serbayacar / sos-report

Get your system reports using the sosreport for the latest Linux distros. (as an Ansible role)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Get your system reports using the sosreport for the latest released Linux distros.


Before playing this role, the current Ansible 2.9+ software must be installed on your system.

For Ubuntu/Debian,

sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install ansible

For RedHat/CentOS,

sudo yum update
sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install

If you need a more comprehensive explanation for the installation or if you are using an operating system other than the operating systems listed above, please review official documentation.

* There are no extra requirements other than the Ansible.

To Run Role

You install this role with using ansible-galaxy,

ansible-galaxy install serbayacar.sos_report

Or just clone this repo with using git,

git clone

After you have successfully get the relevant role, you must change your default variables (see defaults/main.yml) for the role and the remote hosts information (see tests/inventory).

Once you've made sure you've made all your changes, just play your playbook!

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

Generic view,

# sosreport output to?
tmp_dir: /tmp/
fetch_to: /tmp/

# sosreport command variables
ticket_number: 1001
costumer: 'test'

# Specify modules which are used while reporting (comma seperated)
  - module1
  - module2

1# Sosreport command to which directory you want to output your system reports on the remote computer (default /tmp/).

tmp_dir: /tmp/

2# After the reporting process is finished, in which directory you want to save the reports on your local computer ( default /tmp/)

fetch_to: /tmp/

3# Sosreport uses customer or customizable report number features while generating reports.

ticket_number: 1001
costumer: 'test'

4# Which modules do you want sos-report to use while reporting? (comma separated)

  - module1
  - module2 

Example Playbook

An existing test role listed below. You can find in tests/tests.yml

- hosts: servers
  gather_facts: yes
     - sos-report




Get your system reports using the sosreport for the latest Linux distros. (as an Ansible role)

License:MIT License