serg / cryos-website

Website for Cryos technologies !!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Project that use gulp, sass and hugo, started from 2 boilerplates (HTML5-Boilerplate + hugo-gulp-sass-boilerplate)



These should only be needed to be done the first you are setting up your site.


# clone the repo
git clone cryos
cd cryos


Install Hugo with Homebrew

brew update && brew install hugo


Install dependencies with NPM.

npm install

Starting the build process

When you are ready to start working all that is needed is a simple call to Gulp

#starts the build task and serves your site on a local server

This will start the build then serve your site at http://localhost:8000


Gulp is configured to use Browser Sync to help streamline your workflow. Any changes made to files in /layouts, /content, or /src/sass-materialize will cause Gulp to rebuild the site and refresh your view in the browser. This way you can see how your changes are impacting the view in real time.

All pages are already set up. If it is a main page (directly from the root, for example /trouver-une-clinique), you can find the html template in layouts/section. If it is a subpage (example /produits/cryoscan-3d), you can find in layouts/[parent-folder].

Please, create you're own branch, we'll push to master later. You probably know git workflow better than me, but let's keep the master as clean as possible and merge only when ready.

Static files

Images are already in static/img and are optimized. If you don't find the images you're looking for in your page folder, look into others since images were repeated and I didn't want to take space for nothing.

All the static files are in static/. You can find js there, don't add vendor for nothing. If you want to use and external library for a feature, let's discuss it. Speed is important :) Don't touch static/css/materialize.css directly, see next section


We're using sass to build materialize.css. You can see the reference files in src/sass-materialize. All the basic MaterializeCSS is inside /sass-materialize/components. The files for pages are in /sass-materialize/pages. You'll see there's also a file for common. If your page's .scss is not there, please create in /sass-materialize/pages well commented, and then forget to add @import "pages/[your-page]"; to the materialize.scss so that it builds properly.

Please have a look at the file /sass-materialize/components/variables.scss to see which variables you could use (especially for colors)

You'll be glad to know we're using font-awesome for icons :) You should need it a lot since there's not much icon. I'll maybe remove it and use just some icons if I see it's not needed.

Known error

Hugo needs to build prior to be served on the server. Sometime, build happen to slowly and content is server or browser is refreshed to quickly, you will get: Cannot Get /. Just refresh the browser again and it will work fine. If you prefer, just adjust de setTimeout in gulpfile.js, but you'll wait longer :)

Something, there's and error in the console on the gulp default task

      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: watch /Users/the2deux/Akia Marketing/Projets/Cryos/cryos-hugo/public/blogue ENOENT

Just redo the gulp command, should work... If you can debug, please feel free and teach me please :)

Gulp Tasks

Below is a short description of the tasks you can use with this boilerplate out of the box. They can be called with the following syntax

gulp <task name>

Feel free to tweak the gulpfile to your liking.

  • Clean - Deletes all files and subdirectories from /public.

  • Styles - Compiles your Sass into /static/css.

  • Hugo - Calls Hugo to generate your site. Files will be output to /public.

  • Build - Calls Clean, Styles and Hugo in that order.

  • Server - Starts a local server, opens your default browser, and serves /public at http://localhost:8000.


I'm using Netlify to deploy. When there's a push to the master, website is automatically rebuilt. Haven't tried with the branches yet, I'm curious to know what will happen when we push to branch OR when we merge branch to master.

What you need to know about this repo

-All authors are in the config.toml and can be used in templates by using the variable $author only if you set it in the template {{$author := index .Site.Params.authors ( }} -All locations are in data/locations, one file per location -All articles are in content, directly in the root since we want them routed to the root -I'm using jquery.storelocator for the page "Trouver une clinique". You can see the settings in the Github repo. The template files used to build the plugin are in static/templates/ -I'm minifying the css before putting it in static/css with the gulp-clean-css module

How can I modify a page?


The multilingual blog is not set up completely. You need to check all href to make sure it links to the proper language.


Website for Cryos technologies !!


Language:SCSS 52.1%Language:HTML 43.7%Language:JavaScript 4.2%Language:CSS 0.0%