

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πŸ›οΈ Shopaholic Ecommerce Platform πŸ›’

Welcome to Shopaholic! πŸŽ‰ Your ultimate destination for fashion ecommerce. This state-of-the-art platform, powered by NestJS (Typescript) πŸš€, brings you a curated selection of clothing items. With robust features like intuitive product search πŸ”, secure payment processing through Stripe and MercadoPago πŸ’³πŸ’°, and a collaborative filtering recommendation system 🀝, shopping here is a breeze.

Not only does Shopaholic cater to customers, but it also empowers administrators with an Angular-based backoffice πŸ–₯️. Manage products, orders, and users effortlessly. The deployment is Dockerized for scalability 🐳, while a HaProxy load balancer ensures smooth traffic distribution πŸ”„.

Explore Shopaholic now for a modern, seamless, and delightful shopping experience! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘—πŸ‘ 

Main Features

  • πŸ‘— Fashion Product Catalog: Explore a diverse collection of fashion products ranging from clothing to accessories.
  • πŸ” Product Search and Filtering: Effortlessly find products using advanced search filters such as category, price range, size, color, and more.
  • πŸ›’ Shopping Cart and Checkout Process: Enjoy a smooth shopping experience with the ability to add items to your cart and securely complete the checkout process.
  • πŸ’³ Secure Payments with Stripe and MercadoPago: Ensure peace of mind with secure payment processing through trusted payment gateways like Stripe and MercadoPago.
  • πŸ›οΈ Personalized Product Recommendations: Receive tailored product recommendations based on your browsing history and preferences, enhancing your shopping experience.
  • πŸ‘€ User Account Management: Manage your account details, track order history, and update personal information effortlessly.
  • πŸ“± Social Media Integration: Share your favorite products with friends and followers on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • πŸ–₯️ Administration Panel: Empower administrators with a comprehensive panel to oversee and manage various aspects of the platform.

BackEnd Development

Our robust BackEnd infrastructure powers the platform's functionality, ensuring smooth operations and seamless integration of features. Key highlights include:

  • πŸš€ Scalable Architecture: Built on a scalable architecture to accommodate growing user demands and evolving business needs.
  • 🌐 RESTful APIs: Utilize RESTful APIs to facilitate communication between the FrontEnd and BackEnd, enabling seamless data exchange.
  • πŸ’Ύ Database Management: Employ efficient database management techniques to organize and store product, user, and order data securely.
  • πŸ’³ Payment Gateway Integration: Seamlessly integrate with Stripe and MercadoPago for secure and reliable payment processing, ensuring a hassle-free checkout experience.
  • πŸ”’ User Authentication and Authorization: Implement robust user authentication and authorization mechanisms to safeguard user data and restrict access to sensitive information.
  • πŸ›‘οΈ Data Security and Privacy: Prioritize data security and privacy by adhering to industry best practices and compliance standards to protect user information.
  • πŸš€ Performance Optimization: Continuously optimize BackEnd performance to ensure fast response times and a seamless user experience.
  • 🌐 Clustered MariaDB Galera: Leverage the power of clustered MariaDB Galera for high availability and fault tolerance, ensuring data consistency and reliability.
  • πŸ”‘ Redis Cluster: Utilize a Redis cluster for distributed caching and session management, improving performance and scalability.
  • πŸ“¦ MinIO Cluster: Deploy a MinIO cluster for scalable object storage, enabling efficient handling of multimedia content and large files.

Backoffice Administration

Our Angular-based backoffice provides administrators with powerful tools to efficiently manage the platform's operations. Key features include:

  • πŸ”’ Secure Administrator Login System: Implement a secure login system with multi-factor authentication and role-based access control to protect sensitive administrative functionalities.
  • πŸ“Š Comprehensive Product Management: Admins can add, edit, and delete products from the catalog, manage inventory, and update product details effortlessly.
  • πŸ“¦ Efficient Order Processing: Streamline order processing workflows by viewing, managing, and updating order statuses in real-time, ensuring timely fulfillment and delivery.
  • πŸ‘₯ User Account Management: Access detailed user profiles, handle account-related requests, and maintain user data integrity with ease.
  • 🎨 Intuitive Interface: Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface with customizable dashboards and data visualization tools for easy navigation and efficient management tasks.

BackEnd Technologies Used

Technology Description Logo
NestJS (Typescript) Backend framework for building scalable applications.
MariaDB Galera Cluster High availability and replication relational database.
Redis Cluster In-memory storage system for caching and session management.
Stripe Online payment platform for transaction processing.
MercadoPago Online payment and collections solution for ecommerce.
MinIO Cluster High-performance object storage for handling media and assets.
Swagger Documentation Automatically generated API documentation using Swagger.
HaProxy Load Balancer Load balancer for distributing traffic among backend services.

Backoffice Technologies Used

Technology Description Logo
Angular Frontend framework for creating dynamic user interfaces.
TypeScript Programming language for Angular application development.
Akita A Reactive State Management Tailored-Made for JS Applications
NG Zorro An enterprise-class Angular UI component library based on Ant Design, all components are open source and free to use under MIT license.

πŸ› οΈ Architecture Overview 🏰

NestJS (Typescript) πŸš€

NestJS was selected as the foundation of Shopaholic's backend due to its versatility, scalability, and robustness. With TypeScript support, NestJS ensures strong typing and enhanced tooling, leading to cleaner and more maintainable code. Its modular architecture facilitates seamless integration with other libraries and frameworks, making it an ideal choice for building sophisticated ecommerce applications like Shopaholic.

MariaDB Galera Cluster πŸ’Ώ

MariaDB Galera Cluster was chosen as Shopaholic's relational database management system for its high availability and replication capabilities. The Galera Cluster ensures data consistency and redundancy, crucial for ecommerce platforms where data integrity is paramount.

Redis Cluster πŸ”„

Redis Cluster is employed in Shopaholic for in-memory caching and session management, enhancing performance and scalability by reducing database load and response times.

Stripe πŸ’³

Stripe serves as Shopaholic's primary online payment platform, providing robust transaction processing capabilities and support for various payment methods to ensure secure and seamless transactions for customers.

MercadoPago πŸ’°

MercadoPago is integrated into Shopaholic to cater to customers preferring alternative payment methods. Its widespread adoption and popularity in Latin America make it an essential component for expanding Shopaholic's customer base.

MinIO Cluster πŸ“¦

MinIO Cluster serves as Shopaholic's high-performance object storage solution, enabling efficient storage and retrieval of media and assets. Its distributed architecture and compatibility with S3 API make it ideal for handling large volumes of multimedia content.

Angular πŸ…°οΈ

Angular powers Shopaholic's admin backoffice, providing a robust and feature-rich frontend framework for managing products, orders, and users. Angular's component-based architecture and two-way data binding simplify development and maintenance tasks, ensuring a seamless user experience for administrators.

Swagger Documentation πŸ“–

Swagger Documentation is utilized in Shopaholic to automatically generate comprehensive API documentation, streamlining development, testing, and collaboration efforts.

HaProxy Load Balancer πŸ”„

HaProxy Load Balancer is employed to distribute traffic evenly among backend services, ensuring high availability, fault tolerance, and scalability for Shopaholic, particularly during peak traffic periods.

Shopaholic Deployment Rake Tasks πŸš€

Welcome to the Shopaholic Rake tasks section! Here you'll find a collection of tasks tailored to streamline the development and deployment processes of the Shopaholic platform.

General Tasks

Task Description
shopaholic:login Authenticates with existing Docker credentials.
shopaholic:cleaning_environment_task Cleans the Docker environment by removing unused images and volumes.
shopaholic:status Displays the status of containers managed by Docker Compose.
shopaholic:deploy Deploys the Shopaholic platform containers and launches all services and daemons needed for proper functioning.
shopaholic:undeploy Undeploys the Shopaholic platform containers.
shopaholic:check_docker_task Checks the availability and version of Docker and Docker Compose.

MariaDB with Galera Cluster

Task Description
shopaholic:galera:start Starts the highly available MariaDB with Galera Cluster and HAProxy containers.
shopaholic:galera:stop Stops the highly available MariaDB with Galera Cluster and HAProxy containers.

MinIO Cluster

Task Description
shopaholic:minio:start Starts the MinIO cluster containers.
shopaholic:minio:stop Stops the MinIO cluster containers.

Redis Cluster

Task Description
shopaholic:redis:start Starts the Redis cluster containers.
shopaholic:redis:stop Stops the Redis cluster containers.

Platform Backend

Task Description
shopaholic:platform:backend:start Starts the Platform NodeJS containers for the backend.
shopaholic:platform:backend:stop Stops the Platform NodeJS containers for the backend.
shopaholic:platform:backend:build Builds the Docker image for the Platform NodeJS backend.
shopaholic:platform:backend:run_dev_server Runs the development server for the Platform NodeJS backend.

Platform Backoffice

Task Description
shopaholic:platform:backoffice:start Starts the Platform NodeJS containers for the backoffice.
shopaholic:platform:backoffice:stop Stops the Platform NodeJS containers for the backoffice.
shopaholic:platform:backoffice:build Builds the Docker image for the Platform backoffice.

Utils Functions

  • show_docker_version: Displays the version of Docker.
  • show_docker_compose_version: Displays the version of Docker Compose.
  • which: Finds an executable in the system's $PATH.

Containers Ports

In this table, you can view the ports assigned to each service for accessing web tools or other monitoring purposes.

Service Description Ports
mariadb_master_1 MariaDB Master 1 (No specific ports)
mariadb_master_2 MariaDB Master 2 (No specific ports)
mariadb_master_3 MariaDB Master 3 (No specific ports)
mariadb_slave_1 MariaDB Slave 1 (No specific ports)
mariadb_slave_2 MariaDB Slave 2 (No specific ports)
mariadb_slave_3 MariaDB Slave 3 (No specific ports)
mariadb_haproxy HAProxy for MariaDB Galera Cluster 8404:8404, 3306:3306, 3307:3307
mariadb_web_admin phpMyAdmin for MariaDB Galera Cluster 8081:80
minio1 MinIO Server 1 (No specific ports)
minio2 MinIO Server 2 (No specific ports)
minio-console MinIO Console 9001:9001, 9090:9090
minio_haproxy HAProxy for MinIO Servers 9000:9000, 1936:1936
redis-node-1 Redis Node 1 (No specific ports)
redis-node-2 Redis Node 2 (No specific ports)
redis-node-3 Redis Node 3 (No specific ports)
redis-node-4 Redis Node 4 (No specific ports)
redis-node-5 Redis Node 5 (No specific ports)
redis-node-6 Redis Node 6 (No specific ports)
redis-node-7 Redis Node 7 (No specific ports)
redis-node-8 Redis Node 8 (No specific ports)
redis_haproxy HAProxy for Redis Cluster 6379:6379, 6380:6380, 6381:6381, 6382:6382, 6383:6383, 6384:6384, 6385:6385, 6386:6386, 6390:6390
haproxy_backend HAProxy Load Balancer Proxy for Backend Services 9098:9090, 9199:9191
nestjs_service_1 NestJS Service 1 (No specific ports)
nestjs_service_2 NestJS Service 2 (No specific ports)
nestjs_service_3 NestJS Service 3 (No specific ports)
haproxy_backoffice HAProxy Load Balancer Proxy for Backoffice 9095:9090, 9198:9191
backoffice_1 Backoffice Service 1 (No specific ports)
backoffice_2 Backoffice Service 2 (No specific ports)
backoffice_3 Backoffice Service 3 (No specific ports)

Configuring Stripe for Payments

To enable payments in the application, it's necessary to configure a Stripe API key. This API key is used to authenticate requests made to the Stripe API and ensure the security of financial transactions.

Step 1: Configuring Checkout Success and Cancelled Endpoints

To properly process payments and manage success and cancellation cases, it's important to configure the checkout success and cancelled endpoints in your application. These endpoints should be configured correctly based on the IP, port, and domain of your server.

Below is an example of how the endpoint URLs could look:

  • Checkout Success URL: http://your_ip:your_port/api/v1/orders/:id/checkout/success?token=:token
  • Checkout Cancelled URL: http://your_ip:your_port/api/v1/orders/:id/checkout/cancelled?token=:token

Replace your_ip, your_port, and your_domain with the IP address, port, and domain of your server respectively.

Remember, these endpoints must be available and properly configured for Stripe to send notifications about the status of payments.

Step 2: Providing Stripe API Key

Ensure that you provide your Stripe API key in the application. You can set it up as follows:



Here are some screenshots showcasing the platform and backoffice:


Contributions to Shopaholic are highly encouraged! If you're interested in adding new features, resolving bugs, or enhancing the project's functionality, please feel free to submit pull requests.


Shopaholic is developed and maintained by Sergio SΓ‘nchez SΓ‘nchez (Dream Software). Special thanks to the open-source community and the contributors who have made this project possible. If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions, feel free to reach out at

Acknowledgements πŸ™

  • We express our deep appreciation to Freepik for generously providing the resources used in this project.
  • I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Jonathan Goyes for his invaluable contribution through his Udemy course on "Kotlin NestJS y MySQL: E-Commerce App MVVM + Jetpack + Room" (Course Link).

This course has provided me with essential knowledge and served as a pivotal starting point for the development of my project. Specifically, I am immensely grateful for the insights and expertise shared by Jonathan Goyes on NestJS, which have been instrumental in shaping my understanding and approach to building robust applications.

The comprehensive and well-structured content of the course has empowered me to apply advanced techniques and best practices in my project, enabling me to deliver high-quality solutions effectively.

Once again, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to Jonathan Goyes for his dedication to sharing knowledge and expertise, which has significantly contributed to my growth as a developer.

Thank you, Jonathan Goyes!

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πŸ›οΈ Shopaholic Ecommerce: Your Fashion Hub πŸŽ‰ powered by NestJS, Ensuring Secure Payments πŸ’³ and Personalized Experiences 🌟 for Modern Shopping.


Language:TypeScript 84.1%Language:HTML 11.0%Language:Ruby 1.6%Language:Shell 1.2%Language:SCSS 1.0%Language:JavaScript 0.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%Language:Less 0.2%