serg-io / backbone-sdb

Server side Backbone.js sync implementation for SimpleDB.

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Server side Backbone.js sync implementation for SimpleDB.


Execute the following command at the root of your project:

npm install backbone-sdb

Backbone.SDB.setCredentials(accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, awsSecurityToken)

Sets up the AWS access key id, secret access key, and the optional security token. If you don't manually call this method, it would automatically attempt to get the credentials from environment variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) or from the EC2 IAM Role credentials.


Use this method to manually specify the AWS region to use. If you don't manually call this method it would attempt to get the region from the AWS_REGION environment variable or use the default region: us-east-1.


extend(properties, classProperties)

The extend() method is the same as the original Backbone.Model.extend() method with the following exceptions/additions:


  • idAttribute: Specifies the name of the attribute that is the itemName. The default value is id. If the id hasn't been set when calling save(), an UUID is generated and set as the id.
  • urlRoot: If no classProperties.domainName is given, the value of urlRoot is used to determine the name of the domain. First, the '/' at the beginning, if any, is removed, then the first character is switched to upper case. For instance: if urlRoot is '/users', the domain name is 'Users'.


  • domainName: The name of the SimpleDB domain to use.
  • schema: An object specifying the schema, and rules, for attributes within this model. Even though SimpleDB is a schema-less data store, setting an schema provides the following advantages:
    • Numbers: It automatically encodes numbers when storing them and decodes them when reading them back from SimpleDB following Amazon's recommendations for storing numeric data in SimpleDB.
    • Dates: It encodes dates into ISO 8601 strings when storing them, and decodes them back to Date instances when reading them from SimpleDB.
    • Queries: Values are automatically encoded when making queries. This makes a very easy and seamless way of querying data in SimpleDB without the need of encoding the values in the SelectExpression.
    • Validation: The validate() method is use to verify that attributes follow the specified schema. Failed validations trigger an error event.
    • Additional attributes: You can still add attributes and store them in SimpleDB even if they're not specified in the schema. These attributes are encoded using JSON.stringify() when storing them and decoded using JSON.parse() when fetching them from SimpleDB.


Each attribute in the schema must be in the following format:

attributeName: attributeSchema|[attributeSchema]

[attributeSchema] means that the attribute is an array (a multi-value attribute in SimpleDB). attributeName is the name of the attribute and attributeSchema follows these rules:

attributeSchema: type|details
type: String|Boolean|Number|Date
details: {type: String|Boolean|Number|Date [,default: defaultValue][,onUpdate: updateValue][, enum: [values]][, nullable: true|false]}
// Additional details can be set, depending on the type
  • default: Specifies the attribute's default value.
  • onUpdate: Every time the save() method is called, this attributes is set to this update value.
  • enum: An array that specifies the attribute's allowable values.
  • nullable: Specifies if the attribute can be null. Default is true.

Important note: null values are stored in SimpleDB as a string with the word null in it: 'null'

schema can also be a function that returns an object. This is useful if you want default and/or onUpdate to be dynamic values. For instance:

schema: function() {
	return {
		createdOn: {type: Date, default: new Date()},
		lastModified: {type: Date, default: new Date(), onUpdate: new Date()}

String Attributes

You can specify the following attributeSchema details for String attributes:

  • minLength: Specifies the minimum length of the string. Must be an integer and can't be less than 0 or greater than 1024. Default is 0.
  • maxLength: Specifies the maximum length of the string. Must be an integer and can't be less than 0 or greater than 1024. Default is 1024.
  • trim: It trims the string when the attribute is set.
  • lowercase: It converts the string to lower case when the attribute is set.
  • uppercase: It converts the string to upper case when the attribute is set.
  • match: A regular expression. The string must pass the regular expression test.

Number Attributes

You can specify the following attributeSchema details for Number attributes:

  • min: Specifies the minimum allowable value (inclusive) for this number. Default is 0.
  • max: Specifies the maximum allowable value (inclusive) for this number. Default is 9999999999.
  • precision: Specifies the number of precision digits. In other words, the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. If this is not set, or if it's 0, this attribute is stored as an integer.
  • length: Specifies the maximum number of digits to the left of the decimal point, or the maximum number of digits if the number is an integer (if no precision is given). If length is not set but max is set, length is the number of digits in the result from this operation: Math.floor(max + Math.abs(min)). Default is 10 (if max is not set).

Date Attributes

You can specify the following attributeSchema details for Date attributes:

  • min: Specifies the minimum allowable date (inclusive) for this attribute.
  • max: Specifies the maximum allowable date (inclusive) for this attribute.

Boolean Attributes

Boolean attributes have not additional details that can be set in the attributeSchema. Boolean attributes can be true, false, or null if nullable is not set to false.

Array Attributes

You can specify the following attributeSchema details if you surround put the attributeSchema inside an array, like so attributeName: [attributeSchema], which means that the attribute is an array (a multi-value attribute in SimpleDB).

  • minSize: Specifies the minimum number of elements for the array. Must be an integer no less than 0 but no greater than 256. Default is 0.
  • maxSize: Specifies the maximum number of elements for the array. Must be an integer no less than 0 but no greater than 256. Default is 256.


extend(properties, [classProperties])

The extend() method is the same as the original Backbone.Collection.extend() method with exception:

  • properties.url: If the collection's model doesn't have a domainName the value of url is used to determine the name of the domain. First, the '/' at the beginning, if any, is removed, then the first character is switched to upper case. For instance: if url is '/users', the domain name is 'Users'.

save, destroy, fetch, and their callbacks

The following applies to both Backbone.SDB.Model and Backbone.SDB.Collection


When calling save(attributes, options), destroy(options), or fetch(options) the SimpleDB request is automatically generated. You can extend this request using the options.sdb. For instance, you can set the SimpleDB ConsistentRead option:

	sdb: {
		ConsistentRead: true
	// Other options here

SimpleDB Response

The SimpleDB response is provided to the success(model, response), error(model, response), and complete(model, response) callbacks in response.sdb.


Similar to the context setting in jQuery.ajax, setting the options.context when calling save(attributes, options), destroy(options), or fetch(options), will make all callbacks to be called within the given context. In other words, the value of this, within the callbacks, will be the given options.context.

complete(model, response)

The options.complete callback, if specified, is called after either options.success or options.error has been called.

query(query, options)

The query method is a static method available in the constructor functions for your models and collections and it is used to send Select requests to SimpleDB in which the SelectExpression is automatically generated from the given query and options arguments. It also automatically encodes any Number and Date attributes if they're part of the model's schema.

Collection.query() creates an instance of the collection, with all the returned models that satisfy the query argument, and would provide that instance to the callbacks set in options. If the query did not return any results, an empty collection instance (a collection instance with no models) is provided to the callbacks.

Model.query() adds LIMIT 1 to the SelectExpression. It creates an instance of the model using the attributes returned from the request, and provides that model to the callbacks set in the options argument.

The query argument

The query argument is an object from which the SelectExpression is built.


The following is a list of available operators and their meaning.

  • $eq translates into =: Equals operator.
  • $ne translates into !=: Not equals operator.
  • $lt translates into <: Less than operator.
  • $lte translates into <=: Less than or equal operator.
  • $gt translates into >: Greater than operator.
  • $gte translates into >=: Greater than or equal operator.
  • $like translates into LIKE: Like operator.
  • $notlike translates into NOT LIKE: Not like operator
  • $in translates into IN (<values>): In operator. This must be an array.
  • $between translates into BETWEEN <value> AND <value>: Between operator. This must be an array containing only two values.
  • $not translates into NOT (<expression>): Not operator. This must be an expression object.
  • $isnull: If true, it translates into `name` = "null". If false, it translates into `name` != "null". This is because null values are store in SimpleDB as 'null'.
  • $isundefined: If true it translates into `name` IS NULL. If false it translates into `name` IS NOT NULL.
  • $intersection: The intersection operator. Must be an array of 2 expression objects.
  • $and: Joins an array of 2 or more expression objects with the AND operator.
  • $or: Joins an array of 2 or more expression objects with the OR operator.

The $eq operator is used by default if no operator is specified in an expression.

The options argument

You can set the following options when calling the query method.

  • orderBy: The name of the attribute to use to sort the results.
  • order: The order of the result, when an orderBy value is given. Can be 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
  • limit: Limit the number of results.
  • sdb: Extend the request by passing SimpleDB options (for instance, ConsistentRead).
  • success, error, and complete callbacks. When calling Model.query these callbacks take (model, response) as arguments. When calling Collection.query() these callbacks take (collection, response) as arguments.

Collection.count(query, options)

The count method available as a static method in collection constructor functions can be use to send SELECT COUNT(*)... queries to SimpleDB. It works exactly the same as the query method with the exception that the callback functions take (countResult, response) as arguments, where countResult is an integer representing the number of models that satisfy the given query expression object.


var Backbone = require('backbone-sdb');

var Client = Backbone.SDB.Model.extend({
	urlRoot: '/clients', // Domain name: 'Clients'
	idAttribute: 'clientId' // clientId is the itemName
}, {
	schema: function() {
		return {
			// The idAttribute is a `String` by default, but it could be Number or Date
			clientId:		String, // Optional
			firstName:		String,
			lastName:		String,
			middleInitial:	{type: String, maxLength: 1},
			email:			{
				type: String,
				trim: true,
				lowercase: true,
				match: /^[_A-Za-z0-9-]+(\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9]+)*(\.[A-Za-z]{2,})$/
			age:			{type: Number, min: 18, length: 3},
			favoriteColors:	[String],
			latitude:		{type: Number, min: -90, max: 90, precision: 6},
			longitude:		{type: Number, min: -180, max: 180, precision: 6},
			newsletter:		Boolean,
			createdOn:		{type: Date, default: new Date()}
var Clients = Backbone.SDB.Collection.extend({
	url: '/clients',
	model: Client

new Client({
	firstName: 'John',
	lastName: 'Doe',
	middleInitial: 'H',
	email: '',
	age: 34,
	favoriteColors: ['blue', 'yellow', 'brown', 'blue', 'pink'], // Only one 'blue' is stored in SimpleDB
	latitude: -50.061028,
	longitude: 85.945632,
	newsletter: true
	// createdOn is set to new Date(), the default value
}).save({}, {
	success: function(client, response) {
		// All attributes are stored in SimpleDB in their encoded form

		// An UUID string is automatically set as the clientId, which is the model's id

		new Client({clientId:}).fetch({
			sdb: {
				ConsistentRead: true
			success: function(fetchedClient, response) {
				// All attributes are decoded when reading them from SimpleDB

// Get all clients that have 'Jane' as their firstName and 'Smith' as their lastName
// Generated SelectExpression: SELECT * FROM `Clients` WHERE `firstName` = "Jane" AND `lastName` = "Smith"
	firstName: 'Jane', // This is the same as `firstName: {$eq: 'Jane'}`
	lastName: 'Smith'
}, {
	sdb: {
		ConsistentRead: true
	success: function(clients, response) {
	// Other options

// This is the same as the previous query
// Generated SelectExpression: SELECT * FROM `Clients` WHERE `firstName` = "Jane" AND `lastName` = "Smith"
	$and: [
		{firstName: {$eq: 'Jane'}},
		{lastName: {$eq: 'Smith'}}
}, {/* options */});

// Generated SelectExpression: SELECT * FROM `Clients` WHERE NOT (`firstName` = "Jane" AND `lastName` = "Smith")
	$not: {
		firstName: 'Jane',
		lastName: 'Smith'
}, {/* options */});

// Generated SelectExpression: SELECT * FROM `Clients` WHERE `favoriteColors` = "blue" intersection `favoriteColors` = "brown"
	$intersection: [
		{favoriteColors: 'blue'},
		{favoriteColors: 'brown'}
}, {/* options */});

// An offset, specified in the schema as `min`, is applied to numbers. Numbers are also zero padded.
// Generated SelectExpression: SELECT * FROM `Clients` WHERE `age` BETWEEN "043" AND "048"
	age: {$between: [25, 30]}
}, {/* options */});

// $between is inclusive
// Generated SelectExpression: SELECT * FROM `Clients` WHERE `latitude` BETWEEN "040.000000" AND "041.000000" AND `longitude` BETWEEN "265.000000" AND "266.000000"
	latitude: {$between: [-50, -49]},
	longitude: {$between: [85, 86]}
}, {/* options */});

// Exclusive query.
// Generated SelectExpression: SELECT * FROM `Clients` WHERE `latitude` > "040.000000" AND `latitude` < "041.000000" AND `longitude` > "265.000000" AND `longitude` < "266.000000"
	$and: [
		{latitude: {$gt: -50}},
		{latitude: {$lt: -49}},
		{longitude: {$gt: 85}},
		{longitude: {$lt: 86}}
}, {/* options */});

// Generated SelectExpression: SELECT * FROM `Clients` WHERE `age` IN ("058","068","078")
	age: {$in: [40, 50, 60]}
}, {/* options */});

// Generated SelectExpression: SELECT * FROM `Clients` WHERE `middleInitial` IS NULL
	middleInitial: {$isundefined: true}
}, {/* options */});

// Generated SelectExpression: SELECT * FROM `Clients` WHERE `middleInitial` != "null"
	middleInitial: {$isnull: false}
}, {/* options */});

// Retrieve clients where favoriteColors is ONLY 'blue' or 'yellow' or BOTH
// Generated SelectExpression: SELECT * FROM `Clients` WHERE EVERY(`favoriteColors`) IN ("blue","yellow")
	favoriteColors: {$every: {$in: ['blue', 'yellow']}}
}, {/* options */});

// Count the number of clients that are subscribed to the newsletter
// Generated SelectExpression: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Clients` WHERE `newsletter` = "true"
	newsletter: true
}, {
	sdb: {
		ConsistentRead: true
	success: function(count, response) {
		console.log(count + ' clients subscribed to the newsletter');

// Count all clients created in the month of January 2012, local time (PDT)
// Inclusive query
// Generated SelectExpression: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Clients` WHERE `createdOn` BETWEEN "2012-01-01T08:00:00.000Z" AND "2012-02-01T07:59:59.999Z"
	createdOn: {$between: [new Date(2012, 0, 1), new Date(2012, 0, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999)]}
}, {
	success: function(count, response) {
		console.log(count + ' clients were created in the month of January 2012');

// Count all clients created in the month of January 2012 (UTC)
// Generated SelectExpression: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Clients` WHERE `createdOn` >= "2012-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" AND `createdOn` < "2012-02-01T00:00:00.000Z"
	$and: [
		{createdOn: {$gte: new Date('01 January 2012 UTC')}},
		{createdOn: {$lt: new Date('01 February 2012 UTC')}}
}, {/* options */});

// Query for only 1 client with '' as his email address
// It automatically adds 'LIMIT 1', since it's the query method of the model constructor (not the collection)
// Generated SelectExpression: SELECT * FROM `Clients` WHERE `email` = "" LIMIT 1
	email: ''
}, {
	success: function(client, response) {
	error: function(client, error) {
		// If client wasn't found, error.code = 'NotFound'


Server side Backbone.js sync implementation for SimpleDB.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%