serenity-js / seed-mocha

A starting point for your Serenity/JS and Mocha projects!

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comserenity-js/seed-mochaRepository from Github https://github.comserenity-js/seed-mocha

This project has been deprecated

This project used to help you get started with Serenity/JS 1.x, which is no longer maintained.

If you'd like to migrate your existing Serenity/JS 1.x test suite to version 2.x of the framework, please follow the official upgrade guide.

To start a fresh Serenity/JS 2.x project, please use the serenity-js-jasmine-protractor-template.

Serenity/JS Mocha seed

You can use this repository as a starting point for your Serenity/JS and Mocha projects. Clone and enjoy!

To learn more about Serenity/JS, check out


To use this project you'll need:


npm install   - Installs the dependencies
npm test      - Runs the tests and creates a test execution report
                (it will also download WebDriver and the Serenity BDD CLI jar for you)
npm run clean - cleans the target/ directory, where the reports are generated                     

Your feedback matters!

Do you find this project useful? Give it a star! ★

Found a bug? Need a feature? Raise an issue or submit a pull request.

Have feedback? Let me know on twitter: @JanMolak


A starting point for your Serenity/JS and Mocha projects!

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:TypeScript 70.6%Language:JavaScript 29.4%